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By Pilgrim W.K. LO 《Dialog》2009,48(2):168-178
Abstract :  There is no doubt in the Christian tradition that humans are created in the image of God, which establishes the fundamental difference between humans and animals. However, problems concerning differences between humans have become more serious in theological discussions today with regard to human dignity. While theologians of the West argue for recognition of and respect for human dignity for every individual human being through legislation in the political system, one must not overlook the fact that in China, the emphasis of Confucian anthropology on the cultivation of moral personality is of vital importance for the practice and domination of politicians.  相似文献   
中国传统儒家责任心理思想探究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
任亚辉 《心理学报》2008,40(11):1221-1228
与西方个人主义文化背景下建构的责任心理观不同,传统儒家以“天人合契”思想为主旨,强调在关系伦理的价值体系中探求责任心理的现实定位,从而形成了一种以朴素的血缘亲情为基础,以“孝悌”为核心,外推“礼义”以至人类社会与自然的责任心理观。它视“民胞物与”的仁爱精神、“敬德保民”的王道信念、“心忧天下”的忧患意识为核心内容,主张以个人为起点,经由“诚”“敬”的主观修养、“知行合一”的力行实践,并辅以外在刑罚约戒,达致“克己让人”的为他责任人格。责任心理思想是传统儒家学说“上本天道、下理人情”,融贯道德理想于人伦日用的中心环节  相似文献   
Liu Qingping 《Dao》2007,6(1):1-19
Confucianism advocates the lofty moral ideal of “humane love” (ren ai 仁愛) and condemns immoral actions. Strangely enough, however, Mencius, a “paradigmatic Confucian intellectual” who believed that “a true man cannot be corrupted by wealth, subdued by power, or affected by poverty” (Tu 1989a: 15), highly commended such typically corrupt actions as bending the law for the benefit of relatives or appointing people by mere nepotism when he talked about Shun 舜 in the text of the Mencius. In the first four sections of this article, I will address the issue of how Confucianism encourages a special kind of corruption through its fundamentally consanguineous affection. Then, in the remaining sections, I will try to respond to some criticisms of my views by a few Chinese scholars.  相似文献   
本文反对王弼以老庄思想解释<周易>这一传统观点,因为他除了用老庄道家思想解释<周易>之外,王弼也运用儒家思想来解释<周易>,而且运用儒家思想解释的内容大于运用道家思想解释的内容.本文分析了王弼为何同时运用儒家和道家思想解易的原因,并提出<周易注>的绝大多数内容是以<易传>的思想和汉代的注易方法来解释<周易>.  相似文献   
论文分”四圣同吉说”、“忠恕一贯论”、“迁善改过说”三部分,详细论证了清代著名易学家焦循“假卜筮而行教”的易学观。论文指出一、焦循认为元、亨、利、贞为易学之本。是“(?)、文、周、孔”四位圣人思想的核心,同时也是焦循本人追求的四个道德理想。二、焦循研究易学,旨在恢复儒家仁义道德的正统地位.以儒家的理论排斥宋儒的义理之学,将自己的道德学说融入易学之中。三、焦循将易学的变通思想概括为一个“迁普改过”的过程,那么就必须透过《周易》的占卜形式来发挥教化人的作用。因此,焦循的迁善改过说客观上仍是以儒家的伦理观念作为其思想基础的。  相似文献   
Marc R. Dupuis 《Zygon》1989,24(4):437-445
Abstract. Technological changes affect Western culture in three ways: the ratio between the lifetimes of technologies and the human lifetime is inverted; the three principal realms of human life (the home, the workplace, and leisure activity), as well as political systems, are affected; and the cohesion of the social body is threatened. The impact on Eastern culture is softened by a clearer role assigned to school, the resulting level of education, and the influence of Confucian ethics. However, acculturation will vary among countries, depending on the communication ability in the respective societies and the degree of development of social cellular structures, which are the most able to manage complexity.  相似文献   
高志强 《心理科学》2018,(5):1274-1279
儒家肯定感性忧乐的自然合理性,但是认为感性忧乐有待于外,陷溺于感性忧乐,容易使人流于以物役心的异化状态。儒家忧乐思想的根本形态是德性忧乐,德性忧乐的根据是本心自足之德性。儒家以德性之忧作为德行修养的内在心理动力,德性之乐是在德性彰明过程中本心情感的自然涌现,可以统摄和超越感性忧乐,实现忧乐圆融。  相似文献   
巴蜀易学素有渊源,两汉为滥觞期,六朝为续传期.唐代为总结期,两宋为高峰期,元明以下则为流衍期.自两汉迄清末,历代巴蜀易学著作约有180余种;数量虽然不多,然特征却很鲜明,流派众多,“四道”毕备,其“尚辞”者则有苏轼之《苏氏易传》,“尚象”“尚变”者则有李鼎柞之《集解》、来知德之《集注》,其“尚占”者则如汉严遵,而尤以卜筮易、道家易源远流长.至于《易》《老》兼治者,则有严遵、扬雄;发明图书易者,则如陈抟、胡世安;其以佛陀解《易》者,则有苏轼、龙昌期.至于仿圣拟经,由扬雄开其先(撰《太玄》),而王长文(攫《通玄经》)、卫元嵩(《元苞》)诸人继其事,成为巴蜀易学之一大特色.后之治《易》《玄》,谈《图》《书》者,皆以蜀学发其轫.刘成炘曰:“易学在蜀(伊川语),如诗之有唐矣.”(《蜀学论》)信然.  相似文献   
“垂衣裳”早见于《易传·系辞下》,最初用以形容包括尧、舜在内的圣王形象.“衣裳”的色彩、图案、样式被认为源于圣人观象,体现“乾坤尊卑”之理.儒家将“衣裳”视为标示等级和管理社会的工具,认为“衣裳”根源于‘礼”,服务于“礼”,损益于“礼”,具有礼乐教化的功能.“垂衣裳而治”就是圣王以服制垂示天下,而天下大治.从“垂衣裳”可以窥探儒家“无为而治”之究竟.  相似文献   
论柏格森对现代新儒学思潮的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
景海峰 《现代哲学》2005,8(3):76-82
20世纪20年代,柏格森哲学曾在中国思想界人为流行,此时也恰好是现代新儒学思潮开始萌芽和兴起的时候,梁漱溟和熊十力均受到了柏格森思想的深刻影响。梁漱溟试图融合佛教唯识学和柏格森生命哲学的观点,用以阐释和发挥儒家“生”之哲学的精义,以重建儒家的理想人格。熊十力则通过反省和比照柏格森哲学的生命观与自然观,提出了他对于生命本体的独特看法,从而创立“翕辟成变”的大化流行论和“默识证会”的直觉说。  相似文献   
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