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Aggressive behaviour serves many useful social functions, yet can also have damaging consequences. In line with evidence showing adolescent development in social cognitive abilities, we hypothesized that the use of aggression would become more sophisticated with age. We investigated adolescent aggression towards peers using an experimental, hypothetical aggression paradigm, the hot sauce paradigm, in a school‐based social network setting. Participants (N = 162 aged 11–17, 98 male) indicated which strength of imaginary hot sauce they would allocate to each of their classmates. A Social Network Questionnaire quantified participants’ perceived dyadic social tie strength with each classmate, and the incidence of mutual or unilateral dyadic real‐world aggression (e.g. teasing). Participants allocated weaker hot sauce to peers with whom they reported strong, positive social ties and an absence of self‐reported unilateral real‐world aggression. With increasing cross‐sectional age, there was a decrease in the impact of social tie strength and an increase in the extent to which hot sauce allocation was predicted by self‐reported mutual real‐world aggression. This pattern of findings is consistent with young (vs. late) adolescent use of experimental, hypothetical Hot Sauce aggression to reflect real‐world animosity, while late adolescents’ behaviour is more subtle. These findings extend our understanding of the dyadic social context of adolescent aggressive behaviour using a novel experimental aggression paradigm.  相似文献   
采用整群抽样法选取1967名青少年被试(平均年龄13.22±0.36岁,男生1018人)进行三年追踪,运用个体定向方法考察青少年早期身体攻击和关系攻击的异质性共发模式及其稳定性、与同伴关系间联系。结果发现三时间点均存在5个身体—关系攻击共发模式组:高身体—关系攻击组、中等身体—关系攻击组、中下身体且低关系攻击组、低身体且中下关系攻击组、低身体—关系攻击组,表明两类攻击总体上表现出水平一致或类似的共发模式,且具跨年龄一致性。各共发模式身份表现出有差异的跨时间稳定性,低攻击组稳定性最高,其次是高攻击组、中等攻击组,低身体且中下关系攻击组转变概率最高。高攻击组同伴拒绝水平最高、同伴接纳最低,低攻击组反之,其他组同伴拒绝水平均显著高于低攻击组,为两类攻击亚组共发模式提供了效度证据。  相似文献   
Male gerbils have larger ventral scent glands, and they mark more than females. In both sexes, scent gland activity is dependent on gonadal hormones. Observations on colonies of gerbils, living in enclosures or cages, showed that both scent gland size and marking behaviour were related to social status. In colonies founded by a single pair, breeding was confined to the original female. The infertility of the daughters was due to failure of sexual maturation. As this was always associated with a lack of development of the scent glands, the functional state of the latter could be used as an index of fecundity. A change in social organization (eg removal of the parents) caused previously infertile females to conceive and was accompanied by development of the scent glands If there was competition for dominance, the scent glands of the losers regressed; at autopsy, their ovaries and uteri appeared to be nonfunctional. The founding father usually had a larger scent gland than his sons, but the inhibition of sexual function was not as severe as in the females. However, the father characteristically showed much more marking behaviow in a neutral territory than his sons. None of the fem ales-except the mother-showed appreciable marking, and her scores were much lower than those of the dominant male. Asymptotic populations were reached at about the same level in enclosures and cages, implicating an intrinsic capacity for control independent of the number of animals per unit of space but probably related to the natural size of a social group. Stabilization of numbers was achieved not only by reproductive inhibition of young females, but also by cessation of breeding by the founding mother and death of litters. Littermates raised in enclosures without their parents showed delayed sexual maturation accompanied by fighting which resulted in the formation of a hierarchy headed by a breeding female and a dominant (marking) male.  相似文献   
Children's and teachers' perception of social dominance was examined using a behavioral criterion for determining accuracy of verbal judgments. Video records of agonistic interactions were obtained during approximately 60 hours of free-play at two preschool centers. Analyses of social conflict episodes ending in submission revealed linear dominance structures for both groups. Dominance perception was assessed in two ways. Both teachers and children were asked to rank-order a subgroup of children according to dominance. They were also asked to select the more dominant children in a number of predetermined pairs. Results indicated that teachers could accurately judge dyadic dominance relations, and that accuracy among children varied as a function of their status within the group hierarchy. Findings have implications for social dominance assessment methodology, and for the issue of consensual versus ecological validity in developmental studies of social perception.  相似文献   
A series of experiments were undertaken to demonstrate the dominance advantage of a territorial resident over an intruder (the prior residence effect) in the adult male Convict Cichlid (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum) and to evaluate the effects of alcohol (ethanol) on this phenomenon. After successfully demonstrating the prior residence effect, additional experiments were conducted in which the resident or intruder was given one of three different doses of ethanol (0.15%, 0.20%, 0.35%). These doses have previously been shown to reduce or increase intraspecific aggression in this species Over the entire dosage range, drugging the intruder produced no changes in the dominance advantage of the resident. However, drugging the resident at the higher doses (0.20%, 0.35%) resulted in loss of the resident's dominance advantage. These effects were not due to impaired locomotor behavior of the drugged fish, as no abnormal motor behaviors were noted. In general, as reported in previous studies, the resident fish, whether drugged or not, typically attacked first. Also as has been previously shown, the fish that attacked (bit) first typically showed eventual dominance. The present results show that the dominance advantage of the territorial resident is not altered by giving an intruder a hypo- or hyperaggression-producing dose of alcohol. Changes in the dominance advantage occur only as a function of drugging the resident, thereby providing evidence that the behavior of the territorial resident is either directly or indirectly (reaction of the intruder to these changes) responsible for the prior residence effect. The present studies also provide some pharmacological approaches for determining the variables important in a laboratory analog of a naturally occurring instance of intraspecific aggression.  相似文献   
