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以卡通面孔图片为刺激材料,赋予5~6岁儿童三种不同的加工任务,包括卡通面孔识别、分类和吸引力评价,旨在比较其在不同任务情境中的眼动差异。结果表明:(1)任务情境会影响儿童对卡通面孔的加工。在不同的面孔加工任务中,儿童的反应时、正确率、注视时间和次数等存在差异;(2)随着三种任务难度的逐渐加大,儿童的加工程度也相应地加深;(3)儿童在三种任务中的加工方式一致,对面部不同部位的关注程度不同:加工初期特别关注鼻子,而后眼睛部位耗费最多的注意资源,其次是鼻子、嘴巴、前额和脸颊,极少关注下巴;(4)男女童在卡通面孔分类任务中表现出较显著的性别差异,女童具有速度方面的优势,而男童对于关键信息的搜索则更为积极主动。  相似文献   
运用眼动分析法探讨了外在特征变化对人像辨认的影响,即外在特征多少、学习与辨认外在特征的一致性对人像辨认的影响。因变量为人像辨认的反应时、辨别力、注视次数、眼跳幅度。实验表明:学习与辨认的一致性对人像辨认影响显著,外在特征多少对人像辨认影响不显著。  相似文献   
A maximum likelihood estimation procedure is developed for multidimensional scaling when (dis)similarity measures are taken by ranking procedures such as the method of conditional rank orders or the method of triadic combinations. The central feature of these procedures may be termed directionality of ranking processes. That is, rank orderings are performed in a prescribed order by successive first choices. Those data have conventionally been analyzed by Shepard-Kruskal type of nonmetric multidimensional scaling procedures. We propose, as a more appropriate alternative, a maximum likelihood method specifically designed for this type of data. A broader perspective on the present approach is given, which encompasses a wide variety of experimental methods for collecting dissimilarity data including pair comparison methods (such as the method of tetrads) and the pick-M method of similarities. An example is given to illustrate various advantages of nonmetric maximum likelihood multidimensional scaling as a statistical method. At the moment the approach is limited to the case of one-mode two-way proximity data, but could be extended in a relatively straightforward way to two-mode two-way, two-mode three-way or even three-mode three-way data, under the assumption of such models as INDSCAL or the two or three-way unfolding models.The first author's work was supported partly by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, grant number A6394. Portions of this research were done while the first author was at Bell Laboratories. MAXSCAL-4.1, a program to perform the computations described in this paper can be obtained by writing to: Computing Information Service, Attention: Ms. Carole Scheiderman, Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, N.J. 07974. Thanks are due to Yukio Inukai, who generously let us use his stimuli in our experiment, and to Jim Ramsay for his helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Confidence regions in Figures 2 and 3 were drawn by the program written by Jim Ramsay. We are also indebted to anonymous reviewers for their suggestions.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to analyze whether task repetitions which are an inevitable part of repeated measures designs might induce performance alterations specific for gender and hemisphere. Male and female subjects conducted twice a lexical decision, a polygon recognition, and a face discrimination task as a visual half field paradigm with the two experimental sessions repeated by 2 weeks. The results show that only in female subjects can a session effect for the lexical decision and the polygon recognition task be demonstrated which is hemisphere specific. Thus, repeated measures designs seem to have a gender- and hemisphere-specific effects of their own which could confound with other variables under study.  相似文献   
It is natural to wonder how mercy is related to justice. I focus in this essay on a more limited question: how should we relate mercy and retributive justice? My suggestion is that attending to our situation as moral agents can help us solve this conundrum. I offer a pessimistic reading of our situation. Because of original sin and related forms of bad moral luck, we have limited control over our attitudes and actions. This has a surprisingly hopeful upshot, since our unfortunate condition makes it appropriate to respond to one another mercifully. I suggest that this response can take two forms. Without collapsing justice into mercy, it is right to make our approach to justice and punishment more merciful and to recognize the fittingness of “erring” on the side of mercy when we are uncertain how to apportion blame.  相似文献   
以往研究发现眼睛注视方向知觉受面孔表情的影响,愤怒面孔相较于恐惧面孔更倾向被判断为看着观察者。虽然研究者对此提出了不同的解释,但目前尚不清楚愤怒和恐惧表情在注视方向知觉中的这种差异影响到底来自于面孔的结构信息还是物理特征信息。本研究采用注视方向辨别任务,计算直视知觉范围(The Cone of Direct Gaze,CoDG)为因变量,分别以直立,倒置及模糊图片为实验材料,试图通过分离面孔结构信息和物理特征信息,对以上问题进行探讨。结果发现在保留面孔全部信息的情况下(实验1)愤怒面孔的CoDG大于恐惧面孔;在破坏结构信息加工,只保留特征信息加工的情况下(实验2))愤怒和恐惧表情在直视知觉范围上的差异消失了;在削弱物理特征信息加工,保留结构信息加工的情况下(实验3)二者在CoDG上的差异又复现。本研究结果说明不同威胁性面孔表情对眼睛注视知觉的影响主要来自于二者在与情绪意义相关的结构信息加工上的不同,而二者非低级的物理信息上的差异,支持信号共享假说和情绪评价假说对威胁性面孔表情与注视方向整合加工解释的理论基础。  相似文献   
朱熹尽管批陆为禅,其学亦吸收了佛禅的“明心见性”思想。陆九渊虽自谓“心即理”之说得自孟子,实亦受到程朱影响。要之,二人都讲道德本心,分歧只在“尊德性”与“道问学”的关系上。朱子强调二者相辅相成,实则在“道问学”上用力较勤。象山强调“先立乎其大”“发明本心”,但亦未尽废“道问学”。朱批评陆自信太过,陆则以朱为支离。然而正是这些差异,使得朱陆之学得以相辅而互补。  相似文献   
Leif Wenar 《Metaphilosophy》2001,32(1&2):79-94
This article examines Rawls's and Scanlon's surprisingly undemanding contractualist accounts of global moral principles. Scanlon's Principle of Rescue requires too little of the world's rich unless the causal links between them and the poor are unreliable. Rawls's principle of legitimacy leads him to theorize in terms of a law of peoples instead of persons, and his conception of a people leads him to spurn global distributive equality. Rawls's approach has advantages over the cosmopolitan egalitarianism of Beitz and Pogge. But it cannot generate principles to regulate the entire global economic order. The article proposes a new cosmopolitan economic original position argument to make up for this lack in Rawls's Law of Peoples.  相似文献   
Since the turn of the millennium, theologians and secular scholars of religion have increasingly begun exploring the relationship between transhumanism and religion. However, analyses of anti‐transhumanist apocalypticisms are still rare, and those that exist are situated mainly among broader explorations of religious and secular bioconservatism. This article addresses this lack of specificity by drawing analyses of transhumanism and religion into dialogue with explorations of contemporary demonology through a close study of the beliefs of the evangelical conspiracist Thomas Horn and the anti‐transhumanist milieu around him. Exploring the milieu's multifaceted demonology of the secular world in light of genealogies of religion and secularity, the article situates Horn's demonology as one attempt to negotiate these genealogies, using what Sean McCloud terms a “‘supernatural’ hermeneutics of suspicion” that sees spiritual forces as the structural base of reality. It argues that, while fringe, milieus like Horn's illuminate broader cultural tensions and genealogical relations surrounding the place of religion in a secular(izing) world.  相似文献   
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