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已有研究采用掩蔽启动范式证明了负相容效应的存在,但目前对于负相容效应的产生是否依赖于掩蔽刺激还存在激烈的争议。实验共32名大学生被试,采用12个选自汉语情感词语系统的汉字词语为材料,在显示屏刷新率为70HZ的无掩蔽启动范式下操纵启动与目标的时间间隔,让被试对目标词语的效价做出按键反应,记录被试对目标的反应时和错误率。本研究试图基于该时间进程下负相容效应发生的关键点来研究上述争议。结果发现:(1)无掩蔽范式下也存在负相容效应;(2)刺激呈现方式不同相容效应也不同。这表明负相容效应的产生并不依赖于掩蔽的呈现,且刺激的呈现方式对该效应有重要影响。  相似文献   
余鹏  陈功香 《心理科学》2013,36(4):865-869
针对重复学习判断中出现的练习伴随低估效应(UWP效应),目前存在多种理论解释。本研究基于过去测验记忆假说,在学习阶段和测验阶段引入两种判断:学习判断准确性的判断和回溯性信心判断,通过两个实验考察学习经验和测验经验对UWP效应的影响。结果发现:在学习判断中学习判断准确性的判断和回溯性信心判断均消除了UWP效应,间接证明了学习和测验经验均影响到UWP效应的出现。  相似文献   
张连云 《心理科学》2013,36(4):922-927
为考察、检验学业成绩影响儿童孤独感的中介变量,采用同伴提名问卷、依恋量表、儿童孤独感量表调查了4—6年级438名儿童。结果表明,在考察单一变量的中介作用时,亲子依恋、同伴拒绝分别在学业成绩与儿童孤独感之间起部分中介作用,教师接纳在二者之间起完全中介作用;当同时考察亲子依恋、同伴拒绝、教师接纳在学业成绩与孤独感之间的中介作用时,三种社会关系起完全中介作用。结论:教师接纳、同伴拒绝和亲子依恋是学业成绩与孤独感之间的中介变量。  相似文献   
张振新 《心理科学》2013,36(3):663-668
文章两个实验用于研究间隔学习和测试效应对即刻学习判断及其准确性的影响,结果表明:(1)间隔学习促进记忆保持力,降低即刻学习判断中对困难学习材料的高估并提高学习判断相对准确性。(2)重学前预测试具有增强记忆痕迹的功能,在间隔学习的基础上显著提高了学习判断相对准确性。(3)外部线索应当区分,间隔学习和预测试属于不同的外部线索。  相似文献   
本研究在前人研究的基础上进一步探讨音乐对情感词的启动机制。采用内隐情感启动范式,运用脑电技术考察多种情感类型的音乐片段对情感意义一致或不一致的词加工的启动影响。行为实验结果显示,音乐对情感词产生启动效应。脑电实验的结果发现,音乐对情感词的启动效应表现为早晚两个子成分的N400效应,首先是音乐直接引发的情绪产生第一个启动,表现为早成分的N400;其次是音乐通过联想引发的情感语义而产生第二个启动,表现为晚成分的N400。据此可以认为,音乐对情感词的启动是双启动模式。  相似文献   
杨红升 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1058-1065
熟悉性对于自我信息加工优势的影响往往与自我相关性的作用交织在一起,从而使其成为该领域的一个研究重点和难点。文章分别介绍了自我参照效应、自我面孔和人名识别研究中对该问题进行考察的主要思路与发现。现有证据显示,熟悉性与自我特异性在自我信息的加工优势中是可分离的,从而表明自我信息所固有的高熟悉性可能并不是造成其具有加工优势的决定性因素。文章在展望部分将熟悉性进一步细分为材料的熟悉性与任务的熟悉性,并提出未来的研究应该特别注意考察任务熟悉性可能存在的影响作用。  相似文献   
李晓明  刘心阁 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1383-1387
摘 要 本研究针对星号图这种离散图形,通过操纵星号图的面积大小及其相对面积比例来改变星号图的物理特征,并设数字条件为对照组,以进一步检验图形效应(即图形会比数字激发个体更强的风险回避行为)并探讨图形物理特征的突显性对风险回避行为的影响。结果发现,○1星号图普遍比会数字激发个体更强的风险回避行为;○2无论是否突显星号图的整体面积,其面积大小对个体的风险回避行为均无显著影响;○3当突显星号图的整体面积时,其相对面积比例对个体的风险回避行为具有显著影响。结果表明,信息的表征方式对个体的风险回避行为具有重要影响,相关结果可用决策与判断领域中的双系统模型加以解释。  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to examine the influence of retailer image on consumers' attitude towards private brand. More specifically, we evaluate two alternative perspectives of retailer image—the halo effect and the summary construct—and include a moderator variable, consumer familiarity with a retailer's private label products, to discern which of the two models has better explanatory power. The findings indicate that there are moderating effects of consumer familiarity with a retailer's private brands and product categories in determining the efficacy of each model. In private brand foods, high familiarity is related to the summary construct model, and low familiarity is associated with the halo effect model. In private brand clothing, however, low familiarity is related to the halo effect model, but high familiarity is associated with both the halo effect and the summary construct model. Managerial and future research implications are also provided.  相似文献   
Denrell J  Le Mens G 《Cognition》2011,119(3):313-324
Individuals tend to select again alternatives about which they have positive impressions and to avoid alternatives about which they have negative impressions. Here we show how this sequential sampling feature of the information acquisition process leads to the emergence of an illusory correlation between estimates of the attributes of multi-attribute alternatives. The sign of the illusory correlation depends on how the decision maker combines estimates in making her sampling decisions. A positive illusory correlation emerges when evaluations are compensatory or disjunctive and a negative illusory correlation can emerge when evaluations are conjunctive. Our theory provides an alternative explanation for illusory correlations that does not rely on biased information processing nor selective attention to different pieces of information. It provides a new perspective on several well-established empirical phenomena such as the ‘Halo’ effect in personality perception, the relation between proximity and attitudes, and the in-group out-group bias in stereotype formation.  相似文献   
Much recent evidence shows that preschoolers are sensitive to the accuracy of an informant. Faced with two informants, one of whom names familiar objects accurately and the other inaccurately, preschoolers subsequently prefer to learn the names and functions of unfamiliar objects from the more accurate informant. This study examined the inference process underlying this preference. We asked whether preschoolers make narrow inferences about informants, broader trait-based inferences, or more global evaluative inferences. We further asked what inferences preschoolers make about a potential informant based on distinctions in the unrelated domain of physical strength. The results indicate that preschoolers make relatively narrow inferences when observing individual differences in accuracy even though they are prone to global evaluative inferences when observing individual differences in strength. Preschoolers’ burgeoning understanding of others as expert language users may underlie their selective endorsement of a more accurate informant.  相似文献   
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