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This essay critically examines thenon-essentialist and anti-deterministicphilosophy of technology developed in the workof Andrew Feenberg. As I interpret the work,Feenberg achieves an important``demystification' of technology. His analysispeels away the facade of ironclad efficiency,rationality, and necessity that permeates ourexperience of technology. Through theoreticalargument and rich examples, he illuminated thecontingent interests, values, meanings, andvoices that are built into specifictechnologies, often by experts. He shows howtechnology is transformed by lay actors whochallenge its design on behalf of a wideragenda of interests, values, meanings andvoices. My critique focuses on Feenberg'sattempt to argue from his demystification oftechnology to the full democratization of alltechnical design and decision-making. I arguethat Feenberg's framework lacks the ethicalresources required both to (1) justify thedemocratization of technical decisions, andmore basically, (2) to determine when laychallenges to technology do and when theydon't, advance democratic ideals, and why. Itrace these problems to ethical inadequacies inhis notions of interests, democratization, andan alternative modernity. A sub-theme of myargument is that our society's Lockeanmorality of property rights and market freedomsposes fundamental ethical objections to hisphilosophy of technology with which it isill-equipped to deal.  相似文献   
I discuss controversial claims about the status of non‐human animals as moral beings in relation to philosophical claims to the contrary. I address questions about the ontology of animals rather than ethical approaches as to how humans need to treat other animals through notions of, for example, animal rights. I explore the evolutionary origins of behavior that can be considered vices or virtues and suggest that Thomas Aquinas is closer to Darwin's view on nonhuman animals than we might suppose. An appreciation of the complexity of the emotional lives of social animals and their cooperative behaviors in light of the work of animal ethologists such as Frans de Waal and Marc Bekoff suggests that social animals can be considered moral in their own terms. I discuss the charge of anthropomorphism, drawing on the work of archaeologist Steven Mithen, and consider arguments for the evolution of conscience in the work of anthropologist Christopher Boehm. Only the biological basis for the development of conscience and religion has evolved in nonhuman animals, and this should not be confused with sophisticated moral systems of analysis or particular religious beliefs found in the human community.  相似文献   
肺血栓栓塞症是常见的临床病症,因其临床表现多样,易发生误诊漏诊而导致较高的病死率.但"凡事顸则立,不顸则废",充分掌握肺血栓栓塞症的知识、以正确的思维方式引导临床诊疗可以有效减少和避免误诊漏诊.  相似文献   
Paternalistic leadership has three dimensions: authoritarianism, benevolence and morality. Although it is important to understand how these dimensions interact to impact leadership effectiveness, previous studies have failed to identify consistent interaction effects of these dimensions, probably because of the high intercorrelations among the three dimensions. By manipulating the three dimensions independently in an experimental study ( N  = 265 Taiwanese employees), we found that: (i) benevolence and morality increased subordinates' deference to supervisor and work motivation, although authoritarianism was unrelated to these outcomes; and (ii) benevolence and morality interacted to affect the same employee outcomes. Specifically, benevolent and moral leaders elicited more favourable employee outcomes than leaders exhibiting other leadership styles.  相似文献   
冷英  莫雷  吴俊 《心理学报》2008,40(7):788-799
探讨文本阅读中读者追随目标焦点信息建构情境模型的过程。实验1采用“目标启动+目标整合”的方式,探讨读者在显性焦点情况下的阅读是否会追随目标信息更新情境模型。实验2采用“目标启动+目标未整合”的方式,探讨显性焦点下对目标信息进行的追随建构,是发生在目标焦点整合后还是在阅读进程中即时进行。实验2a运用动窗技术,实验2b则采用眼动技术来探讨这个问题。实验结果总的表明,在阅读过程中读者会追随目标焦点信息建构情境模型,并且这种建构是即时进行的  相似文献   
职业倦怠是工作中的个体所体验到的一组负性症状,具有多维度的心理结构。参照有关文献和实证分析,编制了警察职业倦怠量表。通过对488名警察的探索性因素分析和84名警察的验证性因素分析,结果表明该量表结构清晰,信、效度良好,可以作为评鉴警察职业倦怠的有效工具。  相似文献   
陈平 《心理学报》2016,48(9):1184-1198
在线标定技术由于具有诸多优点而被广泛应用于计算机化自适应测验(CAT)的新题标定。Method A是想法最直接、算法最简单的CAT在线标定方法, 但它具有明显的理论缺陷--在标定过程中将能力估计值视为能力真值。将全功能极大似然估计方法(FFMLE)与“利用充分性结果”估计方法(ECSE)的误差校正思路融入Method A (新方法分别记为FFMLE-Method A和ECSE-Method A), 从理论上对能力估计误差进行校正, 进而克服Method A的标定缺陷。模拟研究的结果表明:(1)在大多数实验条件下, 两种新方法较Method A总体上可以改进标定精度, 且在测验长度为10的短测验上的改进幅度最大; (2)当CAT测验长度较短或中等(10或20题)时, 两种新方法的表现与性能最优的MEM已非常接近。当测验长度较长(30题)时, ECSE-Method A的总体表现最好、优于MEM; (3)样本量越大, 各种方法的标定精度越高。  相似文献   
张琨  方平  姜媛  于悦  欧阳恒磊 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1628-1636
几十年来, 内疚备受国内外研究者的关注, 其研究多从儿童发展、心理健康等方面展开。而近些年, 研究者关注的焦点开始转向内疚的道德层面, 即关注人际交往或社会事件中情绪的道德价值。内疚作为一种道德情绪, 是伴随道德意识的发展而发展的, 在维持和修复社会关系以及情绪情感发展中起着重要作用。因此, 文章从道德视角对内疚的界定、产生机制、行为反应以及亲社会作用等方面进行了梳理和探讨, 以期为国内的同类研究提供一些新的线索。  相似文献   
当代心理学不仅在研究对象上存在着分歧, 而且在理论和方法论取向上也是四分五裂, 以至于很难用一种逻辑标准将各种理论体系进行归类。西方心理学大多数采用的是时间逻辑分类标准, 将理论体系的发展变化通过时间线索呈现, 这样的理论分类虽然能帮助我们理顺理论流派的发展脉络, 但我们往往因无法比较而抓不住各理论流派的主要特征。近年西方理论心理学界提出以因果关系逻辑为标准的理论分类体系, 将心理学理论分为机体中心论、环境中心论、社会中心论和关系中心论, 这种标准容易混淆某些相近的理论, 出现理论的多向归属和无归属现象。文章提出以内容特征为指向的分类体系, 包括意识中心倾向、行为中心倾向、机制中心倾向和意义中心倾向。这种分类标准能部分弥补因果关系分类体系和时间逻辑分类的不足。而进一步开发出能够适应理论快速发展变化的理论分类体系将成为未来理论心理学的研究领域之一。  相似文献   
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