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Sources of error stemming from S and E and their interaction were identified, their prevalence in behavioral science research discussed, and means for eliminating or discounting them suggested. The findings reviewed indicated that E may bias his findings by indicating to S the demand characteristics of the experimental situation. S errors include such behavior as trying to be over-helpful, attempting to defeat E’s intentions, and the Hawthorne effect. Errors from E may arise by transmitting subtle cues to S as to the hypothesized outcome of the experiment, E’s various characteristics, situational factors, and intentional errors. The applicability of these errors to mo tor behavior research was discussed.  相似文献   
Skilled individuals demonstrate a spatially localized or relatively lower response in brain activity characterized as neural efficiency when performing within their domain of expertise. Elite athletes are experts in their chosen sport and thus must be not only adept in the motor domain but must be resilient to performing under the stress of high-level competition. Such stability of performance suggests this population processes emotion and mental stress in an adaptive and efficient manner. This study sought to determine if athletes with a history of successful performance under circumstances of mental stress demonstrate neural efficiency during affective challenges compared to age-matched controls. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the blood-oxygen level–dependent response was recorded during emotional challenge induced by sport-specific and general unpleasant images. The athletes demonstrated neural efficiency in brain regions critical to emotion regulation (prefrontal cortex) and affect (insula) independently of their domain of expertise, suggesting adaptive processing of negative events and less emotional reactivity to unpleasant stimuli.  相似文献   
The relationship between neuroscience and psychoanalysis is studied by taking “the new mechanism of neuroscience” under scrutiny. That new trend stresses that neuroscientific explanations are mechanistic explanations in particular. Since the issue of psychological mechanisms lies at the core of psychoanalysis, it is crucial to study the relationship between neural and psychological mechanisms. The authors argue that neuroscience cannot verify psychoanalytic theories. However, by combining neuroscientific and psychoanalytic (psychological) viewpoints, it will be possible to approach a more holistic picture of psychological phenomena, here suggested by a new conception of defense mechanisms.  相似文献   
采用信息加工视角, 在划分不同信息来源的基础上分析编码、存储(巩固)、再激活/再巩固和提取的一系列加工过程如何导致错误记忆形成, 由此总结出错误记忆产生的三个可能原因:(1)因缺乏针对目标事物特异性细节的记忆表征而侧重于编码和提取目标和非目标事物共享的抽象记忆表征, 使被试更倾向于依赖抽象表征对缺失的目标细节进行重构, 引发错误记忆; (2)目标事物启动了对应图式, 导致与图式相关的非目标事物记忆表征得到增强, 引发错误记忆; (3)误导信息干扰了再度激活状态下目标事物的记忆表征, 妨碍其进行准确的记忆再巩固, 从而引发错误记忆。未来研究可进一步探讨目标事物特异性细节的表征区域、不同类型的图式表征促进非目标事物记忆表征的具体机制以及提取阶段的图式复现对错误记忆形成的影响等问题。  相似文献   
