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Forty-four male and 44 female subjects, divided on the basis of their need for achievement scores, responded to three short verbal cues in which the central character was either male or female. The three cues (store clerk, social worker, and author) were chosen in order to maximize status differences and to minimize masculinity-femininity differences. In responding to each cue, subjects had to imagine themselves in each role. subjects rated each character on semantic differential scales to provide impressions of personality. Ratings were found to be a function of sex of the subject and need for achievement level, as well as status of the occupation. However, no significant effects were associated with the sex of the role.  相似文献   
A defect in immediate memory for item order is often attributed to poor beginning readers. We have supposed that this problem may be a manifestation of an underlying deficiency in the use of phonetic codes. Accordingly, we expected good and poor readers to differ in their ability to order stimuli that can be easily recoded as words and stored in phonetic form, but not in their ability to order nonlinguistic stimuli that do not lend themselves to phonetic recoding in short-term memory. The purpose of the present study was to test this hypothesis by examining the ability of good and poor readers to reconstruct the order of sets of briefly presented stimuli that varied in the extent to which they could be distinctively recoded into phonetic form: pictures of common objects versus nonrepresentational, “doodle” drawings. As expected, an interaction between reading ability and type of stimulus item was found, demonstrating the material-specific nature of poor readers' ordering difficulties. These findings support the hypothesis that a function of the phonetic representation is to aid in retention of order information, and that poor readers' ordering difficulties are related to their deficient use of phonetic codes.  相似文献   
A dichotic listening test (composed of VCV nonsense syllables) was administered to 31 right-handed subjects. A χ2 statistical significance criterion was then applied to the resulting ear differences in subjects. Fifteen subjects had ear differences significant at the p < .10 levels. Of these, 14 had right-ear advantages, an incidence consistent with the incidence of left-hemisphere language dominance derived from neurological data. Incidence for the total group of 31 subjects, however, showed the overabundance of left-ear-superior protocols typical of studies that report ear-dominance scores with no statistical criterion.  相似文献   
Many philosophers hold that ‘one-instant worlds’—worlds that contain a single instant—fail to contain time. We experimentally investigate whether these worlds satisfy the folk concept of time. We found that ~50% of participants hold that there is time in such worlds. We argue that this suggests one of two possibilities. First, the population disagree about whether at least one of the A-, B-, or C-series is necessary for time, with there being a substantial sub-population for whom the presence of neither an A-, B-, nor C-series, is necessary for time, and hence those folk have a radically more minimal concept of time than has been attributed to them by philosophers. Or, second, the population do not disagree about whether at least one of the A-, B-, or C-series is necessary for time, but disagree about what it takes for a world to fail to contain even a C-series.  相似文献   
“比较治疗学”的原理与方法浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
重点论述比较治疗学的发展背景和历史、基本概念、治疗方法、以及比较治疗学的发展基础和其对临床医学所带来的影响等。比较治疗学的产生和发展对传统医学以及临床医生来说都是一个严峻的挑战,如果临床医生能熟练地掌握和综合地运用比较治疗学的决策方法去解决临床医学的问题,将会大大提高临床诊疗工作的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   
研究CT灌注成像(CTPI)和CT血管造影(CTA)对椎底动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)的诊断价值。采用64排螺旋CT对30例患者进行常规CT、CT灌注成像和CT血管造影检查。30例CT平扫无责任病灶。CT灌注成像正常14例,异常16例。CTA正常4例,异常26例。CT灌注成像和CT血管造影联合应用有利于椎底动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作的诊断和治疗方案的选择。  相似文献   
A novel "in vitro reinforcement" paradigm was used to investigate Skinner's (1953) hypotheses (a) that operant behavior is made up of infinitesimal "response elements" or "behavioral atoms" and (b) that these very small units, and not whole responses, are the functional units of reinforcement. Our tests are based on the assumption that behavioral atoms may plausibly be represented at the neural level by individual cellular responses. As a first approach, we attempted to reinforce the bursting responses of hippocampal units in a highly reduced brain-slice preparation with local micropressure applications of behaviorally reinforcing dopaminergic drugs. The same injections were administered independently of bursting to provide a "noncontingent" control for nonspecific stimulation or facilitation of firing. It was found that the bursting responses of individual CA1 pyramidal neurons may be progressively facilitated in a dose-related manner by response-contingent (but not noncontingent) injections of dopamine itself, the dopamine D1-preferring agonist SKF 82958, the D3-preferring agonist quinpirole, and the D2-like selective agonist (+)-4-propyl-9 hydroxynapthoxazine. These findings support the conclusion that unit bursting responses can be reinforced in vitro in hippocampal slices, and they further suggest that the same dopamine receptor subtypes are involved in both cellular and behavioral operant conditioning. The results thus provide indirect support for Skinner's atoms-of-behavior hypothesis.  相似文献   
Responses on self-report questionnaires (Study 1) and in a dyadic game (Study 2) were observed to investigate relationships of trust-suspicion (T-S), locus of control (I-E), and situational contingencies to styles of interpersonal functioning. Generalized T-S predicted cooperative/competitive interactional choices among the male college student samples (p ? .01). However, T-S predicted females' interpersonal behaviors only when they were in a reactive, defensive position. T-S did not relate to actual behaviors when females were allowed to select/initiate cooperative or competitive exchanges. Situational rules (p ? .025) and I-E (p ? .01) predicted all subjects' behaviors when in a choice, but not defensive, position.  相似文献   
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