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执行功能研究方法评述   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
虽然对执行功能的研究长期以来都是从神经心理学角度出发的,但现在发展心理学领域中也出现了大量的研究,其研究方法也层出不穷。该文从发展心理学角度分析了研究儿童冷执行功能和热执行功能的常用方法,包括搜寻任务、规则运用任务、优势规则抑制任务、矛盾冲突任务、问题解决任务、图片工作记忆任务、心理理论任务、延迟满足任务、儿童博弈任务和反向择物。通过对这些方法的分析,作者发现,执行功能的概念已逐步扩展到包容整个认知过程,而已有的关于执行功能的观点都只强调了其中某一个或几个方面,还没有一种观点能够将上述方法所研究的执行功能概括完整。执行功能的本质还远远不能清晰地展示在我们面前。  相似文献   
负性情绪干扰行为抑制控制:一项事件相关电位研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
辛勇  李红  袁加锦 《心理学报》2010,42(3):334-341
以往研究提示,行为抑制控制与视觉情绪加工的神经活动存在交互作用,而视觉材料诱发的正、负情绪如何影响行为控制加工过程尚不清楚。采用双选择情绪oddball范式与事件相关电位(ERP)技术,本研究假设视觉情绪刺激的呈现对个体的行为控制能力具有显著影响。实验要求被试对标准刺激与偏差刺激(85%vs.15%)分别做不同的按键反应。偏差刺激由正、负、中三种来自中国情绪图片系统的情绪图片组成。行为结果发现,负性条件下的反应时间显著长于中性与正性条件,而三类偏差刺激的反应时均显著长于标准刺激的反应时。ERP结果显示,不论效价,在240~300ms与350~550ms两个时间窗口,偏差刺激与标准刺激诱发的平均波幅差异显著,表明本研究条件下行为抑制控制效应显著。在代表行为控制加工的偏差-标准差异波中,在上述两窗口内分别出现显著的N2与P3成分。负性条件下N2及P3潜伏期显著长于中性条件;而负性条件下N2波幅显著大于而P3波幅显著小于中性条件。相反,正性条件下N2波幅显著小于而P3波幅显著大于中性条件。因此,本研究从行为与脑电两个层面揭示了情绪对行为控制过程的影响:负性情绪减弱个体的行为控制能力,从而导致个体对反应冲突的觉察变慢及对优势反应的抑制过程更长。相反,正性情绪对行为控制过程可能具有促进作用。  相似文献   
目的:分析比较大学生人际困扰、社交焦虑和心理症状的现状与影响,为大学生心理健康教育提供见解。方法:采用自制大学生压力源情况调查表,症状自评量表,社交回避及苦恼量表对大一、大二、大三共1291名大学生进行了测查。结果:人际关系困扰各年级总检出率为27.2%;大二和大三人际敏感因子均分高于大一,女生得分高于男生,并有显著差异;社交苦恼因子和总均分高于常模,存在差异显著性(P<0.05),总体社交回避及苦恼与抑郁、强迫、焦虑等心理症状有显著正相关,并有统计学意义。结论:人际困扰、人际敏感症状存在年级、性别差异,和典型表现形式;社交回避及苦恼可导致不同类型心理症状。  相似文献   
Rats were given differential exposure to three distinct and novel foods. One of these foods was exposed for 7 days; another for 2 days, and the last was not exposed. Next, half of the rats received six daily sessions in which a compound of the three flavors was followed by opportunities to run in wheels. The other rats received the food compound but without wheel running. On the next day, all rats were given a choice among the three food flavors presented concurrently in separate dishes. When the compound food had been followed by wheel running, rats ate little of the food given no pre-exposure, more of the food given 2 days of pre-exposure, and considerably more of the food given 7 days of pre-exposure. In comparison, rats who did not receive an opportunity to run ate equal and moderate amounts of the three foods. The results suggest that pre-exposure to a food’s taste produces latent inhibition that interferes with conditioned taste avoidance produced by pairing a taste (CS) with wheel running (US).  相似文献   
In this study the relevance of the concept of mental kinesiophobia (respectively cogniphobia or fear of mental exertion) for clients with chronic stress problems was explored. It was hypothesized that cognitive, chronic stress complaints, such as concentration problems or decreased problem solving abilities, could be catastrophized as signs of heightened personal vulnerability, with a chance of becoming permanent. As a consequence, mental exertion is avoided. This line of reasoning comes from the existing concept of kinesiophobia. This concept describes the avoidance behavior in chronic benign pain patients and refers to their fear of inflicting irreversible bodily damage due to physical exertion.An illustrative case of cogniphobia is presented. In an explorative pilot-study it was demonstrated that chronically stressed clients scored significantly higher on an experimental questionnaire measuring avoidance tendencies for mental exertion, compared with actively working employees. Consequences for treatment and suggestions for further study are discussed.  相似文献   
摘 要 为探讨神经质、青少年情绪化饮食、体验回避及自尊之间的关系,选取1000名青少年为被试,采用简式大五人格问卷、荷兰饮食行为问卷、接纳行动量表及自尊量表进行测试。结果表明:(1)神经质对青少年情绪化饮食有显著的正向影响,并间接地通过体验回避对青少年情绪化饮食产生作用;(2)自尊在体验回避对青少年情绪化饮食的影响中起显著的调节作用,具体而言,在低自尊水平下,体验回避能显著地正向预测青少年情绪化饮食,而在高自尊水平下,体验回避对青少年情绪化饮食的预测作用不显著。  相似文献   
