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杨玲  周艳艳    鑫等 《心理科学》2014,37(3):581-586
与个体做出错误反应相伴的错误相关ERP成分叫错误相关负波 (error-related negativity, ERN),当前冲突监控理论、表征失匹配理论和强化学习理论从不同的角度对ERN的神经机制进行解释,各理论间并非完全相互排斥。目前大部分研究认为ERN定位于扣带回,部分研究则出现其它脑区的激活,然而,扣带回与其它脑区存在复杂的神经功能联系,ERN 电位很可能是多个脑区电活动在头颅的综合表现,而非某一脑区的单独表现。ERN的神经机制受到实验任务、被试年龄及其意识水平等因素的影响。未来要推动实验室研究走向临床应用,发现与诊断脑电波异常的病人和毒品易复吸人群。  相似文献   
抑郁逐渐低龄化使得青少年抑郁备受关注。快感缺失,作为抑郁的一种核心临床症状,已成为抑郁最具前景的内表型之一。然而,青少年抑郁的快感缺失的神经机制迄今仍不清楚。本研究首先汇总两种神经机制模型即三元模型和社会挫折模型;其次,在多种奖励加工如金钱奖励、努力动机奖励、未来奖励和社会奖励条件下,概述青少年抑郁的快感缺失的神经机制前沿进展。未来可以深入探索努力动机奖励和未来奖励在预测青少年抑郁中的作用,加强研究青春期阶段与性别是如何交互影响早期抑郁快感缺失,将无创伤电磁刺激应用于青少年抑郁干预中,进一步澄清青少年抑郁的快感缺失的神经发展机制。  相似文献   
Application of artificial intelligence in Bio-Medical image processing is gaining more and more importance in the field of Medical Science. The bio medical images, has to go through several steps before the diagnosis of the disease. Firstly, the images has to be acquired and preprocessing has to be done and the data has to be stored in memory. It requires huge amount of memory and processing time. Among the preprocessing steps, edge detection is one of the major step. Edge detection filters the unwanted details in the image, and preserves the edges of the image, which describe the boundary of the image. In biomedical application, for the detection of the diseases, it is very essential to have the boundary detail of the acquired image of the organ under observation. Thus it is very essential to extract the edges of the images. Power is one of the main parameters that have to be considered while dealing with biomedical instruments. The biomedical signal processing instruments should be capable of operating at low power and also at high speed. In order to segregate the images into different levels or stage, we use convolutional neural networks for classification. By having a hardware architecture for image edge detection, the computational time for pre-processing of the image can be reduced, and the hardware can be a part of acquisition device itself. In this paper a low-power architecture for edge detection to detect the biomedical images are presented. The edge detection output are given to the system, which will diagnose the diseases using image classification using convolutional neural network. In this paper, Sobel and Prewitt, algorithms are used for edge detection using 180 nm technology. The edge detection algorithms are implemented using VLSI, and digital IC design of the architecture is presented. The algorithms for edge detection is co-simulated using MATLAB and Modelsim. The architecture is first simulated using CMOS logic and new method using domino logic is presented for low power consumption.  相似文献   
Facial expression recognition in a wild situation is a challenging problem in computer vision research due to different circumstances, such as pose dissimilarity, age, lighting conditions, occlusions, etc. Numerous methods, such as point tracking, piecewise affine transformation, compact Euclidean space, modified local directional pattern, and dictionary-based component separation have been applied to solve this problem. In this paper, we have proposed a deep learning–based automatic wild facial expression recognition system where we have implemented an incremental active learning framework using the VGG16 model developed by the Visual Geometry Group. We have gathered a large amount of unlabeled facial expression data from Intelligent Technology Lab (ITLab) members at Inha University, Republic of Korea, to train our incremental active learning framework. We have collected these data under five different lighting conditions: good lighting, average lighting, close to the camera, far from the camera, and natural lighting and with seven facial expressions: happy, disgusted, sad, angry, surprised, fear, and neutral. Our facial recognition framework has been adapted from a multi-task cascaded convolutional network detector. Repeating the entire process helps obtain better performance. Our experimental results have demonstrated that incremental active learning improves the starting baseline accuracy from 63% to average 88% on ITLab dataset on wild environment. We also present extensive results on face expression benchmark such as Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset, as well as ITLab face dataset captured in wild environment and obtained better performance than state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   