Untreated rats were observed to either bite or box with Pentobarbital-treated opponents in a shockelicited aggression situation. Specific behaviors such as ataxia movements and submissive postures immediately preceded biting attacks, but rarely boxing whereas behaviors such as moving around the chamber and upright threat postures immediately preceded boxing attacks, but rarely biting. These data suggest that the topography of aggressive behavior of an attacking rat is determined by the behavior of the victim.  相似文献   
Gender differences regarding aggressive behaviour were investigated in 167 school children, 11 to 12 years of age, through peer-rating techniques supported by self-ratings and interviews. The social structure of the peer groups also was studied. The principal finding was that girls made greater use of indirect means of aggression, whereas the boys tended to employ direct means. Gender differences in verbal aggression were less pronounced. The social structure of peer groups was found to be tighter among girls, making it easier for them to exploit relationships and harm their victims by indirect manipulative aggression. Because indirect aggression has rarely been satisfactorily studied with tests of aggression, this finding may help to explain 1) the generally lower correlation found between peer-rated and self-rated aggression in girls than among boys (indirect means not being so readily recognized by the subject as a kind of aggression) and 2) the low stability of aggressiveness in girls often found in developmental studies.  相似文献   
Triads of male NMRI mice were housed together and dominance hierarchies allowed to form. At age 19 weeks the mice were ranked on the basis of wins in spontaneous aggressive encounters, and whole-body volatiles were sampled by the dynamic solvent effect and quantitatively analysed by capillary gas chromatography. At age 26 weeks the mice were again ranked on the basis of wins in aggressive encounters, number of aggressive encounters initiated, and scent marking patterns, and whole-body volatiles were sampled and analysed. Chromatographic odour profile ranks agreed perfectly with aggressive initiator ranks and poorly with encounter winner ranks. Eight components of the whole-body odour were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; two of these are known semiochemicals. The results demonstrate that murine semiochemicals are accessible to quantitative analysis at the level of the individual.  相似文献   
The relation between aggression and peer social status was investigated in a group of 238 third-through fifth-grade children. Peer social status refers to the degree to which a child is accepted by his or her peer group. By asking children to nominate peers they “like most” and “like least,” one can identify children who are popular, rejected, neglected, or viewed as average within their peer group. Results indicated low to moderate correlations between peer-nominated aggression and global indices of social acceptance. More specifically, it was found that aggressive children largely comprised the rejected and average social status groups, but not the popular or neglected groups. Furthermore, analyses indicated that according to both peers and teachers, aggressive/rejected children showed academic and social-skill deficits, whereas aggressive children of average peer status exhibited adequate adjustment similar to that of nonaggressive/average-status children. These results suggest the importance of considering peer social status when identifying aggressive children in need of intervention and in determining which skill deficits to address. In addition, knowledge of an aggressive child's peer status might be useful in enhancing the predictability of adult adjustment.  相似文献   
Laboratory rats were used to investigate sex and strain differences in the effects of aggression on a cooperative behavior in which pairs learn to coordinate shuttling in a rectangular chamber. The level of aggression was manipulated by comparing males and females of the aggressive S3 strain and a less aggressive Sprague-Dawley-derived strain and by housing same-sex partners either together or individually (eight groups, n = 7 pairs per group). Hormone levels were stabilized by gonadectomy and daily injections of the appropriate sex hormone. The only serious coordination deficits were in individually housed males, associated with violent fighting and an extreme dominance/subordinance relationship that was not observed in females. All other groups readily learned and performed the coordination, with evidence that low and moderate levels of aggression could facilitate coordination by evoking species-typical behaviors that increased proximity, synchrony, and differentiation within pairs. The discussion focused on models of affiliative behavior in the study of aggression and the compatibility between moderate levels of aggression and cooperation.  相似文献   
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