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段锦云  魏秋江 《心理学报》2012,44(7):972-985
作为一种组织促进性行为, 员工建言在知识经济时代对组织的作用日益显著。学界从多角度探讨了建言的发生机制, 然而从认知的视角的研究则较为缺乏。本研究从社会认知理论视角, 构建了建言效能感结构(研究一), 并探索了建言效能感在建言行为发生中的作用(研究二)。研究一从长三角地区企业的26名基层员工中提取建言效能感关键事件, 编制初始问卷, 通过对188个样本的探索性因子分析及对另188个样本的验证性因子分析, 探索并验证了建言效能感的结构及其量表; 研究二通过对401份“员工-上级”配对样本的问卷研究显示, 一般自我效能感对建言行为有着正向影响, 且建言效能感在其中起着中介作用, 工作可得性缓冲调节建言效能感与建言行为之间的关系。  相似文献   
Using a habituation/dishabituation procedure, near-term foetuses (36-39 weeks gestational age) were tested in a low variability HR state, to examine whether they could discriminate between a male and a female voice repeatedly uttering the same short sentence. Prosody and loudness of the two voices were controlled. Once the foetal heart rate (HR) habituated to the first voice, the effect of a second voice was investigated in two experimental conditions: male/female voice and female/male voice. HR variations after the onset of the second voice were compared to those occurring in two control conditions in which the same voice was presented twice (male/female voice and female/female voice). Highly conservative statistical criteria taking each subject's pre-stimulus HR variability into account showed that most foetuses exposed to the voice change displayed decelerative cardiac changes, with no significant difference between the two conditions. These HR decelerations were found in the first seconds following the onset of the new voice, and reached their peak amplitude within 10 s in most subjects. These responses lasted more than 10 s for two-thirds of the experimental subjects. Mostly transient HR accelerations and only a few decelerative changes were recorded in the control subjects. Furthermore, mean amplitudes of these changes were significantly lower than the HR decelerations induced by the new voice in the experimental conditions, suggesting that the latter were not spontaneous HR modifications but rather cardiac responses to the voice change. It is argued that near-term foetuses may perceive a difference between voice characteristics of two speakers when they are highly contrasted for fundamental frequency and timbre.  相似文献   
《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(2):330-345
This study investigated the associations between momentary emotion dynamics and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Using a sample of 61 couples (N = 122 individuals) in which all individuals were trauma exposed and at least one partner screened positive for PTSD, we examined the intra- and interpersonal regulation of vocally encoded emotional arousal (fundamental frequency [f0]) and how these momentary emotion regulatory patterns relate to specific PTSD symptoms during two couple conversations: one designed to elicit conflict and one to elicit intimacy. PTSD symptoms