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Stability or sensitivity analysis is an important topic in data analysis that has received little attention in the application of multidimensional scaling (MDS), for which the only available approaches are given in terms of a coordinate‐based analytical jackknife methodology. Although in MDS the prime interest is in assessing the stability of the points in the configuration, this methodology may be influenced by imprecisions resulting from the inherently necessary Procrustes method. This paper proposes an analytical distance‐based jackknife procedure to study stability and cross‐validation in MDS in terms of the jackknife distances, which is not influenced by the Procrustes method. For each object, the corresponding jackknife estimated points are considered as naturally clustered points, and stability and cross‐validation are analysed in terms of the MDS distances arising from the jackknife procedure, on the basis of a weighted cluster‐MDS algorithm. A jackknife‐relevant configuration is also proposed for cross‐validation in terms of coordinates, in a cluster‐MDS framework.  相似文献   
Arbitrary symbolism is a linguistic doctrine that predicts an orthogonal relationship between word forms and their corresponding meanings. Recent corpora analyses have demonstrated violations of arbitrary symbolism with respect to concreteness, a variable characterizing the sensorimotor salience of a word. In addition to qualitative semantic differences, abstract and concrete words are also marked by distinct morphophonological structures such as length and morphological complexity. Native English speakers show sensitivity to these markers in tasks such as auditory word recognition and naming. One unanswered question is whether this violation of arbitrariness reflects an idiosyncratic property of the English lexicon or whether word concreteness is a marked phenomenon across other natural languages. We isolated concrete and abstract English nouns (N  = 400), and translated each into Russian, Arabic, Dutch, Mandarin, Hindi, Korean, Hebrew, and American Sign Language. We conducted offline acoustic analyses of abstract and concrete word length discrepancies across languages. In a separate experiment, native English speakers (N  = 56) with no prior knowledge of these foreign languages judged concreteness of these nouns (e.g., Can you see, hear, feel, or touch this? Yes/No). Each naïve participant heard pre‐recorded words presented in randomized blocks of three foreign languages following a brief listening exposure to a narrative sample from each respective language. Concrete and abstract words differed by length across five of eight languages, and prediction accuracy exceeded chance for four of eight languages. These results suggest that word concreteness is a marked phenomenon across several of the world's most widely spoken languages. We interpret these findings as supportive of an adaptive cognitive heuristic that allows listeners to exploit non‐arbitrary mappings of word form to word meaning.  相似文献   
Recent evidence suggests that experienced events are often mapped to too many episodic states, including those that are logically or experimentally incompatible with one another. For example, episodic over‐distribution patterns show that the probability of accepting an item under different mutually exclusive conditions violates the disjunction rule. A related example, called subadditivity, occurs when the probability of accepting an item under mutually exclusive and exhaustive instruction conditions sums to a number >1. Both the over‐distribution effect and subadditivity have been widely observed in item and source‐memory paradigms. These phenomena are difficult to explain using standard memory frameworks, such as signal‐detection theory. A dual‐trace model called the over‐distribution (OD) model (Brainerd & Reyna, 2008) can explain the episodic over‐distribution effect, but not subadditivity. Our goal is to develop a model that can explain both effects. In this paper, we propose the Generalized Quantum Episodic Memory (GQEM) model, which extends the Quantum Episodic Memory (QEM) model developed by Brainerd, Wang, and Reyna (2013). We test GQEM by comparing it to the OD model using data from a novel item‐memory experiment and a previously published source‐memory experiment (Kellen, Singmann, & Klauer, 2014) examining the over‐distribution effect. Using the best‐fit parameters from the over‐distribution experiments, we conclude by showing that the GQEM model can also account for subadditivity. Overall these results add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that quantum probability theory is a valuable tool in modeling recognition memory.  相似文献   
Sivin Kit 《Dialog》2017,56(3):260-271
How can Luther's contribution in theology and lessons arising from the Reformation have any relevance for Christians in Muslim‐majority Malaysia? In this article, I propose that a reflection on Luther's understanding of the so‐called “doctrine of two kingdoms”—better understood as God's two‐fold governance—offers a critical contribution that not only is relevant for the Malaysian Christian community, but also may have intercultural and interreligious implications for dialogue and engagement with the Muslim majority for interreligious solidarity and the common good.  相似文献   
Very little is currently known about how increases in dispositional mindfulness through mindfulness training affect the quality of participants’ romantic relationships, and no previous studies have examined how increases in specific facets of mindfulness differentially contribute to relationship health. Additionally, even less is known about how an individual's development of mindfulness skills affects the relationship satisfaction of his or her romantic partner. Thus, the purpose of this pilot study was to examine associations between changes in facets of mindfulness and relationship satisfaction among participants enrolled in a Mindfulness‐Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course and their nonenrolled romantic partners. Twenty MBSR participants and their nonenrolled partners (n = 40) completed measures of mindfulness and relationship satisfaction pre‐ and post‐enrolled partners’ completion of an MBSR course. Results indicated that enrolled participants significantly improved on all facets of mindfulness and relationship satisfaction, while nonenrolled partners did not significantly increase on any facet of mindfulness or relationship satisfaction. Moreover, enrolled participants’ increases in Acting with Awareness were positively associated with increases in their own and their nonenrolled partners’ relationship satisfaction, whereas increases in enrolled participants’ Nonreactivity were positively associated with increases in their nonenrolled partners’ (but not their own) relationship satisfaction. These results suggest that increasing levels of mindfulness (particularly specific aspects of mindfulness) may have positive effects on couples’ relationship satisfaction and highlight mindfulness training as a promising tool for education and intervention efforts aimed at promoting relational health.  相似文献   
This article reviews the long and varied history of Christianity in the country now known as Iran. The historical emphasis is on the Assyrian Church of the East, although other churches are also mentioned. The relationship, successively, with Zoroastrianism and with Islam, as the dominant religious traditions, is discussed, as are its implications for the wider Islamic world. Western contacts with Iran, and, in particular, those of western churches, are also examined. In the light of this historical analysis, and from discussion of the situation since the Islamic Revolution, some conclusions are advanced about the prospects for Christianity in the new contemporary context.  相似文献   

