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The present study assessed the impact on the work engagement of expatriates’ personal value orientation alignment with the host country’s national culture. Participants were 231 expatriates from seven countries who are working in Ethiopia (females = 17%; mean age = 36 years, SD = 2.72 years). The expatriates completed measures of personal value orientation, cross-culture adjustment, and work engagement levels. Structural equation modelling analysis indicated expatriates with personal value orientations that align with the host country’s national culture to have a higher work engagement level. Cross-cultural adjustment mediated the relationship between personal value orientation and work engagement. Expatriates’ personal value orientation fit with the host country’s national culture is a resource to accomplish their work successfully.  相似文献   
The German ‘headscarf debate’ was sparked off by a dispute concerning a teacher who refused to remove her hijab at work. ‘Case Ludin’ brought the issue to national attention and eventually led to new legislation in half of Germany's 16 federated states. This article focuses on a critical analysis of a party-political debate around Case Ludin in the Baden-Württemberg parliament in 1998. The analysis shows that whilst party-politicians claimed to be concerned with issues of social justice as well as with the protection of constitutional rights and democratic values, the party-political arena of this debate has been preoccupied with the discursive construction of German national identity and its assumed incompatibility with Muslim identity. It comes to the conclusion that discourses used in this debate reproduce stereotypical images associating Islam with ‘gendered oppression’, political extremism and irreconcilable difference, and that these discourses continue to shape current debates in Germany and beyond.  相似文献   
研究探讨了品牌来源国刻板印象的双重表现及其改变,结果表明:从外显的层面上看,相对国外品牌,消费者普遍认为国产品牌在质量印象、传播印象上不如国外品牌,在价格印象上比国外品牌好,在服务印象和整体印象上二者无差异;相对国外品牌,消费者对国产品牌具有更为积极的内隐品牌刻板印象;以直接劝说方式激发的民族情感不能改变外显品牌来源国刻板印象,但是以间接劝说方式激发的民族情感可以使消费者对国产综合型产品的外显整体印象更为积极;无论以直接还是间接劝说方式激发的民族情感均不能使消费者对国产品牌产生更强的正向内隐品牌来源国刻板印象;品牌来源国刻板印象的激活并非完全的自动化过程。  相似文献   
社会科学的重要性越来越被人们发现和重视,在我国更是如此。社会科学对于一个国家、一个地区的经济和文化等方面的发展,特别是经济发展到一定程度以后,其巨大作用将日益凸显出来。我国是具有悠久历史文化传统的国家,这些悠久历史文化传统源于我国各个地方地域文化,是这些地域文化的有机统一。从社会科学的各个角度挖掘和研究这些历史文化遗产,无疑能够增加这些地区的文化底蕴,从而增强这些地区的社会和经济发展的后劲。社会科学意义重大,它是我们党领导人民取得胜利的重要法宝;它是我们党领导人民进行社会主义建设的重要法宝;它还是我们党领导人民进行改革开放的重要法宝。  相似文献   
再生障碍性贫血发病机制的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前再生障碍性贫血发病机制有如下解释造血干(祖)细胞缺陷;造血微环境功能缺陷;免疫功能紊乱。这些解释显示着深刻的哲学意义,正确地应用哲学思维将有助于对再生障碍性贫血发病机制的进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
以理性的思维看待中医   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
围绕着如何看待中医这场争论,涉及的问题是极其广泛而深刻的,是中国现代化进程与传统文化冲撞的表现。消除政治化和意识形态化的习惯思维心态,坚持以实践为标准,区别对待,宽容地对待不同意见,认清科学文化与人文文化的不同发展规律,以理性的思维看待中医,是中医目前处境的正确选择。  相似文献   
确立医患社会心态的医患社会情绪、医患社会认知、医患价值观与医患行为倾向四个维度,并在每个维度下建立分问卷,分医方卷与患方卷编制了国内首个标准化中国医患社会心态问卷。在初测问卷进行探索性因素分析的基础上,对有效患方卷和医方卷进行验证性因素分析,验证了四维度结构的合理性。中国医患社会心态问卷内部一致性系数在0.757~0.932之间,两周重测信度在0.632~0.759之间; 各因素间呈中等偏低的相关,验证性因素分析的各项参数在可接受水平; 专家评定效度良好。各分问卷可在中国大陆地区单独或组合使用。  相似文献   
It is argued that far‐right (FR) populism in the West is fuelled by inequality. In this paper, we argue that three social psychological processes are central to explaining these phenomena. We suggest that these processes are recursive although we do not specify their temporal order. Drawing on the social identity tradition, we first examine how inequality is linked to reduced social trust and cohesion, which has consequences for both low‐ and high‐income groups. We examine the known effects of perceived threat in amplifying tensions between groups and consolidating identity positions. Second, we argue that national identity consolidation is a particularly likely response to inequality, which, in turn, reduces tolerance of cultural diversity as an associated consequence. Finally, we consider the value of these strengthened national identities to those who harness them effectively to gain political ground. In this way, those who offer FR populist rhetoric aligned with nationalism can blame immigrants, “foreign” powers, and mainstream politics for both the lack of social cohesion and reduced economic circumstances of many. We conclude that FR populist leaders not only tap into the negative social consequences of inequality, their policy positions also fail to address and may even compound the situation.  相似文献   
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