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Abstract: In this article we critique the collectivist approach to collective moral responsibility. According to philosophers of a collectivist persuasion, a central notion of collective moral responsibility is moral responsibility assigned to a collective as a single entity. In our critique, we proceed by way of discussing the accounts and arguments of three prominent representatives of the collectivist approach with respect to collective responsibility: Margaret Gilbert, Russell Hardin, and Philip Pettit. Our aims are mainly critical; however, this should not be taken to imply that we do not ourselves support an alternative account of collective responsibility. We advocate an individualist account of collective responsibility. On this view of collective responsibility as joint responsibility, collective responsibility is ascribed to individuals. Each member of the group is individually morally responsible for the outcome of the joint action, but each is individually responsible jointly with the others.  相似文献   
The dialog between Staddon (2001, 2004) and Baum (2004) raises general questions about the nature of scientific peer review. Their dialog displays effects on peer review of differences of opinion about the relative merits of local and global analyses. Baum (1995, 1997, 2001, 2002) favors global analyses as a paradigm different, newer, and better than the local, dynamic, real‐time approach that plays a significant role in Staddon (2001). According to the Kuhnian perspective (Kuhn, 1996) Baum advocates, we can better understand his review of Staddon (2001) by considering the implications for it of his commitment to the idea that a global analysis is a superior scientific paradigm. This commentary examines some characteristics of local and global analyses, as well as some of their possible implications for peer review in the context of a reviewer's belief in the Kuhnian idea of incommensurability: According to this idea, a reviewer who either is, or who believes he is, from one paradigm is unlikely, for better or worse, to understand or perhaps even tolerate work from a different paradigm. It is recommended that a process be developed to encourage “truth in peer reviewing” to reduce possible conflicts of interest embedded in the current conception of scientific peer review.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to determine the psychological impact of wisdom teeth removal and to identify the psychological risk factors for the development of dental anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Participants were 34 consecutive elective patients referred for surgical removal of a wisdom tooth under local anesthesia. Frequency of previous distressing dental events and general traumatic life events were assessed at baseline (t1), and emotional distress (pain, state anxiety and disturbance) immediately after treatment (t2). Post-traumatic stress responses were determined three days after treatment (t3), and at four weeks follow-up (t4), while severity of dental trait anxiety was assessed at t1 and at t4. Two patients (8%) met screening criteria for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at t4. Multivariate analysis revealed that previous exposure to distressing dental events and pre-operative anxiety level predicted anxiety level at t4, accounting for 71% of the variance. Severity of pain during treatment was a significant predictor variable of PTSD symptom severity at t4 (25% explained variance). The findings underline the importance of pain-free treatments and awareness of patients' individual predisposition to anxiety or trauma-related symptoms to reduce the risk of iatrogenic psychological harm.  相似文献   
分离效应(the disjunction effect)是指:当决策者知道事件E会发生,他会采取行动A;当知道事件E不会发生,他仍会采取行动A;而当不知道事件E是否会发生的情况下,他会拒绝行动A。这一现象违背了理性决策理论的确定事件原则(sure-thing principle)。对分离效应的解释主要有基于理由的假设、思维惰性假设和齐当别模型。分离效应是否真的存在以及应该采用何种实验设计来进行研究都还有待进一步探讨。2005年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Aumann对事件分离情境和事件非分离情境的区分,为进一步研究分离效应指明了新的方向。理解分离效应及其成因有利于人们做出“理性”的决策  相似文献   
