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汪新建  俞容龄 《心理科学》2006,29(1):233-235
从20世纪70年代开始,社会能力的概念为国外研究者广为接受,有关社会能力的理论和实践探索不断深化扩展,西方学者对社会能力的定义和测量、对教师期望、成绩差异、危险行为以及对社会能力的结构、作用和培养方案进行的探讨,极大地增进了教育、心理学工作者对于儿童社会适应和认知发展的理解。西方学者关于社会能力的研究成果对于我国素质教育有着重要的启示。  相似文献   
采用问卷法,对小学3~5年级179名高自控和188名低自控儿童的控制归因、自控期望特征进行比较研究。研究结果表明;(1)高自控儿童易做内归因,低自控儿童易做外归因;随年龄增长,儿童内归因的准确性提高;男生比女生更易采用外归因,内归因的性别差异不显著。(2)高自控儿童自控期望高,低自控儿童自控期望低;随年龄增长,儿童的自控期望增强;各年级男生都比女生自控期望低,儿童中低自控男生自控期望最低。  相似文献   
在社会化过程中,同伴圈子不仅决定儿童青少年的交往范围和互动质量,而且影响其心理发展和社会适应。本研究从苏州市某初级中学选取768名初一学生进行了为期一年的追踪,采用社会认知地图、合作倾向评定量表和公共物品困境实验范式测查了同伴圈子、合作倾向、预期与合作行为,运用多层线性模型技术(Two-level HLM)探讨同伴圈子的合作水平对个体合作水平的影响。结果发现:(1)女生圈子数量最多而规模最小,男女混合圈子规模最大而数量最少;跨地域圈子数量最多且规模最大;(2)女生圈子最为稳定,男女混合圈子最不稳定;(3)在混合性别圈子中,个体的合作预期与行为更容易随着圈子合作预期水平的提高而增强;而在单性别圈子中,个体的合作预期与行为更容易随着圈子合作行为水平的提高而增强。结论:初中生同伴圈子在性别上具有同质性,女生圈子多且稳定;第一年单性别和混合性别圈子的合作倾向、预期和行为水平对第二年个体的合作水平产生了不同影响,即不同性别圈子对个体的影响模式存在差异。  相似文献   
本研究以自我调节理论为基础, 探讨团队领导的创新期望差距推进团队突破性创新的过程。根据实验结果以及一项多时点、多来源的问卷调查发现: 创新期望差距对领导创新投入产生U型影响; 领导创新投入中介创新期望差距与团队突破性创新之间的U型关系; 知觉资质过剩和组织晋升标准共同调节创新期望差距通过领导创新投入对团队突破性创新的影响, 具体地, 当领导知觉资质过剩高且组织实行相对晋升标准时, 创新期望差距通过领导创新投入对团队突破性创新施加更强影响。  相似文献   
以往对领导授权行为的研究大都以领导为中心, 探讨领导授权行为的有效性。随着追随理论的兴起, 越来越多的研究强调从员工视角探讨领导有效性。期望在组织管理中扮演重要角色, 员工授权期望是指员工形成的有关组织中的领导在权力授予方面应尽职责与义务的规范性认知。在系统梳理员工授权期望概念与测量的基础上, 分别从角色设定理论、领导分类理论、期望落差理论梳理了员工授权期望的作用效果与研究结论, 最后从基于内隐领导理论的变量测量、相关理论的机制探讨、追随理论的模型扩展、期望管理的前因探索等方面提出了未来研究的展望。  相似文献   
This study used an analogue design to investigate post‐concussion syndrome and the psychological and psychosocial processes associated with post‐concussion symptom (PCSx) reporting. The study examined the role of expectation in reporting of PCSx, the nature of associated psychological and psychosocial difficulties, and the “good‐old‐days” phenomenon. Forty‐five healthy participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups: (1) a control group or (2) an expectation group who were asked to perform as if they had experienced a mild traumatic brain injury. Fourteen psychiatric patients comprised the clinical group. Self‐report questionnaires assessing PCSx and psychological and psychosocial variables were administered. It was hypothesised that PCSx would be non‐specific, that the expectation group would report greater dysfunction than controls, and that the “good‐old‐days” phenomenon would cause the expectation and clinical groups to underestimate pre‐morbid PCSx. All participants reported some degree of dysfunction, and the expectation and clinical groups underestimated past PCSx. The expectation group reported more PCSx and psychological and psychosocial dysfunction than controls, resembling the clinical group. The results demonstrate that expectation can cause otherwise healthy individuals to resemble a clinical group in terms of their level of endorsement of psychological and psychosocial dysfunction.  相似文献   
The purpose of this investigation was to examine correlates of parent, child, and therapist treatment expectations and their role in the exposure-based treatment of childhood obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Treatment expectations were assessed among 49 youth with primary OCD, their parents, and therapists as part of the baseline evaluation and post-treatment clinical outcomes were determined by blind evaluators. Baseline depressive symptoms, child/parent-rated functional impairment, externalizing behavior problems, number of comorbid psychiatric disorders, and a lower perception of control were associated