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研究目的:考察反应时与智力的关系以及通过模型对比考察4PLRT模型特性。方法:以瑞文标准推理测验为例,对4PLRT模型与3PLRT模型作比较研究。结论:(1)项目时间参数与难度参数正相关,可以依据时间参数将瑞文标准测验划分成三大部分。(2)能力估计结果比较:由于项目参数和被试速度参数的作用,CTT条件下能力相等的不同被试在计时与非计时条件下存在差异。(3)关于被试的答题策略:被试会基于自身能力而充分权衡时间与准确性的关系。这两种不同模型下被试的能力值之间的比较也说明了时间是一个重要的智力评估因子。  相似文献   
The molecular interactions in binary mixtures of anisole with o-chlorophenol and o-cresol have been studied at three different temperatures using dielectric measurements. The static permittivity and the permittivity at optical frequency have also been determined and used to obtain the Kirkwood correlation factors, the Bruggeman parameter, the excess permittivity and the excess free energy for different concentrations of two binary mixtures, namely (1) anisole + o-chlorophenol and (2) anisole + o-cresol. Using the effective Kirkwood correlation factor, parallel and anti-parallel alignments among the dipoles are identified. The corrective Kirkwood correlation factor, the excess permittivity and the Bruggeman parameter are used to explain the interaction between unlike molecules. The temperature dependences of the above parameters are also reported. The investigation shows systematic changes in the dielectric behaviour with variations in concentration and temperature.  相似文献   
二参数逻辑斯蒂模型项目参数的估计精度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项目参数的估计精度对于测验的编制尤其是题库的建立十分重要。目前,国内外对项目参数估计精度的研究,大部分是基于在已知项目参数真值的情况下,运用各种参数估计方法产生新的估计值,再和真值进行偏度(BIAS)和均方根差(RMSE)的比较,从而说明该种估计方法的有效性。但是这种方法不能提供不同的参数真值之间的估计误差的变化规律。为了弥补这一缺陷,本文尝试从项目参数估计信息函数的角度出发研究项目参数的估计精度问题。本研究以二参数Logistic模型作为研究对象,首先定义了项目参数的估计信息函数,然后基于完全随机实验设计,通过模拟研究的方法探索影响项目参数的估计精度的因素,实验共设计了(2×3×2)种情形。研究结果表明:(1)项目参数(a,b)的估计精度均随着被试样本量的增大而提高;(2)被试的能力分布对难度参数的估计精度影响较大,对区分度参数的估计精度影响相对较小;(3)难度参数和区分度参数的估计精度都分别受到参数a和参数b的共同作用。  相似文献   
The effects of practice (Experiment 1) and parameter variability (Experiment 2) on the learning of generalized motor programs (GMPs) and movement parameterization were investigated In each experiment, 2 tasks with different relative force-time structures were tested. Participants (N = 32, Experiment (N = 40, Experiment 2) attempted to exert a pattern of force that resembled in force and time a waveform that was displayed on a computer monitor. In both experiments, the analysis suggested that the GMP, although refined over practice, was relatively stable (i.e., resistant to decay and interference), even early in practice (after 20 trials). In addition, the results indicated that constant and variable parameter practice did not differentially affect GMP learning but did degrade the learning of the parameter that was not varied. The data provided additional evidence for the dissociation of the GMP and the parameterization processes proposed in GMP theory. Contrary to schema theory, the present data suggest an interdependence between the force and the time parameters: The manipulation of 1 of the parameters has a negative effect on the learning of the other parameter.  相似文献   
The authors' primary purpose in the present experiment was to determine if practice changes the extent to which simple motor sequences are effector independent. Contralateral and ipsilateral effector transfers were assessed in 24 participants after 1 (200 trials) and 4 (800 trials) days of practice. The response sequence became increasingly effector dependent; the response structure and the scaling of force on the effector transfer tests were no better after 4 days of practice than after only 1 day, even though retention performance improved substantially. Those results are consistent with the notion that participants refine their movements over extended practice by exploiting the unique characteristics of the effectors. The additional practice results in a more effective movement when the same effectors are used but is of little value when different effectors are required.  相似文献   
This study examines separate and concurrent approaches to combine the detection of item parameter drift (IPD) and the estimation of scale transformation coefficients in the context of the common item nonequivalent groups design with the three-parameter item response theory equating. The study uses real and synthetic data sets to compare the two approaches based on IPD flagging rates, type I error and power rates, and recovery of scale transformation coefficients. Results indicate that the two approaches render similar outcomes with stable anchor sets. However, they can produce dissimilar results with unstable anchor sets because of differences in the performance of their IPD components. Further, the findings of this study caution about working backward from equated cut scores to motivate the selection of an anchor set.  相似文献   
本文首先简要的阐述了MCMC算法的思想及在IRT参数估计中的操作过程;其次,针对该算法存在的一些问题,提出相应的改进建议;然后,分别运用传统的和改进型的MCMC算法进行模拟数据分析和比较,结果显示新的方法表现更好;最后总结新方法的优点所在,并指出下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   
Q矩阵在认知诊断的模型参数估计和诊断分类中起着重要作用。本文通过研究Liu等人的方法, 设计了同时估计项目参数和Q矩阵的联合估计算法。在DINA模型下, 对项目参数未知时开展模拟研究。研究假设项目为20个, 考察的属性个数分别是3、4和5, 初始Q矩阵中分别存在3、4和5个属性界定错误的项目。结果表明, 联合估计算法能在错误的初始Q矩阵基础上以很高的概率得到正确的Q矩阵。另外, 当专家认定测验的属性个数存在错误时, 该方法推导的Q矩阵和模型参数能提供很好的鉴别Q矩阵错误的信息。  相似文献   
Multinomial processing tree models can provide for measures of underlying cognitive processes. In this paper, the Chechile [Chechile, R. A. (2004). New multinomial models for the Chechile-Meyer task. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 48, 364-384] 6P model is described and applied to several applications involving clinical populations. The model provides for separate measures of storage and retrieval. Monte Carlo studies were conducted to examine the relative accuracy of two methods for obtaining an overall condition estimate for the 6P model, i.e., averaging estimates found for individuals versus pooling the multinomial frequency data before estimating the model parameters. The sampling studies showed that the pooling of frequencies resulted in more accurate parameter estimates. However, psychological assessment in clinical psychology requires precise measurement on an individual basis. In order to recover information about individuals from pooled frequency information, a modified jackknife method was advanced. The jackknife method is based on a contrast between the overall pooled frequency information and the pool frequency without the observations from a single individual. Another series of Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the new jackknife method resulted in better recovery of the correct individual parameter values relative to estimates based on only the data from the individual. Finally, the 6P model was used to examine the data from two previously reported studies with clinical populations. One application addressed the effect of alcohol-induced amnesia, and the other application dealt with Korsakoff amnesia. In both cases the pattern of storage and retrieval measurements resulted in a clarification of the underlying storage and retrieval differences between the clinical group and the control group.  相似文献   
人体实验是一种特殊的交易活动.信息不完备与不对称、交易制度监督漏洞都使卫生研究机构在交易博弈中处于优势地位.集体机会主义行为是导致违规人体实验的重要因素.对违规人体实验的宽容在一定程度上怂恿了这种行为.从健全制度、完善法治、加强教育等方面提出了对策.  相似文献   
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