Este estudio examina los efectos de la descripción del autor de un delito en su identificación posterior, así como las estrategias utilizadas en la decisión y la confianza en la respuesta. Se preparó un vídeo que representaba el robo de un coche. Sólo la mitad de los sujetos realizó una descripción del autor antes de la tarea de identificación, presentada en vídeo mediante una rueda simultánea con 5 distractores y el autor del delito, indicando a los sujetos que el autor podía estar presente o no. La descripción no afectó ni a la exactitud de la identificación, ni a las estrategias utilizadas por los sujetos. Sin embargo, tanto el nivel de elecciones como la confianza disminuyeron considerablemente con descripción, efectos importantes de ensombrecimiento verbal. Por último, mas sujetos utilizaron espontáneamente procesos de eliminación y comparación que identificación automática, pero en este último caso todas las decisiones fueron correctas, mientras los errores predominaron cuando los sujetos utilizaron estrategias más elaboradas. En conclusión, la descripción previa de una persona, al contrario que la verbalización de una cara, no perjudica a la exactitud de la identificación, aunque es determinante para el nivel de elecciones del autor del delito.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(2):139-171

Es probable que las primeras experiencias estéticas infantiles no tengan un soporte representacional sino que se conformen con elementos de las denominadas artes temporales: la música y la danza. En el texto se muestra cómo la creación de un diseño del movimiento es asequible para un niño de 22 meses y se intenta tramar la historia evolutiva que lo torna posible. Una trama en la que la actitud contemplativa, los afectos de la vitalidad y el interés desinteresado hacia los objetos se enlazan con las experiencias de intersubjetividad y la musicalidad que caracterizan a las interacciones tempranas. Se señalan, en un primer momento, las diferencias entre la labor infantil con las artes temporales—a la que se denomina elaboración—y el desarrollo del juego funcional, que da lugar al clásico juego de ficción, para luego proponer la hipótesis de que la elaboración podría formar parte del proceso de construcción del símbolo lúdico infantil.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(3):369-383

El primer objetivo de nuestro trabajo era comprobar el efecto de un entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica y reglas de correspondencia grafema-fonema en la adquisición de la lectura durante el primer año de instrucción lectora de adultos analfabetos. Un segundo objetivo era estudiar el efecto de la variable categoría léxica y longitud de las palabras en la fase inicial de aprendizaje de un sistema ortográfico transparente como el español. Utilizamos un diseño experimental con tres grupos de adultos igualados en inteligencia, habilidades fonológicas y lectura. Todos los grupos recibieron veintidós sesiones de entrenamiento durante seis meses. El primer grupo recibió entrenamiento en lectura alfabética, el segundo en lectura alfabética y conciencia fonológica y el tercer grupo no recibió un entrenamiento específico y actuó como control. Los grupos de entrenamiento mejoraron significativamente con respecto al grupo control. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de errores cometidos en los tres grupos. Respecto a la categoría léxica y longitud de las palabras, los resultados sugieren la utilización de los dos procedimientos de lectura (subléxico y léxico) propuestos por el modelo de doble ruta.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(63-64):45-53

Se han propuesto muchas explicaciones para dar cuenta de la dificultad que entraña la tarea de selección de Wason, especialmente en su versión abstracta (si “A” entonces “7”). Los sujetos tienen dificultades para acceder a las representación es alternativas necesarias para resolver la tarea. Nuestro objetivo es facilitar el acceso a las representaciones implícitas. Con este fin manipulamos (1) el efecto de la clarificación de la regla (si “A” entonces “7” no supone si “7” entonces “A”) con el objetivo bloquear la interpretación bicondicional y (2) el efecto de forzar a los participantes a pensar sobre la relevancia de la tarjeta “no q” o sobre la irrelevancia de la tarjeta “q”. El experimento 1 se diseñó para analizar el efecto de los factores atencionales (factor 2). Quienes recibieron la ayuda 2 aumentaron su porcentaje de selecciones de “no q” cuando eran centrados en esta tarjeta, y disminuyeron el porcentaje de elección de la tarjeta “q” cuando eran focalizados en esta tarjeta; aunque no aumentó el porcentaje de selección de las tarjetas “p” y “no q”. Sin embargo en el experimento 2, los participantes que recibieron ambas ayudas (1 y 2, en este caso focalización en “no q”) aumentaron el porcentaje de selecciones “p” y “no q” hasta llegar al 64.81%. La mejora no se produjo con la ayuda 1, esto es, el bloqueo del bicondicional.  相似文献   
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