Faces provide information about a person's identity, as well as their sex, age, and ethnicity. People also infer social and personality traits from the face — judgments that can have important societal and personal consequences. In recent years, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have proven adept at representing the identity of a face from images that vary widely in viewpoint, illumination, expression, and appearance. These algorithms are modeled on the primate visual cortex and consist of multiple processing layers of simulated neurons. Here, we examined whether a DCNN trained for face identification also retains a representation of the information in faces that supports social‐trait inferences. Participants rated male and female faces on a diverse set of 18 personality traits. Linear classifiers were trained with cross validation to predict human‐assigned trait ratings from the 512 dimensional representations of faces that emerged at the top‐layer of a DCNN trained for face identification. The network was trained with 494,414 images of 10,575 identities and consisted of seven layers and 19.8 million parameters. The top‐level DCNN features produced by the network predicted the human‐assigned social trait profiles with good accuracy. Human‐assigned ratings for the individual traits were also predicted accurately. We conclude that the face representations that emerge from DCNNs retain facial information that goes beyond the strict limits of their training.  相似文献   
发展性阅读障碍是学习障碍的主要类型之一, 严重影响个体认知、情感与社会适应性的发展。书写与阅读关系密切, 阅读障碍者常常表现出书写加工缺陷。在行为层面, 阅读障碍者书写缺陷表现在书写质量差、速度慢和停顿多等多个方面。在脑机制层面, 脑成像研究发现, 阅读障碍者书写加工缺陷与字形加工脑区活动, 以及字形与运动区脑功能与结构连接异常有关。总体而言, 阅读障碍者书写过程中的字形通达缺陷的证据比较充分, 但字形与运动编码的衔接以及运动执行是否存在困难, 尚缺乏研究证据。相对于字母语言, 书写与阅读的关系在汉语中更为紧密, 汉语阅读障碍的书写研究将为开发汉语特色的诊治方案提供重要指导。  相似文献   
动词论元结构复杂性表现在论元数量、论元范畴选择模式、题元角色指派模式和映射方式四个方面。大部分实证研究表明, 更多的论元数量、选择性论元范畴、选择性题元角色指派以及非典型映射, 使动词论元结构加工的认知神经机制更复杂。多论元加工功能脑区主要涉及左侧额下回和外侧裂周后部; 选择性论元范畴加工功能脑区主要涉及左侧额下回、额叶中后部、颞上回和颞叶中后部; 选择性题元角色指派加工功能脑区主要涉及外侧裂周后部、左侧额叶中后部和额下回; 非典型映射加工功能脑区主要涉及左侧额下回、颞上回、颞中回和颞叶后部。左侧额下回可能涉及初始句法加工、动词次范畴确定、句法移位和非宾格动词语义加工, 左侧额叶中后部可能涉及初始句法加工和动词次范畴确定, 左侧颞上回和颞叶中后部可能涉及表层句法加工和表层论元句法-语义整合, 外侧裂周后部可能涉及论元语义表征。动词论元结构加工过程和动词词汇特征表明, 复杂性某些方面存在交互作用。动词论元结构复杂性与加工难易的对应关系、复杂性加工难度层级和交互作用的认知神经机制以及汉语动词论元结构复杂性加工认知神经机制等议题, 有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   
实施临床路径管理 构建和谐医患关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
医患和谐是医患双方的共同需要,通过时单病种乳腺癌改良根治术等10个单病种临床路径与成本控制绩效分析,评价患者的满意效果。收集整理2006年7月至2007年12月10个单病种的统计信息,以其手术并发症发生率、平均住院天数、平均住院费用、患者满意率等作为评价指标,将实验组(应用临床路径和成本控制组)和对照组(未应用临床路径和成本控制组)进行对比分析。结果显示,应用临床路径和成本控制的患者与未应用这一方式的患者之间在手术并发症发生率、平均住院时间、平均住院费用、患者满意率方面有统计学显著差异。提示单病种临床路径和成本控制模式应用于临床管理,可以明显促进CQI(Continuous Quality Improvement持续性质量改进),缩短平均住院时间,降低住院费用,提高患者满意率,并从根本上改善医患关系。  相似文献   
从类别学习和分类运用(包括非人类对象分类和社会分类)两个方面阐述了分类的神经机制。类别学习主要与新皮层、内侧颞叶、基底神经节、中脑多巴胺能系统有关, 不同类别的学习会激活这些神经系统间不同的连接。对非人类对象分类时, 不同类型、级别、熟悉度及相似度类别分类的神经机制不同, 分类对象的清晰度、类别不确定性会影响分类的神经机制, 在分类进程的不同时段会出现对应的ERP指标。社会分类时个体先注意到外群体再加工内群体, 且对内群体的加工更深, P200和N200是对内、外群体区分的特异性波, 内外群体分类时, 内群体激活梭状回和扣带回后部, 外群体激活杏仁核。文章最后比较了人类和灵长类动物分类神经机制的异同, 并指出社会分类和非人类对象分类神经机制的整合以及人类和灵长类动物分类神经机制的比较是今后研究需要关注的问题。  相似文献   
言语知觉领域主要的理论争论是听觉理论和动觉理论的对立, 争论的焦点围绕言语知觉是否需要动作表征的中介。言语知觉脑机制的研究有助于澄清事实。脑机制的探讨表明言语知觉主要激活了后部听觉皮层区, 包括颞上皮层的背侧(颞横回和颞平面)和外侧区(颞上回和颞上沟); 而前部和言语产生相关的动作皮层并没有表现出一致的激活模式。言语产生相关的动作表征主要在一些特殊任务情形中以自上而下的反馈机制影响了言语知觉, 可能并非正常言语知觉所必须。  相似文献   
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