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The Implications of Prospect Theory for Human Nature and Values   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Central to prospect theory are far-reaching claims about what people fear and what gratifies them. Subjective well-being is a topic that social science has been reluctant to discuss in recent years, but it is central to much of our lives. A loss inflicts more harm than a comparable gain produces pleasure; this fact and the related endowment effect are important parts of our psychological makeup. The importance of change rather than absolute value position, and the related significance of the reference point and how it can be altered, can be seen as integral to human nature.  相似文献   
Matthew Stanley 《Zygon》2011,46(3):536-560
Abstract. A historical perspective allows for a different view on the compatibility of theistic views with a crucial foundation of modern scientific practice: the uniformity of nature, which states that the laws of nature are unbroken through time and space. Uniformity is generally understood to be part of a worldview called “scientific naturalism,” in which there is no room for divine forces or a spiritual realm. This association comes from the Victorian era, but a historical examination of scientists from that period shows that uniformity was an important part of both theistic and naturalistic worldviews. Victorian efforts to maintain the viability of miracles and divine action within a universe ruled by natural laws receives special attention. The methodological practices of theistic and naturalistic scientists in the nineteenth century were effectively indistinguishable despite each group's argument that uniformity was closely dependent on their worldview. This similarity is used to reexamine both the reasons for the decline of the role of religion within the scientific community and claims made by the intelligent design movement about the relationship of science and religion.  相似文献   
社会治疗兴起于上个世纪70年代的美国,它有别于传统心理学领域内的各种心理治疗。社会治疗的后现代属性主要源于后现代人本主义与建构主义在心理治疗领域内的应用,要准确把握社会治疗的后现代属性必然离不开对其后现代人本主义与建构主义二重性的研究。  相似文献   
邵雍对其先天易学(或称先天学、先天象数学)的阐释是为推演先天而在的形上之理而展开,在此过程中,先天象数易学只是其表意的工具而不是其学术思想的全部.形式上,先天易学是邵雍通过一套阴阳消长模式构建起来的象数易学;而内容上,先天易学则是其借<易>阐发儒家的性命义理之学.邵雍在其易学思想的阐释中,力图构建一个贯穿于天地万物的最高法则--"先天"之道,而最终落脚点却是其儒学所主张的人事之用.因此,他对易学的阐释始终围绕着"推天道以明人事"的易学旨趣展开.  相似文献   
刘元  范翠英 《心理学探新》2011,31(2):118-121
进化心理学作为现代西方心理学三种新取向之一,提出了一些新的心理学观点与研究方向,但其理论本身体现出了一种悲观主义色彩。例如在对男女两性在伴侣选择和婚姻维持的心理行为机制的探究上体现出的一些人类高级情感,如爱情的缺失。文章探讨了进化心理学理论中悲观主义色彩在其主要理论假设中的体现,并简要地将其与另外两种取向———后现代心理学与积极心理学进行了对比。其目的是为了通过对进化心理学的反思,以推进心理学科的深入研究。  相似文献   
"道"性-"水"性-人性-中国人人格具有内在一致性,形成了一个一以贯之的有机体系。在这一有机体系中,作为"道"性的"代言人","水"性成为"道"性与人性及中国人人格间的"中介者"。以"几于道"的"水"为中介,通过对道家思想的分析,反观得到了道家思想影响下中国人的人性建构及人格特征,具体表现为:在思维上明"道"并懂得"道"的运行规律,以联系、变化和矛盾的眼光看待万事万物,情绪情感上静而不躁,意志品质上柔韧而不强作妄为,行事处世上既超脱一已之私、于物寡欲,又能待人谦退不争,并能从整体上显现出"道"之"自然本真"的根本特性。文末探讨了道家思想文化影响下,所形成的中国人独特的人格特征与现代化建设事业可能的适应情形。  相似文献   
责任行为是个体在特定责任情境下履行责任和承担后果的行为。本研究采用问卷调查方法着重探讨大学生的传统美德认同和责任情境因素对责任行为倾向的影响。结果表明,传统美德认同,以及责任情境中的责任性质和责任对象都对大学生的责任行为倾向有显著影响,且三者的交互作用显著:(1)传统美德认同高的大学生在履行责任情境中,其责任行为倾向显著强于美德认同低的大学生;(2)履行责任时的责任行为倾向显著强于承担后果时的责任行为倾向,但低美德认同者的两种行为倾向在他人责任情境中无差异;(3)在履行责任情境中,大学生对自我的责任行为倾向显著强于对他人的责任行为倾向;但美德认同低的大学生在承担后果情境中则相反。  相似文献   
by Michael Ruse 《Zygon》2010,45(1):221-227
In this discussion review of Robert John Russell's collection of essays I agree with him about the necessity of human existence given the claims of Christian theology. I look in detail at his suggestions for speaking to this issue, especially his thesis of NIODA—noninterventionist objective divine action. I end up disagreeing with the suggestion and argue that in respects Russell is tackling the science-religion relationship in the wrong way.  相似文献   
目前在《自然辩证法》的教学中还存在一些问题,如教材老化、师资力量不足,学生人文素质背景较薄弱等,为了切实使理论和实践相结合,使学生认识到该课程的重要性而学有所用,以医学院校为例,论述了如何将有关医学实例结合到《自然辩证法》的教学过程中去,以切实有效地提高这门课的教学效果。  相似文献   
高青陈庄铜器铭文与城址性质考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
方辉 《管子学刊》2010,(3):102-105
山东高青陈庄西周城址及墓地的发现对于西周考古与历史的研究意义重大。本文根据迄今所报道的资料,对两则铜器铭文做了解读,并对陈庄城址的性质做了推考。文章认为,陈庄墓地从西周早期成王开始延续到中期的昭穆时期,其间未曾中断,与城址的存续时间相吻合。陈庄城址规模较小,不大可能是西周齐国的都城,其属于齐国贵族封邑的可能性较大;而这个封邑,应该是豐。  相似文献   
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