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Merging the climate and politics literatures, this study evaluates whether organizations have a singular, shared political climate or whether sub-climates, “pockets of politics,” exist. Sub-climate formation is investigated by utilizing both political and climate explanations to determine the level of formation. The sample consisted of 891 employees of a retail services firm and the results of the study indicate that political climates do exist and may be best distinguished by defining the employee’s interactional patterns.  相似文献   
辛自强 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1344-1348
采用口语报告法收集了26名小学三年级儿童解决两道复杂的算术应用题时的口语报告和作业资料,探讨了问题解决中图式与策略的关系。结果发现,对二者关系的解释要以问题表征复杂性为中介:如果被试的关系图式水平较高,表征复杂性(特别是表征深度)也会较大,相应会选择领域专门性更强的快捷策略;如果缺乏必需的关系图式。表征深度就降低,甚至不能正确表征问题,这时只好使用常规策略甚至错误策略。这个结论适用于有多种表征和解题方式的问题中。  相似文献   
Critical Legal Studies poses a direct and expressed challenge to the basic tenets of American legal education and scholarship. Critical Legal Studies postulates that law is not a scientific exercise involving the application of objective principles, but rather a creative process involving the selection of conflicting rules which has the effect of reinforcing the existing political order. In an effort to explain the contribution of Critical Legal Studies to argumentation theory, this essay briefly discusses the role of legal reasoning in the American legal system, describes and critiques Legal Positivism, lays the intellectual foundation for Critical Legal Studies, and considers the implications that this conception of jurisprudence has for argumentation theory.  相似文献   
本文考察了孔子“论政”和孟子“仁政”、荀子“礼治”以及儒家经典《大学》、《礼运》、《祭义》篇与《孝经》等所体现的政治与伦理相贯通的伦理政治思想,并从理论上分析了政治与伦理的区别和联系,以及评述了西方一些著名哲学家、伦理学家对政治与伦理相互关联的认识和论述。认为对先秦儒家政治伦理相贯通的伦理政治思想应给予历史主义的科学评价,肯定其所包含的民本、民主、贵民等积极因素,借鉴其德治与法治统一、个性完善与社会完善统一、物质追求与精神追求统一、理性主义与人文精神统一的安邦治国的慧识,为建设中国特色的政治文明和精神文明服务。  相似文献   
自我调节学习是一个复杂的系统,效能信念、加工方式、应对策略分别反映着自我调节学习的动机、认知、行为侧面。本研究通过对效能信念、加工方式、应对策略三者进行相关分析,探讨了自我调节学习各成分之间的关系;同时,对于自我调节学习各成分与学业成绩之间的关系亦作了探讨。在这两部分研究结论的基础上,提出了自我调节学习的理想模式,并对被试群体自我调节学习的现有状况与这一理想模式进行了对照。  相似文献   
相对于传统社会道德生活的陈陈相因,现代中华民族的道德生活展现出了全新的样态,而这主要是因为现代中华民族道德生活的现实基础发生了深刻的变化。新中国成立以来,社会主义经济制度、政治制度和思想文化体系的建立、发展和完善为现代中华民族道德生活的铺展奠定了坚实的基础,循着它们的演变就可以捕捉到现代中华民族道德生活的脉动。  相似文献   
Updating tasks require participants to process a sequence of items, varying in length, and afterwards to remember only a fixed number of the elements of the sequence; the assumption being that participants actively update the to-be-recalled list as presentation progresses. However recent evidence has cast doubt on this assumption, and the present study examined the strategies that participants employ in such tasks by comparing the serial position curves found in verbal and visuo-spatial updating tasks with those seen in standard serial recall tasks. These comparisons showed that even when the same number of items are presented or recalled, participants perform less well in an updating than a serial recall context. In addition, while standard serial position effects were observed for serial recall, marked recency and reduced or absent primacy effects were seen in updating conditions. These findings suggest that participants do not typically adopt a strategy of actively updating the memory list in updating tasks, but instead tend to wait passively until the list ends before trying to recall the most recently presented items.  相似文献   
In order to deepen the studies on the philosophy of practice, it is essential to explore the political significance of Marx's philosophy of practice. Marx's philosophy of practice is rooted in the problem of modernity and the separation between “individual subjectivity” and “societal community” in the modern context is the basic background of Marx's practical philosophy. It is the basic interest of Marx's philosophy of practice to find a way to end this separation via critique of civil society. Therefore, Marx's philosophy of practice has a clear significance, which manifests in the following aspects: one is “liberation politics,” and the other, “the regulatory mode of the socio-political institution.” Translated by Zhang Lin from Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Research), 2007, (1): 3–10  相似文献   
我国目前正处于甲型H1N1流感防控策略重要调整期,在系统梳理和总结我国自甲型H1N1发生以来防控策略基础上,通过对甲型H1N1流感防控引出的哲学命题、防疫体系和国际合作的思考,提出进一步完善我国甲型H1N1防控策略选择的意见和建议。  相似文献   
Reactions to discovered deceit have important consequences politically, socially, etc. We present and test the Social Norm Model (SNM) of the tolerance of deceit. By it, observers of lies intuitively put themselves in the position of the liar. From that perspective, their tolerance, ranging from condemnation to acceptance, is determined by how much the social norms of reciprocity and social responsibility are perceived to be upheld or violated overall. Tolerance encourages identification with the liar. Condemnation fosters dis-identification. To test the SNM, 116 participants recounted lies they told and were told to them they felt were justified and others they regretted/condemned. The social impact of the deceit, the obligation for honesty, and other relevant constructs were assessed for each. Analyses support the model. We illustrate the SNM's applied value for understanding public reaction to the lying of politicians.  相似文献   
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