A molecular analysis based on the termination of stimuli that are positively correlated with shock and the production of stimuli that are negatively correlated with shock provides a parsimonious count for both traditional discrete-trial avoidance behavior and the data derived from more recent free-operant procedures. The necessary stimuli are provided by the intrinsic feedback generated by the subject's behavior, in addition to those presented by the experimenter. Moreover, all data compatible with the molar principle of shock-frequency reduction as reinforcement are also compatible with a delay-of-shock gradient, but some data compatible with the delay gradient are not compatible with frequency reduction. The delay gradient corresponds to functions relating magnitude of behavioral effect to the time between conditional and unconditional stimuli, the time between conditioned and primary reinforcers, and the time between responses and positive reinforcers.  相似文献   
田花  刘昌 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1045-1050
tie effect主要表现为tie比nontie更快更准确解决,以及tie/nontie与问题大小的交互作用,较大题目的tie比nontie具有更明显的反应时优势,tie的问题大小效应比nontie要小的多。有关tie effect加工机制的解释主要有基于编码的理论和基于结果通达的理论。目前的研究主要通过操作问题呈现方式以及报告加工策略的方法分别考察编码方式及加工策略的影响,今后研究应开拓新的研究范式以加深对其加工机制的认识。  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to assess the between-measure consistency of general and specific social-skills assessment strategies. Nineteen mentally retarded adults were assessed using both common and newly devised measures of social skills: (1) specific (molecular) behavior ratings from role-play assessments, (2) general (molar) ratings based on the role plays, staff (3) molar and (4) molecular predictions of client social skills use in the described role-play situations, (5) peer sociometric ratings, and molecular in vivoobservations conducted in (6) cafeteria and (7) party settings. For all molecular measures, the subjects were assessed on eye contact, response relevance, response latency, voice volume, and appropriate affect, which allowed for direct comparisons to be made between each of these assessment modalities. In addition, the role-play assessment was conducted under two distinct conditions to determine whether role-play performance varied between standard and reinforced administrations; however, multivariate analyses (MANOVA) revealed no differences between the two assessments. Correlations between the molar and the molecular measures suggested a substantial overlap between the measures, with staff ratings having the highest consistency with the other measures. Furthermore, MANOVAs calculated between role-play ratings and those of staff revealed little difference between the two. The limitations on and practical significance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Pigeons pecked two keys in a probability matching situation in which four two-peck sequences were intermittently reinforced: left-left, left-right, right-left and right-right. In Phase 1, relative reinforcement rate was varied with respect to the first response of a sequence: reinforcers were differentially assigned for left-left and left-right sequences as opposed to right-left and right-right sequences. The second response of reinforced sequences occurred equally on the left and right keys across conditions. In Phase II, relative reinforcement rate was varied for sequences that involve an alternation as opposed to those that did not. The relative outputs of the different sequences matched the relative reinforcement rates for the different sequences in both phases. Relative response rates for key pecks did not always match relative reinforcement rates. The intertrial interval separating responses was varied in both phases; increases in the intertrial interval affected the relative frequency of different sequences. The results demonstrate that response sequences acted as functional units influencing choice and thus support a structural account of choice. At the same time, the matching of relative sequence proportion and relative reinforcement rate supports a matching account.  相似文献   
错误后减慢是指错误后正确反应与正确后正确反应相比反应时显著延长的现象.目前研究者已经发现错误后减慢、错误后正确率提高以及错误后干扰效应减少三种错误调控行为,其中错误后减慢是最稳定的错误后行为表现.早期研究主要从冲突监控理论、激活抑制假说、强化学习理论和失匹配理论等角度解释该现象,近年来,研究者又提出了注意朝向理论和评估适应假说.对于该领域未来的研究可以从错误类型、无意识加工、个体差异、新的分析技术的运用方面考虑,以便全面揭示错误后减慢现象的本质.  相似文献   
顾本柏  贾磊  张庆林  李红 《心理科学》2013,36(2):296-300
本研究采用线索提示任务探讨了不同提示线索颜色、SOA及提示有效应对于经典Stroop干扰效应的影响。结果发现,线索提示类型及其颜色是否与目标色词一致会对Stroop任务产生显著影响。其中有效提示下出现显著Stroop效应,而无效提示下Stroop效应消失,显示视觉注意空间搜索会影响Stroop效应;线索提示颜色与色词颜色是否一致同样影响Stroop干扰效应,两者不一致时存在显著Stroop效应,而两者一致时Stroop效应消失,表明Stroop效应的发生依赖于色词加工中不同通道间信息的转译。 关键词:Stroop 效应;线索提示任务;转译理论  相似文献   
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