with lower pre-treatment expectations. Parent expectation was associated with parental OCD symptoms, child depressive symptoms and child-reported impairment. Therapist expectations inversely correlated with child depressive symptoms, externalizing problems, and child-rated impairment. Pre-treatment OCD severity and prior treatment history were not linked to expectancy. Finally, higher treatment expectations were linked to better treatment response, lower attrition, better homework compliance, and reduced impairment.  相似文献   
The necessity to actively manage the work–home boundaries has drastically increased. We postulate that work–home integration may affect individuals' subjective career success via its positive effects on work goal attainment and exhaustion. Furthermore, we study perceived supervisor expectation for employee work–home integration as a boundary condition. Our three-wave online survey with 371 employees showed support for the two hypothesized moderated mediation effects. Work–home integration preference is indirectly related to subjective career success: (1) positively via home-to-work transitions and work goal attainment and (2) negatively via home-to-work transitions and exhaustion. Perceived supervisor expectation constrained work–home integration preference's direct effect on home-to-work transitions and indirect effects on subjective career success. Exploratory analysis revealed that exhaustion negatively affected all career success dimensions, whereas work goal attainment was only related to some. Our results indicate that supervisor expectation can override the effect of employee's work–home integration preference on home-to-work transitions which have a double-edged sword effect on subjective career success. Our study contributes to integrating the careers and work–life interface literature and incorporating contextual factors. Furthermore, with the exploration of differential effects on subjective career success, we advance our understanding of this outcome's nomological network.  相似文献   
研究整群抽样山东某高中高二学生500人,通过统合模型分析自我决定动机在学习效能感预测学业期望中的作用.结果表明,学习效能感—自我决定动机—学业期望的模型与数据拟合良好,学生的学习效能感可以通过自我决定动机,正向预测其学业期望,自我决定动机在学习效能感和学业期望中起中介作用,非自我决定动机不能预测学业期望.说明学习效能感...  相似文献   
This study investigated whether prompting children to generate predictions about an outcome facilitates activation of prior knowledge and improves belief revision. 51 children aged 9–12 were tested on two experimental tasks in which generating a prediction was compared to closely matched control conditions, as well as on a test of executive functions (EF). In Experiment 1, we showed that children exhibited a pupillary surprise response to events that they had predicted incorrectly, hypothesized to reflect the transient release of noradrenaline in response to cognitive conflict. However, children's surprise response was not associated with better belief revision, in contrast to a previous study involving adults. Experiment 2 revealed that, while generating predictions helped children activate their prior knowledge, only those with better inhibitory control skills learned from incorrectly predicted outcomes. Together, these results suggest that good inhibitory control skills are needed for learning through cognitive conflict. Thus, generating predictions benefits learning – but only among children with sufficient EF capacities to harness surprise for revising their beliefs.  相似文献   
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