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可取难度理论和不流畅理论认为不流畅加工可促进学习,认知负荷理论则认为知觉不流畅所激发的额外认知负荷可能阻碍学习。研究采用2(知觉流畅性:流畅,不流畅)×3(背景图相关度:相关背景图、无关背景图和空白背景)被试间实验设计,考察学习意义材料时认知负荷(通过插入的背景图控制)与知觉流畅性的相互作用。结果发现:(1)知觉流畅性的主效应显著,知觉流畅时的学习成绩显著高于知觉不流畅时的成绩;背景图相关度的主效应显著,相关背景图条件下的成绩显著高于空白背景和无关背景图。(2)知觉流畅性与背景图相关度的交互作用显著,在知觉流畅条件下,呈现相关背景图的得分显著高于空白背景和无关背景图,后二者无显著差异;知觉不流畅条件下,三者间无显著差异。研究结果表明,在知觉流畅的条件下插入相关背景图有利于意义材料的学习;该结果支持认知负荷理论。  相似文献   
雷怡  梅颖  张文海  李红 《心理科学进展》2018,26(8):1391-1403
恐惧泛化是条件性恐惧反应转移到另一个相似但安全的刺激的现象。适当的恐惧泛化对人类有积极意义, 而过度的恐惧泛化则不利于个体有效地适应环境。基于知觉的恐惧泛化研究揭示了恐惧泛化的规律, 因而被广泛应用。本文首先梳理了对知觉恐惧泛化的相关研究, 介绍恐惧泛化的经典理论基础—巴普洛夫条件反射以及恐惧泛化梯度; 其次简要回顾基于多个感觉通道(即视觉、听觉、情景)的知觉恐惧泛化研究现状; 再次, 分别对海马、杏仁核、脑岛和前额叶等脑区在恐惧泛化中的作用进行回顾, 进一步总结出恐惧泛化的神经环路结构模型。最后, 简要区分了基于知觉的恐惧泛化和正在兴起的基于概念的恐惧泛化, 进而指出未来研究需要结合基于概念的恐惧泛化、区分被试对刺激的辨别力、增加恐惧刺激材料的准确性及多样化、结合激素等个体差异和多模态脑成像数据来展开。  相似文献   
There is abundant evidence from behavioral and neurophysiological experiments for the distinction of natural versus artifactual categories and a gender-specific difference: women’s performances in cognitive tasks increase when natural categories are used, whereas men’s performances increase with artifactual categories. Here, we used the semantic priming paradigm to study retrieval processes by presenting category labels as primes and exemplars as targets. Overall, in two experiments we found larger priming effects for natural than for artifactual categories. In addition, females showed positive priming effects for natural but negative effects for artifactual categories, whereas males showed positive priming effects for both categories. This pattern matches with that from other tasks and can be interpreted as evidence that the findings from these other tasks are, at least partially, indeed due to different representations or processing modes for males and females and not (exclusively) due to—for example—different familiarity with a category. In a further experiment, we showed that the found pattern for females can be manipulated by focusing on perceptual vs. functional features. The results can be interpreted as first evidence that there are (eventually in addition to different “crystallized” semantic structures) specific default processing modes that differ for males and females.  相似文献   
20世纪末的研究证据显示,对Navon等级刺激的整体/局部加工中半球功能不对称效应发生在早期还是晚期阶段,研究者存在着争论。近期的电生理和功能成像研究资料表明,整体/局部加工的半球不对称效应可能是一个受到多种因素调节的复杂动态系统;早期信息表征的半球功能不对称效应可能主要受知觉因素的影响,而注意控制和反应冲突可能主要调节晚期知觉加工的半球功能不对称  相似文献   
不同难度阅读材料对阅读知觉广度影响的眼动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫国利  伏干  白学军 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1287-1290
采用经典的呈现随眼动变化技术,以Eyelink II眼动仪为工具,考察材料难度和窗口大小对中文句子阅读的影响.实验设计为2(材料难度:难,易)× 5(窗口大小:1个字,3个字,5个字,7个字和整行)被试内实验设计,被试为15名在校大学生.研究结果表明:(1)阅读容易材料时的知觉广度为5个字.(2)阅读困难材料时知觉广度为3-5个字.  相似文献   
面孔识别异族效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨红升  黄希庭 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1450-1453
异族效应是面孔识别过程中一种非常稳定的现象,表现为对本族面孔的识别与再认成绩显著高于异族面孔.脑成像研究也证实了这两类面孔在神经表征上的差异.关于该效应主要有知觉经验说与社会分类说两种理论解释,但围绕着其心理机制仍然存在着很多争议然,未来的研究需要考虑族群认同等社会-人格因素对于异族效应的影响,并注意考察本族面孔与异族面孔有提取阶段可能存在的神经活动的差异.  相似文献   
