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Multitasking is the ability to perform more than one task simultaneously. The need to multitask is common in many industries especially within the military with tasks such as air traffic controllers, cyber defense operators and image analysts. However, as the time on task increases, information throughput can become overwhelming resulting in a performance decrement. Through task prioritizing, the operator is able to maintain performance on specific subtasks in which they selected as high importance while other subtasks experience a decrement. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) applied to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (ldLPFC) on information processing capabilities to improve individual and overall multitasking performance while performing the multi-attribute task battery (MATB). Two groups of 8 participants each received either 2 mA of anodal or sham tDCS while performing MATB. In addition, eye tracking was implemented to record eye movement patterns. In doing so, we were able to determine how much time the operator allocated to each of the subtasks within MATB and how their task priorities changed as workload demands increased. The findings provided evidence that 2 mA of anodal tDCS during MATB significantly improved overall information throughput compared to the sham group. With respect to the individual subtasks, communication and system monitoring displayed the greatest enhancement with anodal tDCS. Our data suggests that tDCS could be a useful tool to enhance information processing capabilities during a multitasking paradigm resulting in improved processing capabilities and information throughput.  相似文献   
Philip Gerrans 《Synthese》2007,159(3):459-474
Patients with damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) are often described as having impaired ability for planning and decision making despite retaining intact capacities for explicit reasoning. The somatic marker hypothesis is that the VMPFC associates implicitly represented affective information with explicit representations of actions or outcomes. Consequently, when the VMPFC is damaged explicit reasoning is no longer scaffolded by affective information, leading to characteristic deficits. These deficits are exemplified in performance on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) in which subjects with VMPFC perform significantly worse than neurotypicals in a task which requires them learn from rewarding and punishing experience to make decisions. The somatic marker theory adopts a canonical theory of emotion, in which emotions function as part of a valencing system, to explain the role of affective processes. The first part of the paper argues against this canonical account. The second part provides a different account of the role of the role of the VMPFC in decision-making which does not depend on the canonical account of emotion. Together the first and second parts of the paper provide the basis for a different interpretation of results on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). In fact the IGT may be probing a deficit in what has been called mental time travel: the ability to access and use information from previous experience and imaginatively rehearse future experiences as part of the process of deliberation.  相似文献   
Previous findings demonstrate the involvement of the cholinergic NBM in the acquisition of the social transmission of food preference (STFP), a relational associative odor-guided learning task. There is also evidence that muscarinic receptors in the medial prefrontal cortex, an important NBM target area, may modulate olfactory associative memory. The present experiment determined the consequences of blocking muscarinic cholinergic receptors in a component of the medial prefrontal region (the prelimbic cortex) on the STFP task. Adult male Wistar rats were bilaterally infused with scopolamine (20 microg/site) prior to training and showed a severe impairment in the expression of the task measured in two retention sessions, both immediately and 24h after training. Local scopolamine injections in the prelimbic cortex did not affect other behavioral measures such as olfactory perception, social interaction, motivation to eat, neophobia, or exploration. Results suggest that muscarinic transmission in the prelimbic cortex is essential for the STFP, supporting the hypothesis that ACh in a specific prefrontal area is important for this naturalistic form of olfactory relational memory. Current data are discussed in the context of disruption of learning as a result of interferences in PLC functions such as behavioral flexibility, attention, and strategic planning.