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Abstract: There is a tendency in philosophical discussions to see beliefs as belonging to specific people—to see things in terms of “your” belief, or “my” belief, or “Smith's” belief. I call this “personal attachment to beliefs.” This mindset is unconscious, deeply ingrained, and a powerful background stance in discussion and thinking. Attachment has a negative impact on the quality of philosophical discussion and learning: difficulties in acknowledging error and changing beliefs, blindness to new evidence, difficulties in understanding new ideas, entrenchment in views, rancorous behavior, and the encouragement of competitive personal contests rather than collaborative searches for the truth. This article investigates the nature of attachment and traces out some of the undesirable consequences for classroom philosophical discussion, thinking, writing, and learning. It presents an alternative model to attachment and offers constructive suggestions for implementing the results of the investigation in the philosophy classroom and elsewhere.  相似文献   
分析比较切开复位内固定和人工桡骨小头置换方法治疗桡骨小头粉碎性骨折(MasonⅢ型)的临床疗效。回顾分析2012年10月~2014年3月收治的24例桡骨小头粉碎性骨折(MasonⅢ型)的临床资料,其中切开复位内固定治疗17例;桡骨小头置换7例,平均随访12个月(6个月~18个月)。根据Broberg Morrey评分系统以及术后影像进行评价比较,同时比较两组住院天数以及费用。结果评价比较显示两者疗效均佳,术后两者活动度和功能评分相近,两组住院天数相近,内固定组费用更低。桡骨小头粉碎性骨折须尽早进行解剖复住功能重建,切开复位内固定和桡骨小头置换疗效相当。  相似文献   
The influence of the social rank of male mice, determined by the outcome of fights, was assessed on their growth, treadmill performance, open-field behavior, and morphometric traits. Fertility of mated females was also investigated. Special attention was paid to the relationship between the male's social rank and body weight. Winners of fights were heavier than losers; their latencies were shorter, and they showed more locomotor activity in an open field test. Winners also had higher absolute testicular and epididymal weights. These males had a positive influence on the reproductive fitness of the females with which they were mated.  相似文献   
心理学研究中的可重复性问题:从危机到契机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可重复性问题是当前科学界面临的共同问题。最近,心理学研究领域的可重复性问题也受到广泛关注,引起了研究者的积极讨论与探索。通过对2008年发表的100项研究结果进行大规模重复实验,研究者发现,心理学研究的成功重复率约为39%,但该研究仍然存在着巨大的争议,不同的研究者对其结果的解读不尽相同。针对可重复性问题,研究者通过数据模拟、元分析以及调查等多种方法来分析和探索其原因,这些研究表明,可重复性问题本质上可能是发表的研究假阳性过高,可疑研究操作是假阳性过高的直接原因,而出版偏见和过度依赖虚无假设检验则是更加深层的原因。面对可重复性问题,研究者从统计方法和研究实践两个方面提出了相应的解决方案,这些方法与实践正在成为心理学研究的新标准。然而,要解决可重复性问题,还需要心理学研究领域的多方参与,尤其是在政策上鼓励公开、透明和开放的研究取向,避免出版偏见。心理学研究者为解决可重复性问题做出的努力,不仅会加强心理学研究的可靠性,也为其他学科解决可重复问题提供了借鉴,推动科学界可重复问题的解决。  相似文献   
As multinational organizations increase operations in emerging economies, firms need to understand how cultural values prevailing in a host country can influence leadership practices developed and practiced in Western economies. This study explores the relationships among leadership styles and salespeople's attitudes and behaviours with data from salespeople in India with power distance measured at the individual level. Results suggest that for employees' instrumental leadership is more effective in promoting employee effort and increasing job performance. In addition, the relationship between satisfaction with supervisor and turnover intentions is weaker or insignificant, while the relationship between satisfaction with supervisor and effort is stronger for employees in higher power distance organizations. The study highlights cultural sensitivities that need to be considered in formulating an effective leadership style in emerging market contexts.  相似文献   
Here I discuss the basic elements, major stages, and completion of progressive evolution. The cosmic world of self-realization is based on extensive self-development within a closed contour: temporal counter-transitions of spatial counter-elements (energy bonds and media and, basically, substance structures) form of local worlds within it through evolution of informational structures.
  • The organic world of reproduction develops through the open informational path: the initial substance, through energy exchange and metabolism, reproduces similar substance; the latter interacts with the environment and, subsequently, reproduces its like, and so on.

  • The animal world of self-regulation builds up a closed informational contour in the environment through the informational input and command output.

  • The human world of self-cognition forms the intensive type of development within the internal closed informational contour of cognition. Counter-transitions of ideal images and signs relate to their real prototypes. In the course of cognition, abstractive thinking develops and brings man to the possibility of reflection of the initial world in its integrity (thus, elevates man to the infinite, by Hegel).

The current debate about disagreement has as rivals those who take the steadfast view and those who affirm conciliationism. Those on the steadfast side maintain that resolute commitment to a belief is reasonable despite peer disagreement. Conciliationists say that peer disagreement necessarily undermines warrant for one’s belief. This article discusses the relevance of open‐mindedness to the matter of peer disagreement. It shows how both the steadfast and the conciliatory perspective are consistent with a robust and substantive display of open‐mindedness. However, it also turns out that there are more ways to display open‐mindedness on the steadfast view than on the conciliatory view.  相似文献   
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