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The relationship between personality, as measured by the IPAT-HSPQ, and certain motor performance variables was studied by utilizing the multivariate technique of canonical correlation. Ss for the study were 91 culturally deprived high school students who were achieving well below their expected capacity. A significant canonical relationship was not found between the domains of personality and motor performance. Also, no significant relationships between motor sub-domains and personality were found. It was thus concluded that for the population under study, the domains of motor performance and personality were independent Some discussion of the multivariate technique of canonical correlation was offered and compared with univariate procedures.  相似文献   
40 college males were sequentially assigned to 1 of 2 groups to examine the effects of induced physical fatigue upon the performance and learning of a gross motor task, the stabilometer. All Ss were given 32 practice trials over 3 practice sessions, with 48 hr. rest interpolated between sessions. Trials 1 and 2 were performed under control conditions (no fatigue) for both groups. The Experimental Group was then required to perform under conditions of physical fatigue during Trials 3-26. Trials 27-32 (Session 3) were performed under control conditions. The condition of fatigue was achieved on Trials 3-26 by having Ss pedal a bicycle ergometer until a heart rate of 180 beats/min was attained prior to each trial. The Control Group cancelled vowels. The results indicated that physical fatigue was detrimental to the performance and learning of the Experimental Group.  相似文献   
The control of a cursor on a computer monitor offers a simple means of exploring the limits of the plasticity of human visuomotor coordination. The authors explored the boundary conditions for adaptation to nonlinear visuomotor amplitude transformations. The authors hypothesized that only with terminal visual feedback during practice, but not with continuous visual feedback, humans might develop an internal model of the nonlinear visuomotor amplitude transformation. Thus, 2 groups were engaged in a sensorimotor adaptation task receiving either continuous or terminal visual feedback during the practice phase. In contrast to expectations, adaptive shifts and aftereffects observed in visual open-loop tests were linearly related to target amplitudes for both groups. Although the 2 feedback groups did not differ with respect to adaptive shifts and aftereffects, terminal visual feedback resulted in stable visual open-loop performance for an extended period, whereas movement errors increased after continuous visual feedback during practice. The benefit of continuous visual feedback, on the other hand, was faster closed-loop performance, indicating an optimization of visual closed-loop control.  相似文献   
The authors trained 21 participants by using blocked-and-mixed exposure to right-side slips and then caused them to slip unexpectedly on the untrained left side. Authors retested participants with a right slip and a left slip at 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, and 4 months. The authors found that preslip stability on the first untrained left slip improved and was significantly greater than that on the first right slip, which probably contributed to the reduction in incidence of falls from ~30% to ~10%. Postslip stability and base of support (BOS) slip velocity were similar to those on the first right slip and much lower than those on the last right slip. Increases in pre- and postslip stabilities and BOS slip velocity during the left slip led to reductions in backward balance loss (BLOB) from ~95% on initial left slip to ~60% and to ~25% on the 1st and 3rd retest sessions, respectively. In contrast, BLOB remained at a constant ~40% level on the right slip of the same retest sessions. The results indicate a partial immediate transfer and a possible latent transfer.  相似文献   
In this study, changes in movement coordination caused by fatigue that developed during repetitive lifting were examined. Five men performed 6 times a 5-min bout of lifting an 8-kg barbell at 15 lifts/min, using two lifting techniques; one minimized trunk rotation (squat lift), and the other minimized rotation in the knee joint (stoop lift). Kinematics and dynamics were studied by means of movement analysis and inverse dynamics, using a two-dimensional linked segment model. Within-subject variation over repetitive lifts of the time course of joint angles was smaller than between-subjects variation on the first analyzed lift. Relative timing between joint rotations did not change significantly across repetitive lifts, except between knee and hip in the squat lift. No change of the lumbosacral torque over repetitive lifts was found. The adaptability of the neural control appeared to be sufficient to accommodate the strong changes of the input-output characteristics of the muscles caused by fatigue so that an essentially constant performance of the movement act was maintained.  相似文献   
In previous studies of attentional focus effects, investigators have measured performance outcome. Here, however, the authors used electromyography (EMG) to determine whether differences between external and internal foci would also be manifested at the neuromuscular level. In 2 experiments, participants (N = 11, Experiment 1; N = 12, Experiment 2) performed biceps curls while focusing on the movements of the curl bar (external focus) or on their arms (internal focus). In Experiment 1, movements were performed faster under external than under internal focus conditions. Also, integrated EMG (iEMG) activity was reduced when performers adopted an external focus. In Experiment 2, movement time was controlled through the use of a metronome, and iEMG activity was again reduced under external focus conditions. Those findings are in line with the constrained action hypothesis (G. Wulf, N. McNevin, & C. H. Shea, 2001), according to which an external focus promotes the use of more automatic control processes.  相似文献   
The effect of an interpolated movement on the recall of a blind, lever-positioning movement was assessed separately for the reproduction cues of distance and end-location. Both cues showed the context effect of assimilation, that is, the end-location of the interpolated movement caused directional biasing of the algebraic or constant error (CE) for location reproduction while the length of the interpolated movement caused similar directional biasing for distance reproduction. Variability about algebraic error (VE) was used to assess forgetting. There was no change in VE for location reproduction, and an increase in VE for distance reproduction was limited to the relatively large movements. Thus, an interpolated movement that does not have to be remembered does not cause interference with the retention of location information, but does cause some interference with the retention of distance information. The findings are discussed in relation to a model of motor short-term memory which incorporates both CE and VE.  相似文献   
Marteniuk (1973) used negative results, which may be attributed to a lack of power, to question the adequacy of variable error as a measure of forgetting. He also used these negative results, along with constant error results which were consistent with the Laabs (1971, 1973) model of motor memory, to reject parts of the model related to variable error. Caution is advised when interpreting negative results and interchanging dependent measures.  相似文献   
There is evidence that experience of the sensory consequences, in the absence of practice of the required motor commands, is sufficient to learn new bimanual coordination patterns. This was shown through improvements of an incongruent group who practiced a desired 30° phase offset between the limbs while 1 limb was weighted such that the desired phase relation was achieved when synchronous motor commands were sent to the limbs (P. Atchy-Delama, P. G. Zanone, C. E. Peper, & P. J. Beek, 2005). In addition to testing a similar incongruent and congruent group (i.e., no weight), the authors extended this experiment by removing visual feedback during practice and by including an auditory modeling and passive guidance group. All groups showed improvement, except for the modeling group. The passive guidance group made more errors in posttests than the congruent and incongruent groups. Only the congruent group increased the amount of time around 30° after practice. Active experience of the sensory consequences combined with practice sending appropriate motor commands is the most effective method for learning, even though strategic improvements can be attained without experience of the latter.  相似文献   
Performance differences in dynamic and static balance ability of 150 preschool Ss aged 3,4, and 5 yr. were studied. Ss performed 4 balance-beam tasks and 2 balance-board tasks. An Age by Sex (3 × 2) factorial, design employing both univariate and multivariate ANOVA techniques were the statistics used. For both dynamic and static balance Age was highly significant, and the use of multivariate ANOVA indicated significant sex differences on the static balance tasks. The appropriateness of multivariate techniques where more than one dependent variable is measured on the same population was discussed, and the need to take into account the relationship between these variables when analyzing the data was noted.  相似文献   
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