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采用整体检测的变化察觉范式,探讨客体的相似性对客体—空间型认知方式个体视觉工作记忆表征的影响。行为结果显示,在不相似客体的视觉工作记忆表征任务中,客体型者在长延时条件的成绩优于空间型者,而在相似客体的视觉工作记忆表征任务中,两者无差异;ERP结果显示,在不相似客体视觉工作记忆表征任务中,与客体型者相比,空间型者在大脑皮层诱发出更大的负SP。以上结果表明,客体型者比空间型者对不相似客体视觉工作记忆加工具有优势,其潜在机制可能在于,客体型者对不相似客体视觉工作记忆表征时的神经活动效能更高。  相似文献   
The neuropsychology of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been extensively studied, with a general focus on global performance measures of executive function. In this study, we compared how global (i.e., endpoint) versus process (i.e., dynamic) measures of performance may help characterize children with and without ADHD using a design fluency task as a case study. The secondary goal was to compare the sensitivity of standard versus connectionist statistical models to group differences in cognitive data. Thirty-four children diagnosed with ADHD and 37 children without ADHD aged 8–11 years old were tested on the Five-Point Test. The continuous process measure of performance, indexed as the number of produced designs at each consecutive 1 minute interval during 5 minutes, was analyzed against the discrete process measure, that is, the number of designs between first and last intervals and the standard global performance measure of total number of produced designs. Results show that the continuous process measure distinguished the two groups better than the two other measures. The detailed observation of production patterns revealed a decreasing linear trajectory in children without ADHD that contrasts with the flat, but fluctuating productivity pattern of children with ADHD. With regards to the second goal, results show that the connectionist and standard methods are equally sensitive to group differences for the three types of measures. This illustrates the utility of quantitative process measures together with the connectionist method in neuropsychological research and suggests great potential for a dynamical approach to cognition.  相似文献   
作为语言系统的重要组成部分, 探究语义认知发展机制及其神经机理对揭示人类语言发展、认知机制有着重要意义。以语义认知能力的习得、发展、老化认知机制为主线, 在系统阐释词汇-语义系统的习得、语义认知能力和策略发展的基础上, 进一步探讨了语义认知老化的认知机制及其神经机理。最后, 围绕儿童和成人的语义认知差异、句法和语义认知老化的差异、语义认知老化的影响因素等问题上进行了思考和展望。  相似文献   
High-level judgement and decision-making tasks display dynamic bidirectional relationships in which salient cues determine how responses are evaluated by decision-makers, and these responses in turn determine the cues that are considered. In this paper, we propose Kosko's bidirectional associative memory (BAM) network, a minimal two-layer recurrent neural network, as a mathematically tractable toy model with which the properties of existing bidirectional models, and the behavioural implications of these properties, can be studied. We first derive results regarding the dynamics of the BAM network, and then show how these results can be used to provide an analytically sound explanation for a number of important findings, including coherence shifts in judgement and choice, anchoring effects, and reference point effects.  相似文献   
信任是指个体在缺乏足够信息来判断他人动机、意图和行为的情况下,将社会资源交给对方处置并承担相应风险的意愿。作为一种基本的社会信号机制,信任对于发展和维持良好社会关系具有重要作用。借助信任博弈范式,研究者揭示了人际信任的认知神经机制并建构了多种理论,包括背叛厌恶理论、社会规范理论、道德规范理论和默认行为模型。脑成像研究发现信任行为主要涉及内侧前额叶、尾状核、杏仁核和脑岛等脑区,其中内侧前额叶主要参与心理推理、情绪认知与调控等过程,尾状核参与同伴值得信赖性的习得与编码,杏仁核和脑岛则主要参与风险、不确定性和背叛恐惧加工。今后研究应侧重不同理论之间的补充与整合,强化不同脑区之间的功能连接与整体性,并注重信任行为中的个体差异。  相似文献   