were assessed using a gold standard clinical interview. In both conversations, higher reexperiencing symptoms were associated with greater emotional inertia (i.e., more resistance to change in emotional state following deviation from one’s emotional equilibrium), and higher avoidance symptoms were associated with less emotional inertia (i.e., quicker return to emotional equilibrium). In the intimacy conversations, individuals also responded to their partners’ arousal. Furthermore, individuals whose partners exhibited higher emotional numbing symptoms exhibited more emotional inertia, suggesting that emotion regulation may be a function of both one’s own and one’s partner’s PTSD symptoms. Attending to the interpersonal context of emotion dynamics during PTSD treatment may enhance outcomes.  相似文献   
李方君  钟旭朋 《心理科学进展》2020,28(11):1939-1952
本文系统地回顾了促进型和抑制型建言在前因与后果上的差异。这些差异的理论基础包括计划行为理论、调节焦点理论、目标导向理论、社会期望理论、资源保存理论、归因理论、自我损耗理论、认知评价理论以及情感事件理论。与理论相对应, 两类建言前因的差异体现在建言者特质(如人格、动机)、领导风格与行为、领导成员交换和组织层面的因素(如组织政治、组织公平)等方面; 后果的差异体现在建言者工作态度与行为(如绩效、工作满意度)、领导建言采纳和团队绩效等方面。未来可能的研究方向包括:探讨两类建言在团队中的共存、两类建言的文化差异等。  相似文献   
杨国春  伍海燕  齐玥  刘勋 《心理科学进展》2020,28(12):2008-2017
性别信息是人类重要的生物和社会属性, 对性别快速而准确的识别对人类的生存和繁衍具有重要意义。人类的性别加工具有自动化、刻板化以及不对称性等特点, 并受性别加工主体、其他性别信息、社会类别信息以及高级认知调节的影响。聚焦于面孔和声音这两个性别信息的主要来源, 综述了性别加工的行为和神经机制研究, 并提出了两阶段性别加工模型, 早期阶段为对性别信息物理属性的特异性加工, 晚期阶段为对抽象性别信息的一般性加工。未来的研究可以重点关注性别加工的系统性研究、性别分类和机器学习、以及性别的二相性问题等方面。  相似文献   
嗓音源判断过程中的范畴效应和通道效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨志新 《心理学报》2001,34(4):41-45
该项研究通过设计4种实验条件,旨在探讨不同嗓音词的再认和嗓音判断过程各自的特点及其相互联系。4种实验条件是由2种诵读方式和2种测试方式组合而成,2种诵读方式为同范畴同嗓音和同范畴异嗓音,2种测试方式为视觉呈现和听觉呈现。52名大学生被试随机分成4个独立的组,分别接受一种实验处理。实验结果显示:(1)同范畴同嗓音条件与同范畴异嗓音条件相比,前者项目词的嗓音源判断效果好。提示增加相同记忆源项目间语义联系将有利于记忆源的检测判断。(2)项目再认与项目嗓音判断结果不完全一致,只有在诵读方式为同范畴同嗓音测试方式为听觉呈现情境下,两者有较高的正相关。(3)在同范畴同嗓音诵读条件下,再认反映出学习和测试通道源一致性优势效应,嗓音判断没有反映出通道源一致性优势效应。  相似文献   
《告别中医中药》一文的立论和方法是不可取的;《告别中医中药》一文的四点论据还需商榷,《告别中医中药》一文与党的中医政策和构建社会主义和谐社会有着不和谐的声音.中医和西医与其他自然科学一样在各自起作用的范围内存在和发展.  相似文献   
消费者抱怨行为的比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
申跃  赵平 《心理学报》2005,37(3):397-402
不满意购买发生以后,消费者可能采取的抱怨方式并不相同。通过对冰箱、空调和洗衣机行业2966位消费者的问卷调查,采用单因素多变量方差分析方法对消费者抱怨行为进行比较研究,发现直接抱怨的消费者在品牌形象感知、满意度和再次购买倾向上都显著地高于负面口碑和沉默抵制的消费者。继而,运用认知心理学理论对抱怨行为方式的选择及影响进行解释,并指出企业应该鼓励消费者进行直接抱怨。  相似文献   
人们会根据陌生人的面孔线索或语音线索迅速地对其人格特质进行主观推断而形成第一印象。面孔-人格知觉第一印象和语音-人格知觉第一印象在维度结构和内在机制上具有相似性;在对具体人格特质和维度的敏感性,以及具体的认知机制方面又具有各自的特异性。未来研究可以基于同一批被知觉者开展面孔-人格知觉第一印象和语音-人格知觉第一印象的直接比较,并着力探究二者的过程特点,以及人格知觉第一印象形成时面孔和语音知觉的跨模态整合效应。  相似文献   
人声是人类听觉环境中最熟知和重要的声音, 传递着大量社会相关信息。与视觉人脸加工类似, 大脑对人声也有着特异性加工。研究者使用电生理、脑成像等手段找到了对人声有特异性反应的脑区, 即颞叶人声加工区(TVA), 并发现非人类动物也有类似的特异性加工区域。人声加工主要涉及言语、情绪和身份信息的加工, 分别对应于三条既相互独立又相互作用的神经通路。研究者提出了双通路模型、多阶段模型和整合模型分别对人声的言语、情绪和身份加工进行解释。未来研究需要进一步讨论人声加工的特异性能否由特定声学特征的选择性加工来解释, 并深入探究特殊人群(如自闭症和精神分裂症患者)的人声加工的神经机制。  相似文献   
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