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This article presents an ethnographic research on eight families' experience of narrative therapy and discusses six major themes found in the interviews including externalizing conversation, developing the alternate story, personal agency, reflecting/consulting teams, building a wider audience, and the helpful and unhelpful aspects of the therapy. The findings and the notation that families found the therapy to be very effective are also included.  相似文献   
真实世界理论对医学、生命、疾病的认识,不只限于细胞、分子等微观层次,而是回到人的整体和病人的真实世界。病人的真实世界包括疾病所引起病人主观上的不良感受和客观病态改变,不断探索病人全部的真实世界是生物心理社会模式的体现;大型仪器和检查是病人局部的真实世界,关注病人感受可以便捷、高效扩展医生的横向思维,实现临床医学科学与非科学的统一。有效的医患沟通是进入病人真实世界的唯一途径,能够更多获得病人信息,提高诊疗水平,是医学人文与医疗技术的有机融合;通过不断探索病人的真实世界,可以为病人的叙事奠定基础。  相似文献   
通过对两个叙事医学案例的详细分析试图表明,叙事医学兼具理论与实践的双重特性,它所企图构建的“医患共同体”不仅可以通过促进医患沟通而使患者在当下获得更有尊严、更高质量的医疗服务,在更深意义上,它可以帮助医者“看见真实之人:从恻隐之心到相互成就”、“看见平等之人:从视域融合到人格认同”。通过体验病人的痛苦从而超越技术主义与“知识-权力”的认知局限,弥合医患分裂,提升甚至成就医者自身,推动实现医学的至高价值。  相似文献   
叙事疗法在治疗抑郁症的过程中,以把人和问题分开的外化思维和“问题从哪里来”的解构思维为基础,从个体监控、家庭监控和社会文化层面的监控三个视角,去追溯困扰抑郁症来访者问题的源头。从而可以有距离地看待“抑郁症”这个问题,提高患者对抑郁症的掌控感和力量感。叙事疗法从患者生命中的闪光点着手,通过寻找抑郁症患者生命中的独特结果,重塑、改写和丰厚抑郁症患者想要的生命故事,从而重建患者的自我身份认同,开启崭新的生命历程,带着新的自我身份认同,从而应对生命中的问题和困难。  相似文献   
叙事具有强大的人文和人际功能,它能促使主体之间更有效地实现认知上的共识。居丧者的哀伤历程和罹患疾病的患者接受自己生病身份的过程是一个需要通过见证、续写或改写故事来重构人生意义的过程。从奥斯勒创设天堂来信帮助作为居丧者和患者的妻子格蕾丝克服心身疾痛这个故事,发现叙事素养能够帮助临床语境下的多方主体之间构建“同声相应,同气相求”的生命共同体关系。从叙事医学的角度而言,医学是一门综合性的艺术。在“医学是不确定的科学与可能性的艺术”的基础上,医学实践可以理解为需要科学技术知识和叙事人文素养合力的“应用型科学和关系性艺术”。  相似文献   


Children possess different beliefs regarding their ability to succeed in math and science, as well as different levels of enjoyment and interest in these topics. These motivational processes are important because they often shape learning-related behaviours which in turn predict academic outcomes, over and above previous performance. But, what are the potential sources of influence that could explain individual differences in children's academic self-concept and interest in math and science? In this registered report, we adopted a situated expectancy-value theory framework to examine the potential role of teacher instructional practices that emphasize conceptual understanding in enhancing these motivational processes. We focused on practices emphasizing conceptual understanding given science-driven recommendations to implement them across the United States. Contrary to our hypotheses, a multilevel analysis of grade 4 U.S. data from the 2015 release of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) revealed that the self-reported frequency of instructional practices emphasizing conceptual understanding were unrelated to math or science self-concept and interest. Our null findings prompt greater attention to other factors, such as the quality and implementation of instructional practices, differences between instructional goals and actual practices, and classroom composition, that could enhance ability beliefs and values in math and science.  相似文献   
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