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Thirty-two mother-father-infant triads participated in a study to examine whether parents' responsiveness to their own infant's distress was affected by the infant's birth order and gender. After separating from their 10- to 11-month-old baby, one parent from each family (16 mothers and 16 fathers) was selected to hear cries that were attributed to the child. Consistent with previous findings regarding physiological reactions to crying and observations of caretaking behavior, first-time parents gave quicker and more frequent attention to their infants than did multiporous parents. Speedy intervention was related to the amount of caretaking responsibilities that parents reported they assumed and to the age at which parents believed that their infant first recognized them. The results demonstrate the importance of caretaking for promoting parental sensitivity to infant signals.  相似文献   
According to moral non-naturalism, the kind of genuine or robust normativity that is characteristic of moral requirements cannot be accounted for within a wholly naturalistic worldview, but requires us to posit a domain of non-natural properties and facts. The main argument for this core non-naturalist claim appeals to what David Enoch calls the ‘just-too-different intuition’. According to Enoch, robust normativity cannot be natural, since it is just too different from anything natural. Derek Parfit makes essentially the same claim under the heading of ‘the normativity objection’, and several other non-naturalists have said similar things. While some naturalists may be tempted to reject this argument as methodologically or dialectically illegitimate, we argue instead that there are important limits to what the just-too-different intuition can show, even setting all other worries aside. More specifically, we argue that the just-too-different argument will backfire on any positive, independent specification of the distinction between the natural and the non-natural. The upshot is that the just-too-different argument can show significantly less than non-naturalists have suggested.  相似文献   
Pat Bennett 《Zygon》2019,54(1):107-128
This second of three articles outlining the development and practice of a different approach to neurotheology discusses the construction of a suitable methodology for the project based on the work of J. Wentzel van Huyssteen. It explores the origin and contours of his concept of postfoundational rationality, its potential as a locus for epistemological parity between science and religion and the distinctive and unique transversal space model for interdisciplinary dialogue which he builds on these. It then proposes a further development of the model which has the potential to produce a very different type of additional and original dialogical outcome. While such “transversal” outputs may initially seem counter and strange they not only flow naturally from the models’ own inherent dynamics but also open up the possibility of a distinctively different form of neurotheology.  相似文献   
该研究采用"乘法算式答案正误判断的实验室任务",以"奇偶检查策略"为具体策略研究对象,探查内隐奇偶检查策略的存在及其自动性特征。实验结果表明:(1)奇偶检查策略可以以内隐方式存在,但经过不断练习可最终上升到意识层面;(2)奇偶检查策略的外显和内隐使用表现出各自独立的优势效应。外显学习策略的优势效应主要表现在正确算式判断任务中,而内隐学习策略则在错误算式判断任务中表现出"内隐优势效应"的趋势;(3)内隐奇偶检查策略的人为外显化并不能促使个体增加使用该策略的频率,也不能有效提高策略的执行效率。  相似文献   
Krabbe (2003, in F.H. van Eemeren, J.A. Blair, C.A. Willard and A.F. Snoeck Henkemans (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Sic Sat, Amsterdam, pp. 641–644) defined a metadialogue as a dialogue about one or more dialogues, and a ground-level dialogue as a dialogue that is not a metadialogue. Similarly, I define a meta-argument as an argument about one or more arguments, and a ground-level argument as one which is not a meta-argument. Krabbe (1995, in F.H van Eemeren, R. Grootendorst, J.A. Blair, C.A. Willard and A.F. Snoeck Henkemans (eds.), Proceedings of the Third ISSA Conference on Argumentation, Sic Sat, Amsterdam, pp. 333–344) showed that formal-fallacy criticism (and more generally, fallacy criticism) consists of metadialogues, and that such metadialogues can be profiled in ways that lead to their proper termination or resolution. I reconstruct Krabbe’s metadialogical account into monolectical, meta-argumentative terminology by describing three-types of meta-arguments corresponding to the three ways of proving formal invalidity he studied: the trivial logic-indifferent method; the method of counterexample situation; and the method of formal paraphrase. A fourth type of meta-argument corresponds to what Oliver (1967, Mind 76, 463–478), Govier (1985, Informal Logic 7, 27–33), and Copi (1986) call refutation by logical analogy. A fifth type of meta-argument represents my reconstruction of arguments by parity of reasoning studied by Woods and Hudak (1989, Informal Logic 11, 125–139). Other particular meta-arguments deserving future study are Hume’s critique of the argument from design in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, and Mill’s initial argument in The Subjection of Women about the importance of established custom and general feeling vis-à-vis argumentation.  相似文献   
心算的策略选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从策略选择的角度来研究心算是当前心算研究的一个重要领域。有关心算活动中问题大小效应、距离效应、奇偶效应等的行为与认知神经科学研究揭示了心算活动中不同的策略选择, 进一步加深了我们对心算加工特点的了解。未来研究在注重具体问题解决的同时, 还应注重实验设计的严密性、研究的深入性与综合性相兼顾等问题。  相似文献   
心算活动中混合策略选择的ERP研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察问题大小、距离、奇偶及答案正误对心算策略选择的影响。采用先答案后算式的呈现方式, 记录了15名被试的64导ERP。研究发现, 在小问题中, 错误答案与正确答案相比, 诱发了算术不一致N400, 距离和奇偶因素影响其波峰及潜伏期。在大问题中, 距离和奇偶因素影响晚期正波, 近距离奇偶一致情境诱发了波幅较小的晚期正慢波。表明在混合情境, 距离比奇偶信息优先得到加工; 在小问题心算中距离和奇偶信息影响答案提取, 而在大问题心算中, 对于依靠距离信息较难直接判断的小距离问题, 在进一步的加工中会借助奇偶信息判断是否采用精确计算策略。  相似文献   
This article proposes a normative theory of reparations for political violence from the standpoint of contemporary critical theory debates on recognition and redistribution. I argue that any satisfactory reparations theory should aspire to ‘status parity’, a term coined by Nancy Fraser, and should include symbolic and material components for both individuals and groups. The essay argues that reparations can promote a number of worthy goals, including the reaffirmation of moral respect and dignity of victims.  相似文献   
心理治疗与普通医疗的平等性是美国心理健康服务系统面临的一个主要政策问题,强调健康保险应为心理健康和物质滥用障碍提供与普通医疗相同的承保范围。近20年来,平等性立法在美国得到了较快发展,并取得了一定效果。但由于立法本身存在的局限性及心理健康服务需求与提供双方的多重因素影响,平等性立法的实施及对其效果的评估仍存在一定困难。借鉴平等性立法的经验,得出了一些关于我国心理健康服务发展的启示。  相似文献   
The principles of ontological parity and ordinality have distinct functions in Buchler's ontology. Ontological parity could be independently subscribed to, whereas ordinality signals the positive conception of the nature of reality as irreducibly complex or indefinitely related, which Buchler's metaphysical system seeks to articulate. Both principles inform Buchler's system, but each has a distinctive function. They are not, I suggest, necessarily at odds with one another, as some critics claim. I do identify several difficulties that follow from (1) the level of generality claimed by Buchler and (2) the claim of irreducible complexity or indefinite relatedness.  相似文献   
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