简单结构刺激非规则特征突显条件下的样例效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用变化了的Allen和Brooks的实验范式,采用2(学习轮次:5轮、10轮)×2(项目类型:旧项目、新项目)×2(项目匹配性质:正向匹配、反向匹配)混合实验设计,研究对4个特征刺激分类时非规则特征突显条件下的样例效应。结果发现,无论是错误率还是反应时都取得了明显的样例效应,但是学习时间的影响不明显。  相似文献   
An attention cascade model is proposed to account for attentional blinks in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) of stimuli. Data were collected using single characters in a single RSVP stream at 10Hz [Shih, S., & Reeves, A. (2007). Attentional capture in rapid serial visual presentation. Spatial Vision, 20(4), 301-315], and single words, in both single and dual RSVP streams at 19Hz [Potter, M. C., Staub, A., & O'Connor, D. H. (2002). The time course of competition for attention: Attention is initially labile. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28(5), 1149-1162]. The model adopts similar architecture of the cognitive accounts of attentional blinks and employs computational details from theories of attention gating. The model has elaborated working memory and attention control mechanism. Both bottom-up and top-down salience are explicit in the model. Quantitative fits are good and the model parameters have plausible values. The model handles stimulus competition, lag 1 sparing, intrusion errors, and magnitude of the dip; it also accounts for commonly observed effects such as stimulus similarities (local and global), target+1 blank, and stimulus salience.  相似文献   
多参照系条件下信息获取方式对绝对方位判断的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周荣刚  张侃 《心理学报》2008,40(11):1137-1148
把参照系整合基础上的绝对方位判断分解成路径获取过程(目标位置信息)、自身定向过程(前行方向信息)和物体定位过程(目标物体相对于参照物体的方位信息),系统地考察了多参照系条件下信息获取方式对该任务的影响。研究以视觉形式呈现空间信息,实验1a和1b的任务中均包括上述三个过程,前者以地图的形式呈现前行方向信息、后者以语词的形式直接呈现前行方向信息;实验2有两个任务,分别独立于路径描述(定位后判断)和自身定位(定向后判断)。所有任务均为目标位置(R0o-前、R45o-左前/右前、R90o-左/右、R135o-左后/右后, R180o-后)×前行方向(北、东南西、斜方向)的组内设计、因变量为正确率和判断时间为主,共有64名大学生被试(男女各半)参与实验。发现:0o和180o位置优势效应、朝北优势效应在所有任务中都很明显;实验1和定向后判断任务中存在正方向R90o位置优势效实;定位后判断时间短于定向后判断时间,但总体所用时间上没有差异。结合信息获取的方式和可能使用到的判断策略,从绝对方位判断的认知结构上展开了讨论。  相似文献   
Are 15-month-old infants able to detect a violation in the consistency of an event sequence that involves pretense? In Experiment 1, infants detected a violation when an actor pretended to pour liquid into one cup and then pretended to drink from another cup. In Experiment 2, infants no longer detected a violation when the cups were replaced with objects not typically used in the context of drinking actions, either shoes or tubes. Experiment 3 showed that infants' difficulty in Experiment 2 was not due to the use of atypical objects per se, but arose from the novelty of seeing an actor appearing to drink from these objects. After receiving a single familiarization trial in which they observed the actor pretend to drink from either a shoe or a tube, infants now detected a violation when the actor pretended to pour into and to drink from different shoes or tubes. Thus, at an age (or just before the age) when infants are beginning to engage in pretend play, they are able to show comprehension of at least one aspect of pretense in a violation-of-expectation task: specifically, they are able to detect violations in the consistency of pretend action sequences.  相似文献   
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