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小学儿童假设检验思维策略的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用自创的“固定样例”程序,利用自行设计的两种不同任务的图形推理材料,研究了小学儿童假设检验策略的发展。550名不同年级的被试参加了本研究:结果发现,在该研究条件下:(1)答案存在多种可能性的任务Ⅰ明显难于答案确定的任务Ⅱ;(2)小学儿童假设检验能力随年级提高而增长,但增长的速度因任务不同而不同;(3)随着年级的提高,小学儿童使用的不成功策略逐步下降,成功策略显著上升,但这也受任务不同的影响;(4)固定样例程序较好地克服了变化样例程序所带来的假设检验研究的缺陷。  相似文献   
In this paper we present a mechanism to model the influence of agents’ internal and external factors on the emotional evaluation of stimuli in computational models of emotions. We propose the modification of configurable appraisal dimensions (such as desirability and pleasure) based on influencing factors. As part of the presented mechanism, we introduce influencing models to define the relationship between a given influencing factor and a given set of configurable appraisal dimensions utilized in the emotional evaluation phase. Influencing models translate factors’ influences (on the emotional evaluation) into fuzzy logic adjustments (e.g., a shift in the limits of fuzzy membership functions), which allow biasing the emotional evaluation of stimuli. We implemented a proof-of-concept computational model of emotions based on real-world data about individuals’ emotions. The obtained empirical evidence indicates that the proposed mechanism can properly affect the emotional evaluation of stimuli while preserving the overall behavior of the model of emotions.  相似文献   
This longitudinal study explored how mothers’ sensitivity in responding to their child’s cognitive and emotional needs in infancy and toddlerhood predicts children’s pre-mathematical skills at early preschool age. The sample consisted of 65 mother–child dyads (N = 130 individuals) videotaped during joint play at ages 1;0 and 2;0. The children’s pre-mathematical skills were tested at age 3;0. The path analyses showed that, in infancy, mothers’ autonomy support and scaffolding are more strongly related than emotional support to children’s later performance on spatial and numerical tasks. The findings are discussed in relation to how maternal sensitivity in responding fosters children’s pre-mathematical development in an optimal way.  相似文献   
This article shows that there are square circles (or equivalently, round squares) in the sense that there are mathematical objects that are at the same time both perfectly circular and perfectly square. The philosophical significance of this is discussed, especially in view of philosophy's widespread use of “square circle” as a typical example of an impossibility. In particular, the focus is on what the existence of square circles means for the possibility of conceptual analysis, and more generally what we can learn about the nature of non‐formal concepts and their use in philosophy.  相似文献   
Ecology's reputation as a holistic science is partly due to widespread misconceptions of its nature as well as shortcomings in its methodology. This article argues that the pursuit of empirical laws of ecology can foster the emergence of a more unified and predictive science based on complementary modes of explanation. Numerical analyses of population dynamics have a distinguished pedigree, spatial analyses generate predictive laws of macroecology, and physical analyses are typically pursued by the ecosystem paradigm. The most characteristically ecological laws, however, are found in biotic analyses in the functional trait paradigm. Holistic credentials for ecology may thus be restored on two bases: its accommodating complementary modes of analysis and explanation, and its having some laws within the least reductionistic mode consistent with its subject matter. These claims, grounded in the aspectual theory of Herman Dooyeweerd, lead to some suggestions for enhancing the versatility and usefulness of ecology—and other sciences—by balancing different research paradigms under a holistic vision.  相似文献   
According to the traditional definition of lying, somebody lies if he or she makes a believed-false statement with the intention to deceive. The traditional definition has recently been challenged by non-deceptionists who use bald-faced lies to underpin their view that the intention to deceive is no necessary condition for lying. We conducted two experiments to test whether their assertions are true. First, we presented one of five scenarios that consisted of three different kinds of lies (consistent bald-faced lies, conflicting bald-faced lies, and indifferent lies). Then we asked participants to judge whether the scenario at hand was a lie, whether the speaker intended to deceive somebody, and how they would judge the behavior in terms of morality. As expected, our results indicate that the intention to deceive is not a necessary condition for lying. Participants rated indifferent lies to be lies and judged that no intention to deceive was involved in these cases. In addition, all bald-faced lies were evaluated as lies. However, participants widely ascribed an intention to deceive to bald-faced lies, which thus might not apply as counterexamples against the traditional definition of lying. Besides, lies are judged as morally wrong regardless of an intention to deceive.  相似文献   
我对卒中单元的体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卒中单元作为卒中治疗的最佳模式,逐渐被临床医生所接受,就卒中单元的概念、特点及我国卒中的现状等多数人所关心的问题进行了分析和探讨,以助于更好的理解。  相似文献   
中-英双语语义通达机制的启动效应实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘伟志  刘明波 《心理学探新》2005,25(4):40-44,55
采用不同加工水平的词汇判断任务,考察了启动刺激对目标刺激的启动效应,来探讨中英双语的语义通达机制。被试为大学生38名。结果发现:当启动刺激(英)和目标刺激(英)之间存在语义联想关系,得到了显著的启动效应(实验一);当启动刺激(中)和目标刺激(英)之间存在语义联想关系,也得到了显著的跨语言启动效应(实验二);当启动刺激(中)的翻译对等词和目标刺激(英)之间存在语音相同或相近关系时,采用基于语音的词汇判断任务,也得到了显著的跨语言启动效应。这一结果表明,对于中英双语者来说,第二语言的词汇表征既直接通达语义概念表征,又可以借助第一语言的词汇表征为中介再通达语义概念表征。  相似文献   
陈红敏  莫雷  冷英 《心理科学》2005,28(2):491-493
文章对文本阅读中概念提取的研究进行了系统的介绍,虽然研究者得出了不同的结论,但都力图揭示文本阅读中概念提取的信息加工机制。文章在此基础上对影响文本阅读中概念提取的因素进行初步分析.发现文本类型、文本中心确定方式和抑制是主要因素。其中,文本中心确定方式是最主要的影响因素。  相似文献   
龚少英  方富熹 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1108-1111
本研究采用翻译识别任务探查了不同熟练程度的汉英双语儿童的词汇和概念表征的特点。被试为从一年级开始学习英语的小学三、五年级和初中一年级儿童共50名,结果发现.各组被试在进行翻译识别时.反应错误率随着熟练程度的提高逐渐降低,且各组被试都产生了显著的正字法干扰效应和语义干扰效应。这一结果表明,不熟练的汉英双语儿童可以通过词汇联系和概念联系加工第二语言中的词。  相似文献   
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