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The transition to parenthood is a period of both joy and challenge for most parents. There is a recognized need to support parents during this period, yet existing interventions have shown limited evidence of efficacy. This study takes a consumer‐focused approach to examine the needs and preferences of parents both prenatally (n = 77) and postnatally (n = 123) for parenting support. The study used a cross‐sectional design with a purpose‐built online survey. Parents were recruited via online forums, Facebook and parenting blogs, childcare centers, and playgroups. In general, all parents were satisfied with their current levels of both formal and informal support, and about one fourth of parents had accessed a parenting intervention. Parents expressed a moderate level of interest in additional parenting information, and parents expecting their first baby indicated preferences for information about basic baby care needs whereas postnatally, parents expressed more interest in topics around self‐care and behavior management. The implications for developing interventions and engaging families are discussed.  相似文献   
Children worldwide experience mental and emotional disorders. Mental disorders occurring among young children, especially infants (birth –3 years), often go unrecognized. Prevalence rates are difficult to determine because of lack of awareness and difficulty assessing and diagnosing young children. Existing data, however, suggest that rates of disorders in young children are comparable to those of older children and adolescents (von Klitzing, Dohnert, Kroll, & Grube, 2015 ). The lack of widespread recognition of disorders of infancy is particularly concerning due to the unique positioning of infancy as foundational in the developmental process. Both the brain and behavior are in vulnerable states of development across the first 3 years of life, with potential for enduring deviations to occur in response to early trauma and deprivation. Intervention approaches for young children require sensitivity to their developmental needs within their families. The primacy of infancy as a time of unique foundational risks for disorder, the impact of trauma and violence on young children's development, the impact of family disruption on children's attachment, and existing literature on prevalence rates of early disorders are discussed. Finally, global priorities for addressing these disorders of infancy are highlighted to support prevention and intervention actions that may alleviate suffering among our youngest world citizens.  相似文献   
Low‐SES couples have limited resources to manage the chronic and acute stressors with which they are disproportionately faced. Although these couples are at greater risk for negative individual and relationship outcomes, evaluations of the impact of couple relationship education (CRE) in low‐SES couples have been plagued by methodological problems, most notably challenges associated with recruitment and retention. We review the literature on challenges couples face associated with low‐SES, as well as on recruitment, retention, and CRE in low‐SES, ethnic minority populations. We illustrate some of these challenges in a case study of CRE for low‐SES couples transitioning to parenthood. In this pilot study, 21 couples were recruited from a community health clinic and randomized to either an experimental treatment condition (EXP;= 11) or a treatment‐as‐usual control condition (TAU;= 10). This study sought to mitigate documented challenges with recruitment and retention: We leveraged community partnerships, attempted to build and maintain strong relationships with study participants, provided incentives for assessments as well as intervention meetings, and attempted to reduce potential barriers to enrollment and retention. Nonetheless, we had low rates of recruitment and retention. We integrate these findings and experiences with our review of previous work in this area. We make recommendations for future CRE research and practice that have potential implications for public policy in this area.  相似文献   
In Uganda, one in five children presents mental health challenges, including disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs). DBDs can persist through adulthood and result in negative outcomes. Effective interventions for DBDs have been developed and tested in high-poverty communities in developed countries. Yet, most African countries, such as Uganda, lack such interventions. This paper describes the adaptation process of an evidence-based intervention of U.S. origin to optimize fit to context with intervention fidelity, as part of a randomized trial conducted with youth that exhibit behavioral challenges and their caregivers in 30 schools in Uganda. The process involved: initial meetings with headteachers and teachers to introduce the study and the main concepts of the intervention; initial manual review focusing on 4Rs and 2Ss content by the Uganda team; engagement of community stakeholders for additional feedback on content and cultural relevance; final revision of the manual; and collection of children’s drawings for the illustration of the manual. This paper describes both similarities and differences between the original and adapted intervention content and methods of delivery. The findings also highlight the importance of involving community stakeholders in the adaptation process.  相似文献   

El concepto de Desarrollo Sostenible ha sido manejado en el discurso político, económico y social de forma recurrente y en numerosas ocasiones de manera retórica, llegando a estar alejado en muchos momentos de la definición que se establece en el Informe Brundtland en 1987. El posible abuso de este término ha vaciado de contenido su significado, llegando a ser un recurso literario en el discurso sobre el medio ambiente lejos de su significado original.

Con el fin de aproximarse al discurso que sustenta a este concepto, se hizo un primer estudio de análisis de contenido de las páginas del Informe Brundtland en donde se define el Desarrollo Sostenible. En un segundo estudio se analiza cuáles son las dimensiones que subyacen a este concepto en una muestra d 213 estudiantes. Para ello se les preguntó que definieran por escrito qué entendían por Desarrollo Sostenible. Las respuestas fueron analizadas atendiendo a dos variables criterio: el año en que se daba la definición—1998, 1999 y 2000—y la ideología política que se atribuían los participantes. Los resultados muestran cómo dos de los atributos centrales del concepto: la pobreza y el desarrollo tecnológico y social están prácticamente ausentes en ambos análisis.  相似文献   

El autor, tras constatar la necesidad de perspectivas propiamente evolutivas que conserven las aportaciones de la psicología diferencial, repasa estos enfoques evolutivos clásicos del desarrollo psicosexual destacando la teoría cognitiva propuesta por Kohlberg (1966). Seguidamente analiza tanto los intentos posteriores de perfeccionar estos enfoques desde el punto de vista psicoanalítico, conductista y cognitivo como la aparición de nuevas perspectivas desde comienzos de los setenta: los enfoques de la “trascendencia de los roles sexuales” y los del procesamiento de la información, ofreciendo las características fundamentales que los diferencian de los clásicos. El autor se pregunta si no sería conveniente una nueva elaboración teórica que tuviera en cuenta las directrices, preocupaciones y necesidades comunes de todos ellos considerando que, para ello, se necesita clarificar previamente la taxonomización terminológica, la contextualización de los distintos contenidos y la extensión a lo largo del ciclo vital. Tras desarrollar estas tres bases de fundamentación, finaliza esbozando un nuevo modelo evolutivo de tipificación sexual y de género en torno al cual ordenar y reinterpretar los hallazgos de las investigaciones sobre el tema.  相似文献   

Este trabajo analiza la incidencia de los factores espacio-semánticos y de tipicidad en el comportamiento clasificatorio y en la relación inclusiva en niños de diferentes edades. En el experimento I, los resultados muestran, por una parte, que la mayoría de los niños, a partir de los. 6 años, tienden a construir colecciones, en vez de categorizar el material presentado mediante criterios taxonómicos, y, por otra, que el éxito infantil mejora notoriamente en las pruebas de inclusión en la condición de colección, siendo irrelevante el papel de la funcionalidad. Los resultados del experimento II confirman la relevancia de los factores espacio-semánticos, mientras que los efectos de la tipicidad se manifiestan con cierta claridad en las conductas de clasificación, pero no en las tareas de inclusión.  相似文献   

Esta investigación se presenta con la idea de plasmar la posible relación existente entre las diferencias individuales de sexo y personalidad y las preferencias por determinados tipos de paisaje. La hipótesis de partida es que la estructura de la personalidad condiciona la elección del paisaje, influencia que puede ser directa o mediada por factores de personalidad. Dicha hipótesis ha sido probada para tres componentes de paisaje: I) Paisaje natural versus humanizado. II) Paisaje acogedor versus inhóspito. III) Formas rectas y netas versus difusas y redondeadas  相似文献   
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