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The aim of this study was to investigate the feelings of anxiety and satisfaction among 79 primiparas who had uncomplicated pregnancies, at the time of hospital admission and after birth, considering the mode of delivery, analgesia, and pain levels. Questionnaires were completed at admission to the hospital and two months after delivery, using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) state scale and the Labour Agentry Scale. The mean (SD) STAI state score was higher at admission (36.7 (10.7)) than 4 months after childbirth (32.1 (9.7)) (paired Student’s t-test, t = 2.93; df = 78; p = .004). However, the postnatal anxiety was not associated with the mode of delivery, epidural or pain. Regarding the satisfaction with the expectations of control during childbirth, the mean (SD) score was higher before childbirth (166.0 (21.8)) than after (157.5 (33.5)) (paired Student’s t-test, t = ?2.28; df = 77; p = .03). The satisfaction with the childbirth experience was significantly associated with the expectations of childbirth and the mode of delivery, but not with analgesia or pain. The postnatal anxiety was associated with physical health, pain and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale score during the postpartum period. It is important to consider the temporality of perinatal anxiety in order to understand its causes. Our results indicate that the experience of childbirth was predicted in this sample by the antenatal expectations and delivery outcomes.  相似文献   
钱穆先生在<易传>的研究上,先从文献入手,发表<论十翼非孔子作>以厘清孔孟旧儒与战国时代新儒的不同;其后发表<易传与小戴礼记中之宇宙论>讲述代表战国新儒思想的<易传>,虽然与孔孟旧儒不同,但仅限于天体宇宙论的建构方面,盖因此领域为道家所擅.<易传>作者吸收道家之长,融通道家宇宙论,转而建立属于儒家的宇宙论,这是值得肯定的转变.正如钱先生文中一再致意的:<易传>虽吸收道家宇宙论的思想,但并未背弃儒家人生论的精髓,所以在吸收过程中皆予以转化,换句话说,便是将老庄自然宇宙观变成儒家德性的宇宙观,以求合于传统儒家的人生哲学.  相似文献   
泌尿外科老年患者多,老年患者必然手术并发症多,手术死亡率高。虽然现在泌尿外科近70%的手术已进入了微创时代,手术时间大幅缩减,但是老年患者的临床决策仍常常是个非常纠结的问题,手术要达到什么目的?何时要做适当的放弃?除了充分的围手术期准备,医生要敢于承担,家属要充分理解和合作。  相似文献   
罗力群 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):204-208
本文评介了利伯曼等进化心理学者对人类反乱伦情感的研究。他们把人类乱伦退避机制纳入人类亲属识别机制的框架,认为数据支持这一理论框架,并且人类乱伦退避机制的发生不存在敏感期。文章主张把"是否有年龄差距在3岁以内的兄弟姐妹"纳入利伯曼等人的亲属识别框架,进一步检验敏感期是否存在;对进化心理学抱以宽容的态度或许更为合适;不宜用科学哲学思想排斥进化心理学。  相似文献   
Twenty years ago, the prevalent view in Psychology was that although learning and the formation of new memories are lifelong occurrences, the neural changes associated with these events were all in the existing receptors. No new neural hardware, from synapses to neurons, was thought to appear after a protracted period early in life. In the past 20 years, another view has supplanted this one, showing that although the juvenile period is especially suited to neuroplastic adaptation, there is hard neuroplastic change later in life as well. We review a selection of evidence for this view from both animal and human models, showing how it reflects three principles of neuroplasticity: (1) earlier and later experience-induced changes to neuroarchitecture differ in degree more so than in type; (2) the types of experiences that lead to neuroplastic change narrow with age; and (3) differences in the amenability of neural circuitry to change result from basic differences in neuroarchitecture and neuroenvironment in different phases of development.  相似文献   
后基因时代到来后蛋白质组学技术得到了迅猛发展,系统化和网络化研究神经源性疼痛模型中,神经系统蛋白质结构和功能必将是未来疼痛相关研究的重要组成部分。蛋白质组学方法的广泛应用,将为我们提供一个用于判断疼痛的新工具,更有利于疼痛机理的揭示。  相似文献   