反刍思维是一种重复性的消极思维, 会让个体将注意集中在消极痛苦的事情上。研究表明, 反刍思维和注意脱离损坏虽然是相互独立的概念, 但是二者却存在着密切的联系, 具体表现在注意脱离损坏会预测个体的反刍思维以及反刍思维有关的注意脱损坏可能是受到意识控制的。同时, 反刍思维的类型和自我相关性在反刍思维和注意脱离损坏关系中的作用依然需要进一步探究。另外, 注意脱离有关的训练明显地改善了个体的反刍思维。并且, 杏仁核的过度激活, 前扣带回(anterior cingulate cortex, ACC)对自我相关消极信息的调节异常, 右背外侧前额叶(dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, DLPFC)的活动异常以及与注意有关的脑神经网络的结构和功能的异常可能是反刍思维和注意脱离损坏相互影响的原因。  相似文献   
The investigation of visual categorization has recently been aided by the introduction of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which achieve unprecedented accuracy in picture classification after extensive training. Even if the architecture of CNNs is inspired by the organization of the visual brain, the similarity between CNN and human visual processing remains unclear. Here, we investigated this issue by engaging humans and CNNs in a two-class visual categorization task. To this end, pictures containing animals or vehicles were modified to contain only low/high spatial frequency (HSF) information, or were scrambled in the phase of the spatial frequency spectrum. For all types of degradation, accuracy increased as degradation was reduced for both humans and CNNs; however, the thresholds for accurate categorization varied between humans and CNNs. More remarkable differences were observed for HSF information compared to the other two types of degradation, both in terms of overall accuracy and image-level agreement between humans and CNNs. The difficulty with which the CNNs were shown to categorize high-passed natural scenes was reduced by picture whitening, a procedure which is inspired by how visual systems process natural images. The results are discussed concerning the adaptation to regularities in the visual environment (scene statistics); if the visual characteristics of the environment are not learned by CNNs, their visual categorization may depend only on a subset of the visual information on which humans rely, for example, on low spatial frequency information.  相似文献   
近年来, 研究者开始将经颅交流电刺激技术应用于精神疾病领域中, 其中, 以γ、α频率最受关注。tACS作用于精神疾病的可能机制包括两个方面, 直接调节异常的大脑神经活动和间接改善患者的认知功能。首先, 使用特定频率的tACS作用目标脑区, 可以调节对应频率的神经振荡和大脑功能连接, 通过作用于疾病相关的异常大脑活动, 直接改善患者的临床症状。其次, 并不针对某种疾病特异受损的大脑活动, 而是用tACS激活与认知功能相关的大脑环路, 广泛地提高患者的注意、记忆等多种认知功能, 进而整体上缓解不良症状。目前, 使用tACS治疗精神疾病这一领域还有一些尚未解决、值得探讨的问题。tACS的作用机制研究、刺激参数和范式改进、技术升级, 可以成为心理学、脑科学以及临床医学的重点研究方向。  相似文献   
自2014年来, 研究者在视觉加工中发现一种全新的历史效应——序列依赖效应(当前刺激加工向先前刺激方向偏移的吸引性加工偏差)。近期研究发现:该效应广泛存在于视觉加工的各个层面(既包括朝向、空间位置、数量等低级特征, 也包括身份、吸引力、美感等高级属性); 其来源极为复杂(包括感觉编码、高级皮层的反馈调节、工作记忆、决策模板、感知与决策的级联等), 反映出不同层次的过往加工痕迹向当前认知的投射。针对该效应的典型特征、影响因素、认知与神经机制, 已涌现大量研究, 同时也存在严重争论, 亟待研究者深入探讨和厘清。  相似文献   
This article reviews a particular computational modeling approach to the study of psychological development – that of constructive neural networks. This approach is applied to a variety of developmental domains and issues, including Piagetian tasks, shift learning, language acquisition, number comparison, habituation of visual attention, concept learning, and theory of mind. Implications of this modeling for theoretical understanding of psychological development are considered.  相似文献   
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