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This article argues, first, that there is plenty of agreement among philosophers on philosophically substantive claims, which fall into three categories: reasons for or against certain views, elementary truths regarding fundamental notions, and highly conditionalized claims. This agreement suggests that there is important philosophical progress. It then argues that although it's easy to list several potential kinds of philosophical progress, it is much harder to determine whether the potential is actual. Then the article attempts to articulate the truth that the deniers of philosophical progress are latching on to. Finally, it comments on the significance of the agreement and (potential) progress.  相似文献   
赵杰 《周易研究》2002,(6):40-45
本文认为,本易理以诂易辞,由易辞以准易象,这是尚秉和先生注解《周易》的基本原则,也是他独辟蹊径所发明的注易新方法。依据此一原则和方法,尚先生一扫东汉以来易家注易迂曲立说、穿凿附会之风气,穷究易理,广搜易象,以易解易,以易证易,其对《周易》经、传的诠释,"六通四辟,若合符契"。由此不仅纠正了千百年来易家注易的诸多流弊和错误,而且也牢固地确立了尚秉和先生在易学史上的大师地位。  相似文献   
James Andow 《Metaphilosophy》2015,46(2):189-212
Recent decades have seen a surge in interest in metaphilosophy. In particular there has been an interest in philosophical methodology. Various questions have been asked about philosophical methods. Are our methods any good? Can we improve upon them? Prior to such evaluative and ameliorative concerns, however, is the matter of what methods philosophers actually use. Worryingly, our understanding of philosophical methodology is impoverished in various respects. This article considers one particular respect in which we seem to be missing an important part of the picture. While it is a received wisdom that the word “intuition” has exploded across analytic philosophy in recent decades, the article presents evidence that the explosion is apparent across a broad swathe of academia (and perhaps beyond). It notes various implications for current methodological debates about the role of intuitions in philosophy.  相似文献   
A paradoxical attitude exists toward professional philosophy: philosophical inquiry is considered important and complex, but professionals are deemed irrelevant and unnecessary. This paradox doubly affects sport philosophy as evidenced by the field’s marginalization in higher education and sociopolitical discourse. To counter the sport philosophy paradox, I present a pragmatically oriented three-dimensional approach to inquiry that turns the field “inside-out”. A community of engaged, melioratively oriented sport philosophy inquirers in this 3D model collectively conducts theoretical (horizontal dimension), applied (vertical dimension), and instrumental (depth dimension) inquiry. Each dimension is outlined in detail from a professional sport philosophy perspective, and implications are considered relative to the field’s future endeavors.  相似文献   
大学生世界观、人生观、价值观形成中的接受机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生三观形成过程是与接受对象和接受环境互动的过程。大学生的知识结构、价值取向、意志品格决定着其三观接受倾向及信念内化的过程。三观信息反映现实的深度 ,与接受者内在认知结构和观念的契合程度 ,影响着其被接受的程度。而接受环境具有验证、巩固或修正、改变原有的三观观念的作用。应赋予三观以更深厚的文化基础和精神内涵 ,增强其理论创新和与现实的贯通性。  相似文献   
发育性髋关节脱位是小儿骨科常见病之一,要想使其获得理想的治疗,必须做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗。髋关节复位后的固定方法随着临床实践在不断更新,使手术治疗效果有了明显的进步,其间包含以下哲学观点:(1)事物需要从实践中认识,认识需要过程。(2)外固定器治疗具有普遍性和特殊性,选择适合个体的,达到最优效果。  相似文献   
易学是清代词学重要的理论源泉,在清代词学理论的构建中,无论是词的创作心态、技法,还是词学审美观、词学诠释学,乃至词学的发展史论等,均受到易学不同程度的影响.易学中的“修辞立其诚”、取“象”、“阴阳刚柔”、“仁者见仁,智者见智”、本色自然、变通发展的理论均渗透到词学领域,滋润灌溉了清代词学.  相似文献   
Philosophy lacks criteria to evaluate its philosophical theories. To fill this gap, this essay introduces nine criteria to compare worldviews, classified in three broad categories: objective criteria (objective consistency, scientificity, scope), subjective criteria (subjective consistency, personal utility, emotionality), and intersubjective criteria (intersubjective consistency, collective utility, narrativity). The essay first defines what a worldview is and exposes the heuristic used in the quest for criteria. After describing each criterion individually, it shows what happens when each of them is violated. From the criteria, it derives assessment tests to compare and improve different worldviews. These include the is‐ought, ought‐act, and is‐act first‐order tests; the critical and dialectical second‐order tests; the mixed‐questions and first‐second‐order third‐order tests; and the we‐I, we‐it, and it‐I tests. The essay then applies these criteria and tests to a concrete example, comparing the Flying Spaghetti Monster deity with Intelligent Design. For another application, it draws more general fruitful suggestions for the dialogue between science and religion.  相似文献   
This article argues that philosophical definitions are overrated as sources of understanding or wisdom. Socrates gives a standard argument in their favor which is often still proffered. Still, that Socrates's definitions never succeed invites an ironic reading of that argument. Plato also gives crucial arguments against treating definitions as important to understanding, and those objections have current versions. That raises an issue: What did we think definitions would do for us anyway? That question invites a reassessment of definitions that makes them less central and gives them a more humble, though still dangerous, role to play, one that requires they be integrated with surrounding examples and our own complex educations toward wisdom.  相似文献   
俞琰是宋末元初著名的易学家和杰出的道教学者。其学以《易》为本,他"首读朱子《本义》,次读《程传》",后又获道教异人传授,于《参同契》多有发挥。其易学可分为义理易、象数易、道教易三个方面,本文着重探讨其义理易学思想。俞琰易学的义理之学源于其深厚的儒学修养,又以程、朱易学为本,多有发微,形成其富有特色的义理思想。其内容具体包括天道观、人性论、修养论三个不可割裂的部分,其天道观援"气"入"理",秉承儒家"至诚无息"、"天道好谦"、"天道好生"、"福善祸淫"的义理传统,是其人性论与修养论的前提和基础;其人性论则是法天道以立人道的表现;修养论则是其实现回复天道、止于至善的重要途径。  相似文献   
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