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of visual experience on the spatial representation and updating of haptic scenes by comparing recognition performance across sighted, congenitally and late blind participants. We first established that spatial updating occurs in sighted individuals to haptic scenes of novel objects. All participants were required to recognise a previously learned haptic scene of novel objects presented across the same or different orientation as learning whilst they either remained in the same position to moved to a new position relative to the scene. Scene rotation incurred a cost in recognition performance in all groups. However, overall haptic scene recognition performance was worse in the congenitally blind group. Moreover, unlike the late blind or sighted groups, the congenitally blind group were unable to compensate for the cost in scene rotation with observer motion. Our results suggest that vision plays an important role in representing and updating spatial information encoded through touch and have important implications for the role of vision in the development of neuronal areas involved in spatial cognition.  相似文献   
Top-down predictions in the cognitive brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human brain is not a passive organ simply waiting to be activated by external stimuli. Instead, we propose that the brain continuously employs memory of past experiences to interpret sensory information and predict the immediately relevant future. The basic elements of this proposal include analogical mapping, associative representations and the generation of predictions. This review concentrates on visual recognition as the model system for developing and testing ideas about the role and mechanisms of top-down predictions in the brain. We cover relevant behavioral, computational and neural aspects, explore links to emotion and action preparation, and consider clinical implications for schizophrenia and dyslexia. We then discuss the extension of the general principles of this proposal to other cognitive domains.  相似文献   
突触特异性蛋白质在应激所致行为效应的中枢机制中的可能角色日益受到关注。神经颗粒素(Neurogranin,NG)是一种新发现的突触特异性蛋白质,主要分布在前额叶、杏仁核和海马区域,参与突触结构和功能可塑性机制,可能涉及到应激所致行为效应中枢机制。但是,关于NG、应激和行为之间的关系国内外尚缺乏系统的研究报道。本研究主要是探讨急性生理应激对大鼠行为和NG的作用,以及NG的变化与应激性行为效应之间的相互关系。以急性强迫性冷水游泳应激,建立生理应激动物模型。将40只雄性SD大鼠随机分为游泳应激组1(SS1,接受游泳应激和行为测试)、游泳应激组2(SS2,接受游泳应激而不接受行为测试)、正常对照组1(C1,接受行为测试)和正常对照组(C2,不给予任何处理)(n=10)。以旷场行为和高架十字迷宫任务来评定大鼠应激后的行为变化,Western blotting方法测定海马和前脑皮层中的NG含量和磷酸化水平。结果表明:应激后SS1组的呆滞行为增加,与C1组比较,差异有显著性, P<0.01; SS1组海马的NG含量和NG磷酸化水平增高,与C1和C2组相比,差异有显著性,均为P<0.05; SS1组皮层的NG含量增高,与C1和C2组相比,差异有显著性,均为P<0.01;SS1组皮层的NG磷酸化水平增高,与C1组相比,差异具有显著性,P<0.01;前脑皮层的NG磷酸化水平与呆滞行为之间的相关达显著水平。提示该应激源能诱发动物明显的恐惧反应,呆滞行为是反映急性生理应激导致行为障碍的敏感的行为学指标,海马和前脑皮层均是对急性生理应激反应敏感的脑区。NG的磷酸化水平可能是反映急性生理应激所致行为障碍的一项新的生物学指标  相似文献   
人类大脑运动皮质的Beta(15~30 Hz)和Mu节律(8~14 Hz)有共同的活动特征,研究指出二者可能是联合的脑电成分。然而越来越多研究表明运动区Beta节律可能独立于Mu节律,且具有特殊的功能意义。线索诱发的Beta节律降低、运动前Beta节律降低和运动后Beta节律回复增强都是Beta与Mu节律不同的活动形式,表明运动区Beta节律有其独特的心理意义。本文主要对运动区Beta节律不同于Mu节律的活动特征及已有的理论解释进行了梳理和分析,并结合儿童研究的数据,从发展的角度对运动后Beta节律的理论假说进行了评述,最后在此基础上为进一步探索运动区Beta节律的功能意义提出了研究的展望。  相似文献   
风险决策是在不同选项的结果确定、并且结果出现的概率已知情况下的决策。啮齿类风险决策模型研究发现前额皮层-杏仁核-伏隔核神经环路联系是决定风险决策的选择倾向的关键。前额皮层中的眶额皮层和内侧前额皮层参与风险决策的策略形成和策略转换有关;而皮层下核团中的杏仁核、腹侧纹状体的伏隔核等结构参与策略保持、价值判断,影响决策偏向和行动强度;眶额皮层、伏隔核神经元和多巴胺神经元编码风险决策过程中的概率、风险等因素;此外,多巴胺等单胺类神经递质及受体在风险决策中有复杂的作用。  相似文献   
抑制控制能力是指个体为实现特定目标对干扰性优势反应进行抑制的能力,是一种高级认知能力。该文综述了对非人灵长类抑制控制能力的研究,从抑制控制能力的行为表现,生理机制及其发生、发展几个方面进行了阐述,提供了一个从演化的角度理解人类的抑制控制能力的视角。  相似文献   
程序性运动学习包括序列学习和随机学习。神经影像学研究表明背外侧前额叶皮层(DLPFC)和初级运动皮层(M1)在程序性运动学习中发挥重要作用,但DLPFC和M1之间的联通性及其与不同程序性运动学习的关系尚不明确。本研究采用连续反应时间任务,结合经颅磁刺激(TMS)方法,探讨左侧DLPFC到M1的联通性在不同程序性运动学习中的差异。实验1采用两连发TMS探测DLPFC到M1的最佳投射时间点;实验2,被试分为2组,分别进行序列学习和随机学习,在学习前、后采集行为学数据,以及M1的运动诱发电位和DLPFC-M1联通性的电生理学数据。行为学结果发现序列学习组的学习效果更佳;电生理学结果发现,两组被试学习前、后M1的运动诱发电位均未发生改变;在最佳时间投射点、适当刺激强度下,序列学习组DLPFC-M1联通性发生改变,且与学习成绩相关,而随机学习组没有改变。结果说明DLPFC到M1的联通性增强可能是序列学习成绩更佳的重要原因,这一结果从电生理角度为DLPFC在运动学习中的作用提供了重要证据。  相似文献   
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