This article first introduced the current technology of the privacy protection model, and analyzed their characteristics and deficiencies. Afterwards, from the point of view of revenue, the shortcomings of the traditional privacy protection model have analyzed through the group intelligent computing method. Based on this, this paper proposes a research and application of virtual user information of security strategy based on group intelligent computing, through the collection of visitor's private information historical access data, intelligent calculation of the strategy group between the visitor and the interviewee. The setting of the threshold of the visited person can protect the privacy information of the user more effectively. In this paper, the implementation flow, algorithm implementation process, and specific architecture design of the proposed virtual user of privacy protection model based on group intelligent computing are introduced respectively. The specific algorithms include PCA, BP neural network, and genetic algorithm. Finally, the proposed privacy has verified through experiments. Protection model can protect user privacy more effectively than traditional privacy protection model. In the future, we will further expand and improve the privacy protection model of virtual users based on group intelligent computing, including considering the dynamic and inconsistency of access to the privacy information, that is, accessing different private information will produce different overlay effects and parallelism. We will also study how to apply this model to actual systems such as shopping websites and social platforms, and use commercial data to evaluate the performance of the model and further improve it.  相似文献   
超扫描技术可同时记录多名被试在同一认知活动中的脑活动,并通过分析脑间活动同步及其与行为指标间的关系描述社会互动的群体脑机制。本文总结了近十多年超扫描研究在合作与竞争、动作和行为同步、人际交流等领域的成果,在已有研究基础上指出脑间活动同步可刻画社会互动中感觉运动、思维决策以及信息传递等三大层面上的互动情况,可能成为社会互动活动的神经标记,并阐述了超扫描技术研究的局限性及其研究展望与应用潜能。  相似文献   
作为一种神经肽, 催产素对于个体社会认知和情绪加工有着非常重要的调节作用, 其中就包括对在人们工作和生活中扮演着关键角色的学习和记忆活动的影响。采用不同模态技术的动物和人类研究一致表明了外源性催产素对于学习和记忆具有重要的调节作用, 这一作用可能是外源性催产素通过与多巴胺奖赏通路、边缘系统等学习和记忆关键脑网络中广泛分布的催产素受体相结合, 进而调整其功能状态实现的; 但与此同时, 催产素对学习和记忆的促进或抑制作用会因实验范式、刺激材料、给药时间、位置和剂量等因素的不同而存在差异。未来需要协同动物和人类研究的各自优势, 采用规范化的实验任务设置和给药程序克服当前该领域的研究局限, 并积极发掘催产素在干预相关精神疾病患者学习和记忆加工缺陷中的应用潜力。  相似文献   
创造力的认知神经机制是近年来心理学研究领域的前沿和热点问题。通过融合创造力整体宏观视角和创造性产生过程的微观视角,对创造力的认知神经机制进行了综述。宏观视角下,创造力主要涉及α波和大脑前额叶、内外侧颞叶以及外侧顶叶; 微观视角下,在创造力产生过程中主要涉及α波序列位置效应以及默认网络和执行控制网络的功能耦合。未来研究方向应该结合多模态脑成像数据库,利用机器算法来探究创造力的本质; 关注青少年群体创造力的纵向发展趋势; 结合分子遗传学研究,探究与创造力有关的基因问题。  相似文献   
The developmental course of neural tuning to visual letter strings is unclear. Here we tested 39 children longitudinally, at the beginning of grade 1 (6.45 ± 0.33 years old) and 1 year after, with fast periodic visual stimulation in electroencephalography to assess the evolution of selective neural responses to letter strings and their relationship with emerging reading abilities. At both grades, frequency‐tagged letter strings were discriminated from pseudofont strings (i.e. letter‐selectivity) over the left occipito‐temporal cortex, with effects observed at the individual level in 62% of children. However, visual words were not discriminated from pseudowords (lexical access) at either grade. Following 1 year of schooling, letter‐selective responses showed a specific increase in amplitude, a more complex pattern of harmonics, and were located more anteriorly over the left occipito‐temporal cortex. Remarkably, at both grades, neural responses were highly significant at the individual level and correlated with individual reading scores. The amplitude increase in letter‐selective responses between grades was not found for discrimination responses of familiar keyboard symbols from pseudosymbols, and was not related to a general increase in visual stimulation responses. These findings demonstrate a rapid onset of left hemispheric letter selectivity, with 1 year of reading instruction resulting in increased emerging reading abilities and a clear quantitative and qualitative evolution within left hemispheric neural circuits for reading.  相似文献   
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