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This qualitative study explores counsellors’ experiences and perceptions of how counselling supervision impacts upon their clients. Data collection combined open‐ended questionnaires (n = 13) and semi‐structured interviews (n = 6). The findings indicate that supervision impacts client work both helpfully and unhelpfully. Areas that emerged as having the most direct impact on client work were the counselling relationship dynamics and self‐awareness, professional development, emotional support, clients not discussed in supervision and the quality of the supervisory relationship. Congruence and confidence were the most direct link between supervision and client work.  相似文献   
The psychoanalyst needs to be in touch with a community of colleagues; he needs to feel part of a group with which he can share cognitive tension and therapeutic knowledge. Yet group ties are an aspect we analysts seldom discuss. The author defi nes the analyst's ‘professional novel’ as the emotional vicissitudes with the group that have marked the professional itinerary of every analyst; his relationship with institutions and with theories, and the emotional nuance of these relationships. The analyst's professional novel is the narrative elaboration of his professional autobiography. It is capable of transforming the individual's need to belong and the paths of identifi cation and deidentifi cation. Experience of the oedipal confi guration allows the analyst to begin psychic work aimed at gaining spaces of separateness in his relationship with the group. This passage is marked by the work on mourning that separation involves, but also of mourning implicit in the awareness of the representative limits of our theories. Right from the start of analysis, the patient observes the emotional nuance of the analyst's connection to his group and theories; the patient notices how much this connection is governed by rigid needs to belong, and how much freedom of thought and exploration it allows the analyst. The author uses clinical examples to illustrate these hypotheses.  相似文献   
A national survey of American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Approved Supervisors found statistically significant bivariate relationships between their annual income in 1999 and their gender, professional identity, supervision setting, and geographic locale. Race, community size, and years of clinical experience were not significantly related to income statistically. Moreover, only gender was statistically significant upon a sequential logistic regression of these variables relative to an income of greater or less than $50,000 a year.  相似文献   
A critique of present-day isolation of psychoanalytic institutes and of their lack of emphasis on research and scientific development is followed with concrete proposals for reorienting psychoanalytic education toward university settings, with the ultimate purpose of bringing together psychoanalytic theory and scientific contributions with the contemporary contributions of neurobiological science and the humanities. Efforts already under way in this direction and practical recommendations for further steps to integrate psychoanalytic education and research within university settings are outlined.  相似文献   
We are interested in factors which can incite nurses to abandon their profession. In this frame, job satisfaction appears as a major explanatory factor, depending on the status granted to nurses’ “own role”. Besides, several studies show the importance of values concerning job satisfaction. Then, and in reference to the concept of professional representations, we consider that nurses’ job satisfaction depends on the importance of the own role in the representation of their function, all the more that Autonomy values are essential for them. A study, realized with regis tered and student nurses, confirm this approach, so underlining the crucial role of these values for the job satisfaction of nurses.  相似文献   
There is little controlled research on the impact of supervisor training on supervision. The current study examined the effects of supervision training in a sample of 46 supervisor–supervisee pairs of mental health practitioners. It compared Immediate 2‐day workshop training of the pair, a wait‐list control in which workshop training was delayed 3 months, and a condition in which supervisors were trained 3 months before their partners (Split). Benefits of Immediate training were restricted to supervisors reporting fully specified agreements, and to reduction of some perceived problems. Self‐efficacy in providing effective supervision fell in the Split condition, relative to the other conditions. Across conditions in general there was a fall from baseline to post‐test assessment in the proportion of sessions where recommended supervision strategies were used, perhaps partly because the controlled trial extended across the summer vacation period. Results are consistent with other observations of the limited impact of workshop training on practice.  相似文献   
处于十字路口的医药代表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐明医药代表的几种含义,分析目前国内医药代表的几种类型,医药代表应该是正当和高尚的职业,是传递医药信息的重要桥梁。而现实中的医药代表却变质了,催生了药品回扣、“一药多名”等现象,影响科研诚信,最终损害病人利益。从建议尽快出台医药代表认证制度、加强行业自律,以及完善立法等方面规范医药代表这一职业。  相似文献   
关于“职业医闹”现象的法律思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医疗纠纷中患方放弃法律途径而选择雇请“职业医闹”的非法律途径维权的现象日益普遍,严重扰乱了医疗秩序,进一步激化了医患矛盾。鉴于此,拟通过从法律层面上深入分析“职业医闹”产生的根本原因,积极寻求根治“职业医闹”的法律对策,以让患方维权回归法律途径。  相似文献   
The Code of Ethics (COE) of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) was adopted in 1992. In 2004, the NSGC leadership appointed the Code of Ethics Work Group (COEWG) to consider revisions to the NSGC COE based on advice from the NSGC legal counsel, and to consider additional changes given growth in the scope of genetic counseling practice since the adoption of the original COE. After input from the NSGC membership, changes to the COE addressing the recommendations of the NSGC legal counsel were approved in December 2004. The COEWG then reviewed ethical codes and codes of professional conduct from 22 professional organizations, deemed to have similar goals and philosophies to the NSGC, searching for themes that encompassed genetic counseling practice that might not yet be addressed in the NSGC COE. Additional revisions to the COE were proposed, and after feedback from the NSGC membership, the revised COE was approved in January 2006 by majority vote of full members of the NSGC. The explications for the 2004 and 2006 revisions are presented.  相似文献   
香港的医疗制度由一个"二元医疗体系"组成,在体制模式、融资制度及服务规管三方面的安排都有其独特之处,为香港七百多万人提供了一个全民医疗安全网,能够达到公平、有效、可及性高及质素佳的要求。但是这个医疗系统也存在不少问题和隐忧,需要有效的改革,包括管治、管理、服务安排和融资模式改革等。  相似文献   
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