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It is difficult to study the mind, but cognitive architectures are one tool. As the mind emerges from the behaviour of the brain, neuropsychological methods are another method to study the mind, though a rather indirect method. A cognitive architecture that is implemented in spiking neurons is a method of studying the mind that can use neuropsychological evidence directly. A neural cognitive architecture, based on rule based systems and associative memory, can be readily implemented, and would provide a good bridge between standard cognitive architectures, such as Soar, and neuropsychology. This architecture could be implemented in spiking neurons, and made available via the Human Brain Project, which provides a good collaborative environment. The architecture could be readily extended to use spiking neurons for subsystems, such as spatial reasoning, and could evolve over time toward a complete architecture. The theory behind this architecture could evolve over time. Simplifying assumptions, made explicit, such as those behind the rule based system, could gradually be replaced by more neuropsychologically accurate behaviour. The overall task of collaborative architecture development would be eased by direct evidence of the actual neural cognitive architectures in human brains. While the initial architecture is biologically inspired, the ultimate goal is a biological cognitive architecture.  相似文献   
The purpose of the study is to develop a learning system for internal representation of the events localization space to realize orientation and navigation of autonomous mobile systems. The task of the research is the development of simulation models of the semantics of the event localization space based on multi-agent neurocognitive architectures. The paper proves that the multi-agent neurocognitive architecture is an effective formalism for describing the semantics of the spatial localization of events. Main theoretical foundations have been developed for the simulation of spatial relations using the so-called multi-agent facts, consisting of software agents-concepts, reflecting semantic categories corresponding to parts of speech. It is shown that locative software agents that describe the spatial location of objects and events, forming homogeneous connections, compose the so-called field locations. The latter describes a holistic view of the intellectual agent about the environment. The paper defines conceptual foundations of multi-agent modeling of the semantics of subjective reflexive mapping of the interaction between real objects, space and time.  相似文献   
选择性颞叶梗塞对鼠学习记忆能力影响的定量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向敬  匡培根  张凤英 《心理学报》1994,27(4):417-422
应用光化学的方法选择性诱导颞叶梗塞,同时测定学习记忆能力、神经功能缺失及梗塞面积。结果表明:颞叶梗塞鼠的学习记忆能力显著受损,但无明显感觉运动障碍;颞叶梗塞鼠的学习记忆受损程度与梗塞面积大小有关。结果提示选择性颞叶梗塞是一种理想的痴呆动物模型。  相似文献   
NBIC会聚技术对医学教育改革的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了科技发展前沿领域“NBIC会聚技术”的含义和起源,并提出:关注科学统一与技术会聚的整体发展观,树立大医学教育的理念;顺应学科交叉融合的大趋势,积极推进医学院校办学模式改革;重视当代科技发展的大科学特征,正确定位医学教育培养目标;紧扣生命科学发展前沿,加强开放式课程体系建设。  相似文献   
A long history of research has revealed many neurophysiological changes and concomitant behavioral impacts of sleep deprivation, sleep restriction, and circadian rhythms. Little research, however, has been conducted in the area of computational cognitive modeling to understand the information processing mechanisms through which neurobehavioral factors operate to produce degradations in human performance. Our approach to understanding this relationship is to link predictions of overall cognitive functioning, or alertness, from existing biomathematical models to information processing parameters in a cognitive architecture, leveraging the strengths from each to develop a more comprehensive explanation. The integration of these methodologies is used to account for changes in human performance on a sustained attention task across 88 h of total sleep deprivation. The integrated model captures changes due to time awake and circadian rhythms, and it also provides an account for underlying changes in the cognitive processes that give rise to those effects. The results show the potential for developing mechanistic accounts of how fatigue impacts cognition, and they illustrate the increased explanatory power that is possible by combining theoretical insights from multiple methodologies.  相似文献   
为探讨脑梗死患者血浆同型半胱氨酸(HCY)水平同病因分型及疾病严重程度的关系,选择首发脑梗死急性期患者73例,对照组30例,进行TOAST病因分型、NIHSS神经功能缺损评分、血浆HCY检测。结果显示,病例组血浆HCY升高率、水平比对照组显著增高;大动脉粥样硬化亚型病例组血浆HCY水平比对照组明显增高;病例组血浆HCY水平同NIHSS评分呈正相关,提示高HCY血症是脑梗死发病及大动脉粥样硬化亚型脑梗死发病的高危因素,血浆HCY水平同神经功能缺损程度正相关。  相似文献   
A simple view, which dates back to Turing, proposes that complex cognitive operations are composed of serially arranged elementary operations, each passing intermediate results to the next. However, whether and how such serial processing is achieved with a brain composed of massively parallel processors, remains an open question. Here, we study the cognitive architecture for chained operations with an elementary arithmetic algorithm: we required participants to add (or subtract) two to a digit, and then compare the result with five. In four experiments, we probed the internal implementation of this task with chronometric analysis, the cued-response method, the priming method, and a subliminal forced-choice procedure. We found evidence for an approximately sequential processing, with an important qualification: the second operation in the algorithm appears to start before completion of the first operation. Furthermore, initially the second operation takes as input the stimulus number rather than the output of the first operation. Thus, operations that should be processed serially are in fact executed partially in parallel. Furthermore, although each elementary operation can proceed subliminally, their chaining does not occur in the absence of conscious perception. Overall, the results suggest that chaining is slow, effortful, imperfect (resulting partly in parallel rather than serial execution) and dependent on conscious control.  相似文献   
发展性阅读障碍的生理基础   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
发展性阅读障碍是关系人类健康和发展的重要课题,对其产生机制的探讨有利于寻找适当的治疗方法.文章在简要回顾阅读障碍的界定、研究内容和有关理论争论基础上,重点介绍了阅读障碍的神经基础和遗传机制.文章从大脑结构和功能单侧化、完成认知任务时大脑的激活模式、激活时间进程以及视觉巨细胞等方面介绍了发展性阅读障碍者与正常读者之间存在的差异.文章还指出许多双生子研究都发现同孪双生子的阅读障碍同现率高于异孪双生子,尤其是近期的遗传学研究鉴定出几个与阅读障碍有关的染色体,如6号和15号染色体与语音障碍和拼写障碍有关.这些研究结果说明发展性阅读障碍有一定的脑神经基础和遗传基础.  相似文献   
Different reasoning systems have different strengths and weaknesses, and often it is useful to combine these systems to gain as much as possible from their strengths and retain as little as possible from their weaknesses. Of particular interest is the integration of first-order and higher-order techniques. First-order reasoning systems, on the one hand, have reached considerable strength in some niches, but in many areas of mathematics they still cannot reliably solve relatively simple problems, for example, when reasoning about sets, relations, or functions. Higher-order reasoning systems, on the other hand, can solve problems of this kind automatically. But the complexity inherent in their calculi prevents them from solving a whole range of problems. However, while many problems cannot be solved by any one system alone, they can be solved by a combination of these systems.We present a general agent-based methodology for integrating different reasoning systems. It provides a generic integration framework which facilitates the cooperation between diverse reasoners, but can also be refined to enable more efficient, specialist integrations. We empirically evaluate its usefulness, effectiveness and efficiency by case studies involving the integration of first-order and higher-order automated theorem provers, computer algebra systems, and model generators.  相似文献   
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