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This study has two goals. First, we present much‐needed empirical linguistic data and systematic analyses on the spatial semantic systems in English and Korean, two languages that have been extensively compared to date in the debate on spatial language and spatial cognition. We conduct our linguistic investigation comprehensively, encompassing the domains of tight‐ and loose‐fit as well as containment and support relations. The current analysis reveals both cross‐linguistic commonalities and differences: From a common set of spatial features, each language highlights a subset of those features for its principal categorization, and those primary features are importantly different between English and Korean: English speakers categorize events predominantly by containment and support relations (and do so with prepositions), whereas Korean speakers categorize them by tight‐fit and loose‐fit relations (and do so with verbs), with a further distinction of containment and support within the loose‐fit relation. The analysis also shows that the tight‐fit domain is more cross‐linguistically diverse in categorization than is the loose‐fit domain. Second, we test the language data against the nonlinguistic categorization results reported in Choi and Hattrup (2012). The results show a remarkable degree of convergence between the patterns predicted from the current linguistic analysis and those found in C&H's nonlinguistic study and thus provide empirical and strong evidence for an influence of language on nonlinguistic spatial cognition. At the same time, the study reveals areas where the two systems closely interact with each other as well as those where one is independent from the other. Taking both parts of the study together, we identify the specific roles that language and spatial perception/cognition play in spatial categorization.  相似文献   
When scaling data using item response theory, valid statements based on the measurement model are only permissible if the model fits the data. Most item fit statistics used to assess the fit between observed item responses and the item responses predicted by the measurement model show significant weaknesses, such as the dependence of fit statistics on sample size and number of items. In order to assess the size of misfit and to thus use the fit statistic as an effect size, dependencies on properties of the data set are undesirable. The present study describes a new approach and empirically tests it for consistency. We developed an estimator of the distance between the predicted item response functions (IRFs) and the true IRFs by semiparametric adaptation of IRFs. For the semiparametric adaptation, the approach of extended basis functions due to Ramsay and Silverman (2005) is used. The IRF is defined as the sum of a linear term and a more flexible term constructed via basis function expansions. The group lasso method is applied as a regularization of the flexible term, and determines whether all parameters of the basis functions are fixed at zero or freely estimated. Thus, the method serves as a selection criterion for items that should be adjusted semiparametrically. The distance between the predicted and semiparametrically adjusted IRF of misfitting items can then be determined by describing the fitting items by the parametric form of the IRF and the misfitting items by the semiparametric approach. In a simulation study, we demonstrated that the proposed method delivers satisfactory results in large samples (i.e., N ≥ 1,000).  相似文献   
杨伟文  李超平 《心理学报》2021,53(5):527-554
