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异常心理病理机制的哲学思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过现代心理学、异常心理学、心理哲学及分子生物学的研究成果对异常心理病理机制的哲学分析,探讨异常心理病理机制的哲学本质.异常心理同正常心理一样不仅有自然物质世界的各种特性,还有许多自然物质世界不具有的高级和复杂特性.异常心理病理机制的哲学本质是它的意义世界和价值世界.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT— In nonhuman mammals, the social environment in which pregnant females live is critical for their offsprings' brain development, endocrine state, and social and sexual behavior later in life. Social instability during pregnancy generally brings about a behavioral and neuroendocrine masculinization in daughters and a less pronounced expression of male-typical traits in sons. We favor the hypothesis that such behavioral effects of prenatal social stress are not necessarily "pathological" (nonadaptive) consequences of adverse social conditions. Rather, pregnant mothers could be adjusting their offspring to their environment in an adaptive way.  相似文献   
Two common behavioral economic simulation tasks used to study cigarette smoking are the Cigarette Purchase Task, a measure of cigarette demand, and delay discounting, a measure of the subjective value of rewards as a function of delays to delivery. Few studies have evaluated whether combining these tasks enhances understanding of smoking beyond either alone. The current study represents an initial evaluation of the intersection between cigarette demand indices and delay discounting among pregnant smokers by examining associations between these measures and whether a woman makes antepartum quit attempts before entering prenatal care (a reliable predictor of eventual quitting). Participants were 159 pregnant women enrolled in a smoking‐cessation trial. Low O max and shallow discounting were each associated with antepartum quit attempts. Participants were next categorized into four subgroups (low O max, shallow discounting; low O max, steep discounting; high O max, shallow discounting; high O max, steep discounting) using median splits. Those with shallow discounting and low O max were more likely to have made quit attempts than each of the other three subgroups. That is, steep discounting appears to undermine the association of low O max and efforts to quit smoking during pregnancy while high O max overshadows any protective influence associated with shallow discounting.  相似文献   
超微病理学是研究组织细胞超微结构、病理改变以及相关的功能的基础医学学科,专业性较强,内容庞杂。本文就结构与功能、普遍性与特殊性、平面与立体、局部与整体、量变与质变等多层面,揭示超微病理学内的辩证关系,对超微病理学及其相关学科的教学与研究提供思路。  相似文献   
Problematic mobile phone use is characterized by its “impulsive” nature; users engage in it despite their negative attitude toward it. From a behavioral-economic perspective, this attitude–behavior discrepancy is generated by competing contingencies that involve smaller-sooner social reinforcers associated with mobile phone use and larger-later prosocial reinforcers potentially compromised by phone use. Based on this conceptualization, the reinforcer-pathology model of problematic mobile phone use is proposed, which posits that such phone use stems from excessive delay discounting of the social and prosocial reinforcers and/or excessive demand for the social reinforcers. A secondary data analysis of previously published studies was conducted, with the novel addition of principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis of these data. The results generated evidence that supports the reinforcer-pathology model proposed in this article. Based on the theoretical analyses and accumulated empirical evidence, theory-driven prevention and intervention strategies for problematic mobile phone use are proposed. Overall, the reinforcer-pathology model of problematic mobile phone use provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and addressing this growing issue.  相似文献   
国外自杀心理学研究与理论评介   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以自杀致病理论、自杀评估理论、自杀治疗理论为线索,回顾与总结了国外近十年来的自杀心理学理论与研究概况,同时重点介绍了致病理论中的应激—易感模型、逃避自我理论、杀死自我理论;自杀评估理论中的SSF评估、四阶段过程模式;自杀治疗理论中的SATIR理论和荣格艺术治疗理论等,并做了简短评论  相似文献   
Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are a heterogeneous group of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias clinically characterized by progressive ataxia, dysarthria and a range of other concomitant neurological symptoms. Only a few studies include detailed characterization of speech symptoms in SCA. Speech symptoms in SCA resemble ataxic dysarthria but symptoms related to phonation may be more prominent. One study to date has shown an association between differences in speech and voice symptoms related to genotype. More studies of speech and voice phenotypes are motivated, to possibly aid in clinical diagnosis. In addition, instrumental speech analysis has been demonstrated to be a reliable measure that may be used to monitor disease progression or therapy outcomes in possible future pharmacological treatments.  相似文献   
There is strong research evidence for the association of personality pathology and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as trauma-related negative cognitions (TRNC) and PTSD symptoms. However, the relationship between personality pathology and TRNC in the context of PTSD is mostly unknown. In the present study, we aimed to examine whether avoidant and borderline personality beliefs (PB, indicator of personality pathology) could predict therapy outcome in PTSD, and whether the relationship between PB and therapy outcome could be mediated by TRNC. Sixty patients with PTSD were assessed for PB, TRNC and PTSD symptoms at baseline, and for PTSD symptoms at the termination of Prolonged Exposure Therapy. Baseline avoidant PB predicted significant variance in PTSD symptoms at termination over and above baseline PTSD symptoms (16% reduction in treatment effect per SD on avoidant PB). Moreover, TRNC at baseline fully mediated the relationships between baseline avoidant PB and PTSD symptoms at termination. This is the first study to show that avoidant PB predicts treatment response in PTSD, and that patients with avoidant beliefs are more vulnerable to have TRNC, which are associated with impeded therapy response. Our results highlight the importance of targeting both dysfunctional PB and TRNC in PTSD interventions.  相似文献   
The concept of personality disorders (PDs) is shifting from categorical to dimensional, conceptualizing PDs as maladaptive variants of basic personality traits. The Agreeableness trait in the Five Factor Model of personality classically represents dispositional cooperativeness, which is associated with PDs characterized by interpersonal impairments. However, recent research designates two separate dispositional tendencies: active and reactive cooperativeness. Using the HEXACO model of personality we assessed traits representing these tendencies (Honesty–Humility and Agreeableness) and investigated their relation to Borderline features in 602 individuals. Borderline features were associated with low Agreeableness scores, representing low reactive cooperation, entailing a tendency to retaliate. Yet, there was no association with Honesty–Humility, implying intact active cooperativeness and non-exploitation. These findings extend prior results on the relation between Borderline PD and basic personality dimensions driving prosocial behavior. Implications for the understanding of interpersonal problems in PDs and the refinement of existing therapies are discussed.  相似文献   
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