The model of a single central bottleneck for human information processing is critically examined. Most evidence cited in support of the model has been observed within the overlapping tasks paradigm. It is shown here that most findings obtained within that paradigm and that were used to support the model are also consistent with a simple resource model. The most prominent findings are the millisecond-for-millisecond slope at the left of the RT2-SOA curve, the high RT1-RT2 correlation, the additivity of the effects on RT2 of SOA and of the difficulty of selecting R2, and the washout of the effect of S2 discriminability on RT2 in a dual-task condition. In addition, the asymmetry of the effects of the dual-task requirement on RT1 and RT2 can be accounted for by the resource model provided that it assumes uneven allocation of resources, which is quite reasonable in view of the task asymmetry inherent in the demand characteristics of the paradigm. The same is true for two other findings that appear to support the single-bottleneck model-that in the dual-task condition, the demand of the first task affects equally RT1 and RT2 and that its effect on RT1 is the same as the corresponding effect in the single-task condition. Furthermore, the single-bottleneck model is hard to reconcile with a negative slope at the left of the RT1-SOA curve or a positive slope at the left of the IRI-SOA curve, unless augmented by ancillary assumptions that are yet to be substantiated. Representative data were fit by each of the models using its optimal set of parameters. Both models achieved quite good degrees of fit. It is further argued that since the overlapping tasks paradigm is heavily biased in favor of a speedy reaction to the stimulus that appears first, it is nonoptimal for testing the central bottleneck model. Finally, the bottleneck model is examined in terms of other scientific criteria.  相似文献   
《齐物论》与竹林玄学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《庄子》作为“三玄”之一,在魏晋玄学中大行其道。阮籍和嵇康是两位在任自然的旗帜下发挥庄子思想的名士。分析发现,阮籍对庄子的理解,大致来自《齐物论》。然《齐物论》对他的意义是双重的:既排遣其对现实的不满,又给因对现实的无能为力而游戏人生的生活态度提供掩饰。嵇康学理上的表现在于,其“声无哀乐”的见解,以乐论的形式,对《齐物论》中齐是非的观点作独特的补充,同时,却又在讨论人格的公(诚)私(伪)之分时,把它同是非问题联系起来,从而显露自己无法掩饰的价值立场。阮、嵇无论是言还是行的矛盾,都与庄子齐是非的悖论有关。  相似文献   
张剑 《周易研究》2020,(1):67-76
日本室町时代(1393—1573)部分写本《周易》既有宋刊本特征,又有唐写本的异文,是一种融合了宋刊本与唐写本的特殊文本。此类文本今时日本早稻田大学、内阁文库各有一本。杨守敬日本访书时亦曾据此类文本影抄一部。根据校勘,《七经孟子考文》记载的足利学校所藏三种古本《周易》与此类文本大体相似。江户时代(1603—1867),这类特殊的《周易》写本过渡到刊本形态,刊本当中包括《七经孟子考文》所引足利本《周易》,以及东洋文化研究所藏活字本《周易》。  相似文献   
The present study was designed to explore extraversion-related differences in the psychological refractory period (PRP). PRP refers to a bottleneck of information processing that becomes evident when participants are required to respond to two signals (S1 and S2) presented in rapid succession. If this capacity limit of premotor information processing is essential for differences in speed of information processing between introverts and extraverts, magnitude of the PRP effect should vary as a function of extraversion. Due to the failure of previous attempts to establish extraversion-related differences in the PRP effect, we also obtained lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs). For this purpose, 63 introverted and 63 extraverted female participants were tested with a standard PRP design. Extraverts responded faster to S2 and exhibited shorter stimulus-locked LRP latencies compared to introverts. Although a general PRP effect could be shown at the behavioral and psychophysiological level, there was no indication for any extraversion-related differences in PRP. Thus, extraversion-related differences in speed of information processing at the premotor level appear unlikely to originate from individual differences in the capacity limits underlying the PRP phenomenon. Furthermore, our findings provide converging evidence for the notion that extraversion-related individual differences in processing speed depend on specific task demands.  相似文献   
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