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揭示情绪体验影响个体完成各种认知任务的认知神经机制是研究者关注的热点问题。以往研究主要采用问卷法和行为实验, 集中考察了焦虑对估算策略运用的影响, 但这种影响潜在的脑机制尚不清楚, 对焦虑以外的情绪体验与估算策略运用之间关系的研究也极其缺乏, 而情绪调节对估算策略运用影响方面的研究基本处于空白。本研究将采用面孔表情图片作为情绪刺激材料, 结合事件相关电位(event related potential, ERP)技术, 采用启动范式, 尝试从外显和内隐两个角度, 考察不同效价的情绪体验在估算策略运用过程中所起的作用, 进而揭示情绪调节影响估算策略执行的时间动态特征和大脑激活模式。这将有助于充分认识情绪体验影响估算策略运用的认知与脑机制, 为更好的优化估算策略运用效果提供实证依据。  相似文献   
文化对广告的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着近年来国际营销的发展,化差异成为影响跨国公司营销策略的重要因素之一。章概括了化对广告影响的最新研究成果和进展。首先介绍了化的概念和结构;其次,介绍了化对广告的影响,主要包括广告态度、广告运作方式、受众媒体接触行为、广告策略及制作和广告管理等几个方面;最后,介绍了国际广告的3种主要策略:统一化策略、本土化策略和介于两之间的折衷策略。  相似文献   
小学一~三年级儿童加减法策略选择的发展特点研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
随机选取90名小学一~三年级的儿童为被试,采用实验法和访谈法对儿童解决加减法算术题的策略发展特点进行了探讨。结果发现:1儿童能运用多种策略解决加减法算术题,在解决两个数的算术题时用到了13种策略,在解决三个数的算术题时用到了8种策略。2儿童在解决同一道题时大多能同时运用两种或两种以上的策略。3随着年龄的增长,儿童使用策略的总目呈简约化发展的趋势。4在解决两个数的算术题时,不同年级的儿童在使用出声策略、拆十策略、手势策略、逆算策略、数数策略的次数上差异显著,随着年级的增长其使用频率逐渐降低。5儿童在解决三个数的算术题时,各年级儿童使用出声策略、手势策略、对位策略差异显著,随着年级的增长其使用频率逐渐增高。  相似文献   
This study examined how young children change their strategies for size comparison. Twenty-two 5 and 6-year-old children were asked to compare the sizes of geometric figures and their strategies were observed once a week over three weeks. Half of the children were also asked to evaluate presented strategies for comparing geometric figures. It was found that over three weeks not only children who evaluated the strategies but also children who did not increased correct responses, the strategy of placing one figure on another, and the strategy of adjusting two figures by two dimensions. Although more children became aware of the effectiveness of those strategies, there was no relationship between the evaluation and use of strategies.  相似文献   
According to Unconscious Thought Theory, people make better decisions after unconscious than after conscious thought (Dijksterhuis, Bos, Nordgren, & van Baaren, 2006a). Unconscious Thought Theory yields four specific predictions. First, an exact replication of Dijksterhuis et al. (2006a) study should indicate that unconscious decisions are superior to conscious decisions. Second, decisions should improve with duration of conscious thought. Third, unconscious decisions should be superior to conscious decisions, even if unconscious decisions are deliberated while having access to information. Fourth, unconscious decisions should be based on a weighting strategy. We report results of four studies, featuring 480 participants, that yield no evidence in favor of these predictions. Therefore our findings cast doubt on Unconscious Thought Theory and its advice to base decisions on unconscious thought. The results of our studies suggest that it is better to base decisions on conscious thought while having access to information.  相似文献   
该研究采用自然实验和问卷调查法,对268名小学五年级学生进行画图表征策略训练,在此基础上根据策略学习情况筛选出掌握了该策略的218名学生,以这些学生为被试,探讨元认知在画图表征策略和小学生数学问题解决能力中的作用。结果表明:(1)策略学习后,小学生的画图表征策略水平和数学问题解决成绩均显著高于策略学习前。(2)画图表征策略通过元认知这一中介变量对小学生数学问题解决能力有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   
The connected vehicle environment is considered to be a disruptive technology that reconstructs the way people travel and road transport, and more importantly, ensures traffic safety. This study aims on investigating drivers’ interactive behavior at an unsignalized intersection in the connected vehicle environment. Specifically, a simplified iterative behavior model was established to predict the potential conflicting vehicles’ behavior. Furthermore, based on principles of safety, efficiency, and comfort, the guidance strategies were proposed to help the subject vehicles cross intersections. A multi-user driving simulator experiment was carried out and 48 participants were divided into 24 pairs to complete the test. The simplified iterative behavior model was constructed based on the dynamic interaction of each participant pair as they approached the intersection from straight-crossing directions. The comparison results showed the behavior model was an effective microscopic simulation tool for vehicles at unsignalized intersections with high accuracy and good applicability. Then, the guidance strategies under different compliance rates (baseline, 50 % compliance, 100% compliance) were evaluated based on three indexes i.e. standard deviation of speed (SDS), duration of crossing the intersection (DCI), and time exposed post-encroachment-time (TEP). The numerical simulation results showed that the guidance strategies could effectively improve the safety and efficiency of drivers crossing the intersection under both 50% and 100% compliance rates. Besides, with the increase of compliance rate, the comfort level also increased evidently. This study can provide theoretical and algorithmic references for microscopic simulation and guidance strategy at unsignalized intersections in the connected vehicle environment.  相似文献   
多语言包装策略被广泛应用于促进旅游商品的销售。然而, 现有研究仅从消费者感知视角出发, 难以揭示多语言线索的复杂效应。本研究基于选择通达模型, 主要探讨(1)多语言包装策略导致消费者推断旅游商品是针对某类群体(即对比效应)还是广泛模糊的“国际市场” (即同化效应)的作用机制; (2)多语言包装策略对旅游商品购买决策的影响机制。本研究有助于扩展旅游商品和包装语言的相关研究, 为旅游商品营销提供重要参考。  相似文献   
余嘉元 《心理学报》1994,27(2):219-224
为探讨线性逻辑斯谛模型(LLTM)的拟合条件及其和解题策略同质性之间的关系,让被试比较两个负整数指数幂的大小,发现全体被试的数据不能与拉希模型及LLTM相拟合。把被试按其解题策略分成不同策略组后,同一策略组被试的数据可以拟合于拉希模型,但对于LLTM,同一策略组的数据中部分项目的拟合较好,另外一些项目的拟合较差。这一结果表明,解题策略的同质性是LLTM拟合的必要条件,但还不是充分条件。  相似文献   
学习困难儿童的问题解决特点研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究选取学习困难儿童和正常儿童各 3 2名 ,设置河内塔问题解决的情境 ,采用临床观察法 ,对学习困难儿童在问题解决中的特点作了初步的探究。研究发现 :1与正常儿童相比 ,学习困难儿童在发现和有效运用策略方面明显不足 ,但当学习困难儿童对问题情境比较熟悉后 ,有明显的进步 ;2一定的提示并不能帮助学习困难儿童最有效地应用策略。  相似文献   
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