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This paper sets out to consider a psychodynamic approach to postnatal depression. In particular, it examines the advantages of psychodynamic parent?–?infant psychotherapy both as a treatment model, and also as a way of thinking that can help to formulate a theory of the postnatal period. An illustration is provided in the clinical account of the therapy of a couple and their nine-week-old infant. The author draws on this example, and on findings from psychoanalytic theory, infancy research, evolutionary biology and anthropology to suggest an integrated understanding of the postnatal state of mind and its challenges.  相似文献   
In one of the most common forms of synaesthesia, linguistic–colour synaesthesia, colour is induced by stimuli such as numbers, letters, days of the week, and months of the year. It is not clear, however, whether linguistic–colour synaesthesia is determined more by higher level semantic information—that is, word meaning—or by lower level grapheme or phoneme structure. To explore this issue, we tested whether colour is consistently induced by grapheme or phoneme form or word meaning in bilingual and trilingual linguistic–colour synaesthetes. We reasoned that if the induced colour was related to word meaning, rather than to the acoustic or visual properties of the words, then the induced colours would remain consistent across languages. We found that colours were not consistently related to word meaning across languages. Instead, induced colours were more related to form properties of the word across languages, particularly visual structure. However, the type of inducing stimulus influenced specific colour associations. For example, colours to months of the year were more consistent across languages than were colours to numbers or days of the week. Furthermore, the effect of inducing stimuli was also associated with the age of acquisition of additional languages. Our findings are discussed with reference to a critical period in language acquisition on synaesthesia.  相似文献   
This study investigated the impact of divided attention on masked priming. In a dual-task setting, two tasks had to be carried out in close temporal succession: a tone discrimination task and a masked priming task. The order of the tasks was varied between experiments, and attention was always allocated to the first task—that is, the first task was prioritized. The priming task was the second (nonprioritized) task in Experiment 1 and the first (prioritized) task in Experiment 2. In both experiments, “novel” prime stimuli associated with semantic processing were essentially ineffective. However, there was intact priming by another type of prime stimuli associated with response priming. Experiment 3 showed that all these prime stimuli can reveal significant priming effects during a task-switching paradigm in which both tasks were performed consecutively. We conclude that dual-task specific interference processes (e.g., the simultaneous coordination of multiple stimulus–response rules) selectively impair priming that is assumed to rely on semantic processing.  相似文献   
Integrating the achievement motive literature and motivational intensity theory, we expected the implicit achievement motive (nAch) to directly determine effort mobilization when task difficulty is unclear. However, nAch should interact with task difficulty in determining effort mobilization when task difficulty is clear. Participants worked on an easy versus difficult memory task (Study 1) or a clear versus unclear arithmetic task (Study 2). We used the Picture-Story-Exercise to assess nAch and pre-ejection period (PEP) to operationalize effort. As predicted, PEP reactivity was strong in the difficult-high-nAch condition and in the unclear-high-nAch condition but low in the other three conditions. Supporting motivational intensity theory, our results showed that nAch requires difficult or unclear task conditions to exert a noticeable impact on effort.  相似文献   
Exposure to stress has been causally linked to changes in hippocampal volume (HV). Given that the hippocampus undergoes rapid changes in the first years of life, stressful experiences during this period may be particularly important in understanding individual differences in the development of the hippocampus. One hundred seventy‐eight early adolescents (ages 9–13 years; 43% male) were interviewed regarding exposure to and age of onset of experiences of stress; the severity of each stressful event was rated by an objective panel. All participants underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging, from which HVs were automatically segmented. Without considering the age of onset for stressful experiences, there was a small but statistically significant negative association of stress severity with bilateral HV. When considering the age of onset, there was a moderate and significant negative association between stress severity during early childhood (through 5 years of age) and HV; there was no association between stress severity during later childhood (age 6 years and older) and HV. We provide evidence of a sensitive period through 5 years of age for the effects of life stress on HV in adolescence. It will be important in future research to elucidate how reduced HV stemming from early life stress may contribute to stress‐related health outcomes.  相似文献   
抗栓治疗的患者接受外科手术时面临栓塞和出血双重风险,本文就临床常用抗栓药物的药理特性、围手术期患者抗栓治疗需要注意的问题以及解决方案作一概述。  相似文献   
依据墨家学说主旨、队伍组织、从事工作,特别是社会作用的不同,可将战国时期墨家学派的发展分为兴盛(公元前444年至公元前381年)、衰败(公元前381年至公元前311年)、转型(公元前311年至公元前250年)、重兴(公元前250年至公元前221年)四个阶段.兴盛阶段,墨家着力游说诸侯、传播学说、制止攻战、助弱国守城;衰败阶段,墨家学派分化内斗,三派弟子活动转型;转型阶段,“谈辩派”后学热衷于空言思辨,“说书派”后学被视为与儒家同类,“从事派”后学对“任侠之风”产生重大影响;重兴阶段,墨家学派声势复盛,“说书派”后学的宣传,“从事派”后学对墨家精神的继承,“谈辩派”后学与儒家、法家的尖锐争辩,都产生了重大社会影响.  相似文献   
观察预注高渗氯化钠羟乙基淀粉40注射液对肝肿瘤合并高血压患者硬膜外复合全身麻醉诱导期的脑保护作用。选择50例患有高血压ASA分级Ⅱ级~Ⅲ级肝肿瘤手术患者,随机分为高渗氯化钠羟乙基淀粉40注射液(H)组和复方氯化钠(复方乳酸林格液R)组,每组25例。于输注前(T0)、输注完毕即刻(T1)、气管插管后即刻(T2)、气管插管后5min(T3)、气管插管后15min(T4)、气管插管后30min(T5)抽取静脉血离心后检测血清中S100B、IL-6、TNF-a的浓度。与T0点相比,H组,T5点S100B轻度降低但无统计学差异(P0.05),IL-6、TNF-a无明显变化(P0.05);R组在T5点S100B明显上升(P0.01);IL-6、TNF-a明显上升(P0.05或P0.01)。与R组相比,H组患者在T3-5时点S100B、IL-6和TNF-a均低(P0.05或P0.01)。结论为预注高渗氯化钠羟乙基淀粉40注射液在肝肿瘤合并高血压患者硬膜外复合全身麻醉诱导期具有脑保护作用。  相似文献   
老年髋部骨折围手术期医疗风险的分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
髋部骨折是老年人的常见病之一,髋部骨折对老年人生命的危害最大。随着人口老龄化,老年髋部骨折发病率呈逐年上升趋势。老年骨质疏松髋部骨折围手术期的医疗风险临床较常见,如何降低老年骨质疏松髋部骨折围手术期的医疗风险,是临床骨科需要解决的问题。分析存在的风险问题,明确各种风险因素,尽可能降低老年髋部围手术期的医疗风险。  相似文献   
汉末思想嬗变对《伤寒杂病论》的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
汉末是两汉经学向魏晋玄学过渡的时期,有清通简要、得意忘言、务实求真等时代特点,并在一定程度上摆脱了神仙之风对医学的影响。从思想嬗变的角度,对中医巨著《伤寒杂病论》的行文风格、方法原则、学术思想等诸方面进行分析,从而提出对其时代背景研究的新思路。  相似文献   
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