Three pigeons were studied on concurrent, unsignaled, avoidance schedules in a two-key procedure. Shock-shock intervals were two seconds in both schedules. The response-shock interval on one key was always 22 seconds, while the response-shock interval associated with the other key was varied from 7 to 52 seconds in different experimental conditions. Response rates on the key associated with the varied schedule tended to decrease when the response-shock interval length was increased. Responding on the key associated with the constant schedule was not systematically affected.  相似文献   
This study examined two aspects of body checking and avoidance, and their relations to the core psychopathology of eating disorders (EDs), in severely obese men and women seeking bariatric surgery. A consecutive series of 260 (44 male and 216 female) gastric bypass candidates were administered measures to assess body checking and avoidance, binge eating, restraint, and overevaluation of weight and shape. The majority of patients reported regularly pinching areas of their body to check for fatness and avoided wearing clothing that made them particularly aware of their body. Significant associations were observed between checking and restraint, and between avoidance and binge eating. Both checking and avoidance behaviors were significantly associated with overevaluation of weight and shape. The positive associations between each of the two behaviors (body checking and avoidance) with overevaluation of weight/shape remained significant even after controlling for the effects of avoidance on body checking and vice versa. Stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed that binge eating, body checking, and avoidance behaviors made significant unique contributions and jointly accounted for 22-25% of the variance in overevaluation of weight and shape, respectively. This study documents the presence of eating disorder psychopathology among severely obese patients seeking bariatric surgery. The findings support the view that body checking and avoidance behaviors are manifestations of overevaluation of weight and shape and disordered eating.  相似文献   
Seven different laboratory measures of impulsivity were administered to a group of 165 school-aged boys. Parents' and teachers' ratings of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional/Defiant Disorder were also obtained. Factor analyses of impulsivity measures revealed the existence of a strong Inhibitory Control Factor including measures derived from Stop Task, the Continuous Performance Test, the Matching Familiar Figures Test, and the Circle Tracing Task. Other forms of impulsivity like resistance to interference, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and efficiency in the DRL Task loaded on a second independent factor. The Inhibitory Control factor was correlated with ADHD ratings, whereas the second factor was slightly related to the presence of ODD symptoms. Discussion is focused on the relevance of inhibitory control in impulsivity and ADHD research.  相似文献   
The present study examined the affective consequences of response inhibition during a state of anxiety-related physical stress. Forty-eight non-clinical participants were selected on the basis of pre-experimental differences in emotional avoidance (high versus low) and subjected to four inhalations of 20% carbon dioxide-enriched air. Half of the participants were instructed to inhibit the challenge-induced aversive emotional state, whereas the other half was instructed to simply observe their emotional response. Participants high in emotional avoidance compared to those low in emotional avoidance responded with greater levels of anxiety and affective distress but not physiological arousal. Individuals high in emotional avoidance also reported greater levels of anxiety relative to the low emotional avoidance group when suppressing compared to observing bodily sensations. These findings are discussed in terms of the significance of emotional avoidance processes during physical stress, with implications for better understanding the nature of panic disorder.  相似文献   
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