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Divine Encounter     
“Divine Encounter” is a poem depicting a place-based religious experience.  相似文献   
数学建模的认知差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用口语报告分析方法和深度访谈方法,对五所高校数学与应用数学(师范)专业15名数学建模竞赛获奖学生(专家被试)与15名未参赛学生(新手被试)数学建模的认知差异进行了研究,发现专家被试与新手被试在数学建模的问题表征、策略运用、思路特点、建模结果及解题效率等方面存在显著差异.  相似文献   
This is commentary on Cornejo’s Intersubjectivity as co-phenomenology: from the holism to the being-in-the-world-with-others, co-phenomenology, in which meaning is defined as a construal of phenomenological experience, it is not an individual creation, but rather an intersubjective one. In this paper the basic question is how language expresses the world and things and, consequently, what vision of the world is expressed by language and what relationship it creates with the real. Language is a set of differences between signs and meanings. It lives for and by this constant aspiration to say the inexpressible, to capture the elusive. Language tries to express the driving inner movement of the real through references and interlacing, by multiplying the relational threads of meanings. For example, the phonetic gesture performs for the speaker and his listener a certain structuring of experience, a certain modulation of existence. This is a communicative dimension in which meaning is always a process. It is the situation of co-feeling between subjects, in which understanding is achieved, as defined by Cornejo in his essay.
Daniela De LeoEmail:
Evidence is provided for implicit aspects of life satisfaction. In study 1 the implicit life satisfaction measure (ILS): (i) showed moderate reliability as well as convergent and incremental validity; (ii) appeared to be affected by temporary mood and social desirability to a lesser extent than explicit measures; and (iii) showed cultural invariance in contrast to explicit measures that revealed cross-cultural differences, as found in previous research. Study 2 showed that the ILS replicated theoretically expected differences between those known to have encountered chronically negative life experiences (North Korean defectors) and those without such experiences (South Koreans). Implications of these findings for explicit and ILS are discussed.  相似文献   
处理疼痛的理念各有不同。有人认为手术后疼痛很正常,挺着吧。人老了,腰腿痛就该扛着。而有的人会积极给予止痛治疗,以患者舒适为目标。2007年7月我国卫生部签发了关于《医疗机构诊疗科目名录》中增加“疼痛科”的文件,说明我国进入了一个止痛治疗的新时代。得到疼痛治疗是患者的基本权利,也是医师的崇高职责。有疼有痛忍着不治的时代即将过去,及早、及时为患者止痛是人道主义的体现。  相似文献   
史事宗易学研究方法析论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
夫援史证《易》本为易家释《易》普遍之现象,然自赵宋三李一杨(李光、李杞、李中正、杨万里)开宗奠基后,历宋元明三朝而踵继者众,至有清一朝,更以超迈往古之姿,创猗欤盛哉之势,将史事易学推至极盛。由于此派易学著作甚多,易家援引史事形貌多样,不仅丰富史事易学之内容,亦充实义理易学之内涵,并建构出此派易学独特之体系,值得吾人深入研究。海内外曾从事相关研究者虽不乏其人,惟此派易学研究方法仍有讨论之空间,愿将个人研究之拙见,提供未来研究者之参考,冀收后出转精之效。其内容包括史事易学之定义、史事易家之典型、史事易学发展史略、援史证《易》研究之重点(如援史动机、援史类型、援史与卦爻比附之切当性、援史之史观、以说理为本以援史为末),以及史事易学研究之发展性等等,希望透过文献资料之搜集与分析,进而从易学与易学史之角度推论,俾有助于史事宗易学研究方法之建立,与史事易学研究深度广度之推扩。  相似文献   
采用修改后的分离式Stroop任务,通过两个实验考察了基于人际情感性动机的网络使用者在双线索竞争条件下的前注意加工特性。研究结果表明,相对于信息获取型被试,在中性线索与负性情绪线索匹配条件下,人际情感型被试对负性情绪线索表现出显著的前注意加工偏向,但在中性线索和情感满足线索匹配条件下,该类被试对情感满足线索未表现出前注意加工偏向。该研究为解释人际情感型动机者的病理性网络使用行为的情绪机制提供了实验证据。  相似文献   
Abstract: The present study examined the effect of phonological identity between two letters on the visual recognition of the letters. Participants were required to identify the two same or different letters that were successively presented for a short duration. In order to manipulate the phonological identity of the two letters, the orthography of the Kana letters was varied. In half of the trials, the first and second letters were presented in Hiragana (the same‐orthography condition). In the other half, the first letter was presented in Katakana, and the second letter in Hiragana (the different‐orthography condition). The results revealed that the identification performance for the second letter was reduced in the same‐orthography condition when the two letters were the same, compared with when they were different. In contrast to this, in the different‐orthography condition, the identification performance of the second repeated letter was marginally superior to that of the nonrepeated letter. Considering the present findings together with those of the author's previous study (Kuwana, 2004), it is suggested that the interference effect caused by repetition could result from the reduction in the availability of visual pattern information stored in long‐term memory.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The effects of age and competence type on emotional reactions were demonstrated in this study. Participants: (362 junior high-school students, 658 senior high-school students, 407 undergraduates, and 1027 adults) were asked to rate the Assumed-competence Scale, second version (ACS-2) and Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale, which were prepared to classify the participants into four competence types: Omnipotent, Assumed, Self-respective, and Atrophy. They also rated their perceived emotional reactions toward negative personal and social events, and the responses were compared among age groups and competence types. Remarkable results showed that the Assumed and the Atrophy types were prominent in junior and senior high-school students. They tend to get angry toward negative personal events, and they also tend not to respond emotionally toward social events. Another result was that people in the Assumed and Omnipotent types were likely to get angry toward both personal and social events, and they were also less responsive toward social events.  相似文献   
This paper reports two experiments conducted to examine priority effects and sex differences in object location memory. A new task of paired position-learning was designed, based on the A–B A–C paradigm, which was used in paired word learning. There were three different paired position-learning conditions: (1) positions of several different objects (B-objects and C-objects) around referent objects (A-objects) were learned in the A–B A–C position-learning condition, (2) positions of several different objects with no referent objects were learned in the 0–B 0–C position-learning condition, and (3) positions of identical objects (stars) with no referent objects were learned in the 0-star 0-star position-only condition. The results revealed a significant priority effect on performance in the A–B A–C and the 0–B 0–C position-learning conditions but not in the 0-star 0-star position-only condition. Contradictory results were obtained with respect to the sex variable: a female superiority effect on paired position learning was significant in Experiment 1, but this effect was not replicated in Experiment 2. In addition, an articulatory suppression task used in Experiment 2 had a significant effect on recall of different object positions but no effect on recall of identical object positions. This suggested that verbal encoding was not necessary for learning of positions of identical objects.  相似文献   
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