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从现有文献的研究成果看,中国雇员特有的组织承诺特征可以总结为五点:一是从结构模型上的理想因子显现;二是情感承诺更加影响中国雇员的组织行为;三是承诺指向上级而非组织;四是离职动因注重在位能得到什么;五是集体主义与个人主义的冲突。通过对各个特征进行道德追溯,我们发现,“理想人格”解释了理想承诺,“仁”造就了中国雇员的情感承诺,“忠”的思想使承诺指向上级,离职动因在于“谨慎”思考,集体主义与个人主义的冲突改变了传统道德集体主义的提倡。  相似文献   
介绍了孟子的性善论,荀子的性恶论,告子的人性无善无恶论,以及扬雄的人性善恶相混论。希望通过对儒家文化的分析来为传统文化对人格形成的影响提供参考。  相似文献   
人是具身心智的存在者,其存在方式独特性在于:他既依赖于物理形态的身体,又有存在论上不可还原性的主观性。因此如何在现代世界观中一致且完备地解释和理解人遂成了心智哲学的大问题。如果坚持现代世界观的基本立场一致性,那么对意识的解释和理解不可避免存在着"难问题"所界定的不完备性。人们大致从三个进路来处理不完备性的局面。然而,原则上它们都无法实现一致且完备的要求,因为这里存在一个根本的局限,即不可能通过认识论的方法在两种存在论形式(无和有)之间实现等价转换。尽管在认识论上这是一个悲观的结局,但另一方面它又是积极的,因为它显示了个体经验在存在论上是独一无二的。  相似文献   
Drone usage in fieldwork and participatory processes entails direct sensations that fold the pilot/planner and audience into one. Footage from drone filming entails direct kinesthetic and synesthetic effects that occur while one edits the film material, giving rise to affective responses. Through one experimental drone postproduction film, this article discusses how the interplay of vision, motion, and sound works as a set of gestures that comprise sensation as a (self- and co-) affection modus of immediation when one engages with moving images on-screen during drone filming, editing, and screening. The article builds upon Merleau-Ponty's film writings and Puig de la Bellacasa's touch/care perspectives. Specifically, it asks what constitutive aspects characterize the folding of the drone's/pilot's point of view (POV) in relation to the perceiver's POV during postediting, and to the conceiver's POV during subsequent viewings. The article's original contribution is to show how affective experiences are transposed as haptic touch via the same images and folded POVs. It also addresses a research methodological perspective on filmic mediations and written accounts. The article concludes by speculating about how the co-affective potential of the folding of POVs through drone imagery might inform fieldwork and participatory processes from perspectives of care and empathy.  相似文献   
This essay takes up two questions. First, what does it mean to say that someone creates her own luck? At least colloquially speaking, luck is conceived as something out of an agent's control. So how could an agent increase or decrease the likelihood that she'll be lucky? Building on some recent work on the metaphysics of luck, the essay argues that there is a sense in which agents can create their own luck because people with more skill tend to have more opportunities to benefit from luck. Second, what implications does this conception of luck have for related topics such as how we evaluate performances (like shooting an arrow), including coming to know something? The ubiquitous presence of luck in our actions is often underappreciated. The essay argues that when we combine an expected outcomes view of luck with a counterfactual view of causation, the distinction between environmental and intervening veritic luck seems to disappear. We need a more nuanced view of how luck sometimes undermines credit for success in agents' actions. The upshot of this view is that while luck may undermine the creditworthiness of an agent's success, it only partially undermines creditworthiness.  相似文献   
人体本身对各类疾病有着强大的自我抵制和修复能力,疾病的发生和康复有其自然的进展规律,治疗疾病的过程应遵循相关规律,并辅助人体的这些能力去促进机体的修复。而现实医疗中,人们在享受医学科技成果和医疗保障实惠的同时,常常伴有过度的医疗处置或过度忽视疾病的存在,从而影响疾病本身的自然康复进程,或加重病情,甚至造成二次伤害。本文从疾病治疗自然观的角度探讨了医生和患者在应对疾病时需了解的辩证思想,并就如何认识和应用疾病治疗的自然观去诊治疾病做一探讨。  相似文献   
生命观是对生命态度、生命价值等问题的根本看法和观点。对山西3所医学院校医学生的生命观进行问卷调查,结果显示:医学生人生态度消极悲观、漠视生命;不能正确地看待死亡问题,缺乏正确的死亡观;对生命价值的理解呈现出多元化;学医期间的心理状态不是很好;期待学校采取有效措施加强生命观教育。因此,学校应发挥主导作用,因需施教,采取多种策略加强医学生的生命观教育,同时,家庭和社会也应发挥合力作用,共同促进医学生树立科学正确的生命观。  相似文献   
This essay argues that Claudia Card numbers among important contributors to nonideal ethical theory (NET), and it advocates for the worth of NET. Following philosophers including Lisa Tessman and Charles Mills, the essay contends that it is important for ethical theory, and for feminist purposes, to carry forward the interrelationship that Mills identifies between nonideal theory and feminist ethics. Card's ethical theorizing assists in understanding that interrelationship. Card's philosophical work includes basic elements of NET indicated by Tessman, Mills, and others, and further offers two important and neglected elements to other nonideal ethical theorists: (i) her rejection of the “administrative point of view,” and (ii) her focus on “intolerable harms” as forms of “extreme moral stress” and obstacles to excellent ethical lives. The essay concludes that Card's insights are helpful to philosophers in developing nonideal ethical theory as a distinctive contribution to, and as a subset of, nonideal theory.  相似文献   
According to the additive view of sensory imagination, mental imagery often involves two elements. There is an image-like element, which gives the experiences qualitative phenomenal character akin to that of perception. There is also a non-image element, consisting of something like suppositions about the image's object. This accounts for extra-sensory features of imagined objects and situations: for example, it determines whether an image of a grey horse is an image of Desert Orchid, or of some other grey horse. The view promises to give a simple and intuitive explanation of some puzzling features of imagination, and, further, to illuminate imagination's relation to modal knowledge. I contend that the additive view does not fulfil these two promises. The explanation of how images come to be determinate is redundant: the content constituting the indeterminate mental images on which the view relies is sufficient to deliver determinate images too, so the extra resources offered by the view are not required. When applied to modal epistemology, the view either delivers implausible results or offers no distinctive insight. Since the view is sold on its explanatory merits, and since these are dubious, the additive view should be rejected.  相似文献   
傅斯年是被忽视的近代中国心理学人, 他与心理学渊源极深, 不仅是近代科学心理学思想的学习者、传播者, 也是科学心理学思想的践行者。傅斯年学习心理学前后共12年, 写有《心理分析导引》专著一部, 最早翻译麦独孤的《群体心理学》, 另有《性命古训辩证》等哲学著作和多篇文章阐述其心理学观点。傅斯年认为中国近代学术包括心理学研究必然走向科学化, 做出“科学化的东方学之正统在中国”的基本判断, 将“有群众无社会的无秩序取向” “心中无主义的心气薄弱性” “万恶之源的家庭教育”作为当时民众心理发展的三大障碍, 并倡导民众确定一个健康的、即物穷理的、积极努力和纪律约束并存的人性观。傅斯年参与了“中研院”心理研究所、中山大学和台湾大学心理系的创建, 与蔡元培、汪敬熙、唐钺、苏芗雨等心理学人关系密切, 共同推动了科学心理学在中国的传播和早期中国心理学学科建设, 其一生中存在一条选择心理学, 学习心理学, 离开心理学又助推心理学和运用心理学的心灵探索之路。  相似文献   
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