近年来, 资质过剩作为一种特殊的个人-环境不匹配现象, 引发了较多学者的关注, 但相关研究结论尚有争议。对包含383项独立研究、945个效应值及575061个研究样本的321篇文献开展元分析:(1)直接效应检验表明, 资质过剩感与消极情绪(愤怒、无聊)显著正相关, 与积极自我概念(自尊、自我效能感)的相关性不显著; 在个体绩效方面, 资质过剩感与消极角色外行为(反生产行为、离职)显著正相关, 与积极角色外行为(创新、组织公民行为等)和任务绩效的相关性不显著。(2) 结构方程模型元分析表明, 资质过剩感能够通过增强消极情绪, 进而增加消极角色外行为、减少积极角色外行为和任务绩效; 能够通过增强积极自我概念, 进而增加积极角色外行为和任务绩效、减少消极角色外行为; (3)集体主义文化倾向在资质过剩感通过情绪-认知加工系统影响个体绩效的过程中发挥调节作用, 在高集体主义文化情境中, 资质过剩感对消极情绪的负向影响较弱, 且能对积极自我概念产生正向影响; 在低集体主义文化情境中, 资质过剩感对消极情绪的负向影响较强, 且能对积极自我概念产生负向影响。(4)资质过剩感与个人-工作匹配相关性较强, 与个人-组织匹配相关性较弱; 与二者相比, 资质过剩感对压力感、离职的预测效果最强。研究结果有助于理解资质过剩感对个体绩效的复杂作用机制和边界条件, 并为组织如何管理资质过剩员工提供参考。  相似文献   
Prior research has shown that conservatives report higher levels of subjective well-being than liberals (happiness gap). We investigate to what extent this phenomenon exists in different time periods within the United States (Study 1, N = 40,000) and in different countries (Study 2, N = 230,000). Consistent with our hypotheses grounded in the “shared reality” and person-culture fit literature, conservatives were happier and more satisfied with their lives than liberals to the extent that the conservative political ideology prevailed in their socio-cultural context, be it a specific time period in the U.S. or a specific country. These results show that the happiness gap between conservatives and liberals is less universal than previously assumed.  相似文献   
In order to address the market and workforce pressures and obligations, many organizations are now turning to person-organization fit (P-O fit) based on value congruence for their recruitment and selection activities. However, the various ways to ensure P-O fit are not very well known. This article presents concrete practices to measure and take into account P-O fit in selection, one of which is testing.  相似文献   
员工社会资本向企业社会资本的转化是拓展员工价值、获取外部资源的有效途径, 为阐释这一多层次主体互动现象, 提出社会资本跨层次契合的构念, 运用跨层次追踪研究设计, 对其动态演化过程和双向作用机制进行剖析。首先, 探索员工社会资本跨层次契合的维度结构, 并基于此开发跨层次契合量表; 其次, 对社会资本跨层次契合进行过程解构, 探讨员工心理与行为、企业能力与情境在动态演化过程中的作用; 再次, 构建自上而下和自下而上的嵌入与涌现机制理论模型, 将影响员工社会资本跨层次契合的多层次因素整合到同一个理论框架, 并以纵向追踪数据进行实证检验, 厘清作用路径和作用边界。在此基础上, 运用追踪跨案例研究方法, 探讨社会资本跨层次契合的战略选择, 研究结论能为激发员工角色外行为, 有效利用社会资本的管理实践提供启示。  相似文献   
不同条件下拟合指数的表现及临界值的选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在本模拟研究中设计了6种样本容量,6种因子载荷,和4种评分等级,并考察了正态和非正态分布两种情况。采用的错误模型为参数误置(真模型中每个因子各由5个题目来测量,错误模型中则是第一个因子由6个题测量,另两个因子各由4个和5个题来测量,即有一个因子载荷被误置)模型。结果发现(1)样本量、载荷量、评分等级数和分布形态都对GOF的取值确有影响。其中分布形态的影响最大。NNFI、IFI在不同条件下的平均值是最稳定的,其次是CFI、RMSEA和SRMR。它们都算是值得推荐的GOF,尤其是NNFI和IFI。(2)在正态分布中,当样本量≥1000时,根据NNFI、IFI、CFI、RMSEA、SRMR对模型是否拟合做出判断时有很低的两类错误率,在样本量<1000时则不理想。在偏态条件下无论选择哪个GOF两类错误率都很高。(3)采用2指数策略在很多情况下也不能显著降低两类错误率。(4)由于在数据分布非正态,或正态但样本量<1000时是难判断模型是否拟合的。因此我们提出了2界值策略。即为每个GOF确定上下两个界值。低于下界值时可判断模型是不正确的,而高于上界值时则可判断模型是正确的。GOF取值处于上下界值之间时难以判断模型是否拟合,只能说越高拟合的可能性越大。这时就要通过跨样本验证和增加样本量来确定模型是否正确  相似文献   
Sample size and bentler and Bonett's nonnormed fit index   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bentler and Bonett's nonnormed fit index is a widely used measure of goodness of fit for the analysis of covariance structures. This note shows that contrary to what has been claimed the nonnormed fit index is dependent on sample size. Specifically for a constant value of a fitting function, the nonnormed index is inversely related to sample size. A simple alternative fit measure is proposed that removes this dependency. In addition, it is shown that this new measure as well as the old nonnormed fit index can be applied to any fitting function that measures the deviation of the observed covariance matrix from the covariance matrix implied by the parameter estimates for a model.  相似文献   
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