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阜阳汉墓所出竹简本《周易》的释文偶有误释和漏释之处,本文对此提出补正意见,释出"倍"、"弟"、"邑"、"抽"、"適"、"徙"、"者"、"市"、"克"、"贾"、"别"等字,辨识出"吉"、"其"、"无"、"死"、"货"、"凶"、"利"等残字,拼合了简55+残片11、简486+469两处断简,供研究《周易》和阜阳汉简的学者们参考。此外,还指出了阜阳汉简《周易》摹本的一些问题。  相似文献   
The question I try to answer in this paper is: How should we distinguish mad from sane religious belief? After looking at the clear-cut but opposed answers of Freud and Jung, I then examine the modern psychiatric answer, particularly as presented in the DSM IV. After arguing that each of the three answers is unsatisfactory, I look at what I take to be the more promising approach of Con Drury, Wittgenstein’s friend and biographer, in an essay called “Madness and Religion,” where, drawing on the religious histories of Joan of Arc, George Fox and Tolstoy and three of his own psychiatric patients, Drury suggests that there is no objective yet ethical way to make the distinction. This leads to my own answer, which is that the best we can do is to distinguish mad from neurotic religious belief; and hence that the safest position, although not the most comfortable, is the neurotic one.  相似文献   
于泳红 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1157-1158,1127
该研究以多属性职业选项为材料,采用计算机化的信息板技术初步考察了焦虑型个体在多属性决策过程中的信息加工特点,结果表明焦虑型个体与非焦虑个体的决策过程有所不同。主要表现在与非焦虑型的决策者相比,焦虑型的被试在决策过程中对职业属性的加工时间更长,加工的信息也更多;在决策前后他们对完成决策任务的信心水平评估都很低,但是在搜索模式上焦虑型的决策者与非焦虑型的决策者没有差别。在研究的讨论部分对焦虑型个体决策过程中信息加工特点的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   
This commentary reflects on the different innovative motifs introduced into psychosocial research by the contributions to this special issue: the risk of oversubjectification in research placing undue emphasis on the individual reasoning or feeling subject, the attempt to link the “feelings” and “talk” about emotion in one interpretative framework, the place of the interview in research which questions rather than reinforces “identity,” the location of subjects in a “place-assemblage” rather than in their own selves, and the reconfiguration of “mindfulness” so that it opens out to social relations rather than evades them. Focussing on the role of psychoanalysis in psychosocial research, I situate these motifs within the analysis of the machinery of “facialization” offered by Deleuze and Guattari, in which the “white wall” of signification is complemented and locked in place by the “black hole” of subjectivity.  相似文献   
研究旨在考察汉语学龄前儿童正字法意识的发展情况。在某中等城市一所幼儿园随机选择4岁、5岁、6岁三个年龄段的儿童各31、37、34名。实验一使用汉字、韩文和日文(平假名)作为实验材料探查学龄前儿童的汉字特异性意识;实验二使用上下结构、左右结构的真字、假字和非字考察学龄前儿童的部件位置意识。实验结果显示:(1)三组儿童都能区分日文和汉字,5岁左右儿童这种能力达到成熟。4岁儿童不能区分汉字和韩文,直到6岁,辨别汉字和韩文的能力也没有发展成熟。(2)三组儿童都能意识到假字符合正字法规则,但拒绝非字的能力在学前期尚未发展成熟,儿童在学前期不具备部件位置意识;6岁儿童更容易拒绝上下部件位置颠倒的非字。  相似文献   
概念加工深度影响道德概念水平方位隐喻联结   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过6个实验探究了不同概念加工深度下道德概念与水平方位的隐喻联结。实验1采用迫选任务范式,实验2、实验3和实验4均采用空间Stroop范式,实验5和实验6均采用启动范式。结果发现:(1)在思维迫选中存在道德与左、不道德与右的隐喻联结;(2)在较深、中等概念加工深度下发现了隐喻一致性效应,在较浅概念加工深度下未发现这种效应;(3)在较浅概念加工深度下始源域和目标域之间的映射均不存在,即未在启动范式中发现隐喻联结。结果表明:道德概念与水平方位存在隐喻联结,这种隐喻联结中左表征道德、右表征不道德,并同时受到始源域和目标域加工深度的影响。  相似文献   
Many in education suggest that to have studentsadopt healthy and active lifestyles, then theymust be offered meaning rich physical activityexperiences. This paper adds to thisconversation in two ways. First, this paperadds depth and richness to traditionalconceptualizations of the meaning in movement.In doing so, we interrogate the physical,cognitive and affective meaning that studentsmay derive from participation in movement.Second, this paper examines the role ofphysical activity in theme-based, integratedcurriculum. We highlight how physical activitycan be incorporated into theme-based units insubstantial and non-trivial ways.  相似文献   
采用YG人格测验量表、团体智力筛选测验量表、复杂划消测验、双手调节器及深度知觉仪对港口门机事故驾驶员和非事故驾驶员所进行的研究表明:两组门机驾驶员在12项人格特征以及智力、选择反应能力上未显示出显著性差异;事故组门机驾驶员双手协调及注意分配能力和深度知觉能力明显低于非事故组门机驾驶员;技能水平与事故之间存在显著的正相关.  相似文献   
One of the main theoretical challenges of vision science is to explain how the visual system interpolates missing structure. Two forms of visual completion have been distinguished on the basis of the phenomenological states that they induce. Modal completion refers to the formation of visible surfaces and/or contours in image regions where these properties are not specified locally. Amodal completion refers to the perceived unity of objects that are partially obscured by occluding surfaces. Although these two forms of completion elicit very different phenomenological states, it has been argued that a common mechanism underlies modal and amodal boundary and surface interpolation (the "identity hypothesis"; Kellman & Shipley, 1991; Kellman, 2001). Here, we provide new data, demonstrations, and theoretical principles that challenge this view. We show that modal boundary and surface completion processes exhibit a strong dependence on the prevailing luminance relationships of a scene, whereas amodal completion processes do not. We also demonstrate that the shape of interpolated contours can change when a figure undergoes a transition from a modal to an amodal appearance, in direct contrast to the identity hypothesis. We argue that these and previous results demonstrate that modal and amodal completion do not result from a common interpolation mechanism.  相似文献   
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