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道家“顺应自然”思想对中国古代医学有深远影响,《红楼梦》作为古代经典小说,其生活习惯场景的描写可使我们了解古代贵族的养生方式。文章从道家“顺应自然”的三个观点出发,结合《红楼梦》养生方式,分析其具体的保养过程及对健康的作用。首先通过适度养生观,分析质朴养生及有节养生思想在《红楼梦》中的具体应用;其次通过相对养生观,分析平衡养生及辩证养生思想在《红楼梦》中的实施过程;最后通过和谐养生观,分析自然养生及无为养生思想在《红楼梦》中的保养方式。  相似文献   
着眼于中西医戒鸦片烟毒之比较,进行鸦片社会医药文化内涵史学与哲学反思。经比较发现,中医药较之西药戒鸦片烟毒更具“科学与文化”互补的况味,并富含“修身养性”的文化内涵。由中医戒烟组方得出哲学启示:整体观、调和观可与对抗观互补;中医学戒烟毒组方理论符合自然辩证法;中医学戒烟毒的“引药”理念及“顺应性”治法可融会顺势疗法体系,并可纳入哲学“无为而无所不为”的语境。在现今社会吸毒“沉渣再起”时,中医药戒烟毒尤具优势。  相似文献   
梁熙  王争艳 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1911-1923
母婴依恋是婴儿期形成的首要关系之一, 同时也是影响儿童早期社会化的关系性背景。以亲子互动中形成依恋安全感差异的相关研究为基础, 从特质观、领域特殊观和社会认知观的角度对它们进行梳理, 有助于提炼出母亲的敏感性、特定的互动情境以及儿童的社会预期分别在预测母婴依恋关系中的作用。3种研究取向的整合有赖于细致地区分特质观和社会认知观在看待亲子互动中双方情绪状态、认知能力和回应过程上的差别; 制定新的依恋干预方案应当以提高父母识别和应对婴儿消极情绪的能力, 以及为婴儿提供适当的依随性学习经验为目的。  相似文献   
Drone usage in fieldwork and participatory processes entails direct sensations that fold the pilot/planner and audience into one. Footage from drone filming entails direct kinesthetic and synesthetic effects that occur while one edits the film material, giving rise to affective responses. Through one experimental drone postproduction film, this article discusses how the interplay of vision, motion, and sound works as a set of gestures that comprise sensation as a (self- and co-) affection modus of immediation when one engages with moving images on-screen during drone filming, editing, and screening. The article builds upon Merleau-Ponty's film writings and Puig de la Bellacasa's touch/care perspectives. Specifically, it asks what constitutive aspects characterize the folding of the drone's/pilot's point of view (POV) in relation to the perceiver's POV during postediting, and to the conceiver's POV during subsequent viewings. The article's original contribution is to show how affective experiences are transposed as haptic touch via the same images and folded POVs. It also addresses a research methodological perspective on filmic mediations and written accounts. The article concludes by speculating about how the co-affective potential of the folding of POVs through drone imagery might inform fieldwork and participatory processes from perspectives of care and empathy.  相似文献   
试论内隐学习的多水平动态观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林颖  周颖 《心理科学》2005,28(4):995-998
文章回顾了关于内隐学习意识性的实证研究和理论探讨。在此基础上,借助Karmiloff—Smith的表征重述概念,构建了一个多水平觉察状态、多水平表征机制、多水平能量需求的内隐学习机制动态观。该观点不同于以往对内隐学习的静态分析,揭示了内隐学习和外显学习在机能上的连续性,  相似文献   
老子的养生观根植于其博大精深的哲学思想;老子的养生思想是我国古代养生思想的理论基础,几乎所有的养生家和医学家都受到其养生思想的影响,被后世诸多大家加以继承、借鉴和发扬;老子的养生观主要有“勤行自律”、“三分长寿法”、“静以养神”、“顺应自然”、“虚心实腹、弱志强骨”、“恬淡寡欲”、“淡泊名利、功成身退”和“咽津养生”。  相似文献   
Recognition memory involves knowing an item was learned (familiarity) and remembering contextual details about the prior learning episode (recollection). We tested three competing hypotheses about the role of the hippocampus in recollection and familiarity. It mediates either recollection or familiarity, or serves both processes. We further tested whether the left temporal lobe mediates recollection and the right temporal lobe familiarity (modes of processing view), or whether the two temporal lobes mediate remembering material specifically (material specificity view). We investigated 24-h face recognition using the "remember-know" procedure. We studied 23 left and 24 right temporal lobe epilepsy (LTLE/RTLE) patients with and without hippocampal sclerosis (HS+/HS-) and 31 healthy participants. HS+ patients made fewer know responses than HS- patients or healthy participants. RTLE was related to fewer remember responses than LTLE. Our results suggest the hippocampus has a critical role in familiarity. Further, our findings support the material specificity hypothesis of laterality.  相似文献   
介绍了孟子的性善论,荀子的性恶论,告子的人性无善无恶论,以及扬雄的人性善恶相混论。希望通过对儒家文化的分析来为传统文化对人格形成的影响提供参考。  相似文献   
Ho  Wing-Chung 《Human Studies》2008,31(4):383-397
The bone of contention that divides Alfred Schutz and Talcott Parsons in their 1940–1941 debate is that Schutz acknowledges an ontological break between the commonsense and scientific worlds whereas Parsons only considers it “a matter of refinement.” Schutz’s ontological distancing that disconnects the “world of consociates” where social reality is directly experienced in face-to-face contacts, and the “world of contemporaries” where the Other is experienced in terms of “types” has been crucial to social scientists. Implicated in the break is that all intellectual attempts to understand experiences of Others must be based on the “models” constructed in the “world of contemporaries” (or “predecessors”); hence, epistemologically, to grasp the subjective point of view with a here-and-now understanding is an outright impossibility. Based on a Schutzian perspective, the author suggests that the sociologist must objectivize the Thou-orientations involved in his/her analysis in order that s/he can possibility grasp the subjective point of view in objective terms.
Wing-Chung HoEmail:
We investigated the effect of the regular sequence of different views and the three‐quarter view effect on the learning of unfamiliar faces by infants. 3–8‐month‐old infants were familiarized with unfamiliar female faces in either the regular condition (presenting 11 different face views from the frontal view to the left‐side profile view in regular order) or the random condition (presenting the same 11 different face views in random order). Following the familiarization, infants were tested with a pair of a familiarized and a novel female face either in a three‐quarter (Experiment 1) or in a profile view (Experiment 2). Results showed that only 6–8‐month‐old infants could identify a familiarized face in the regular condition when they were tested in three‐quarter views. In contrast, 6–8‐month‐old infants showed no significant novelty preference in profile views. The results suggest that the regular sequence of different face views promotes the learning of unfamiliar faces by infants over 6 months old. Moreover, our findings imply that the three‐quarter view effect appears in infants.  相似文献   
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