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We are interested in factors which can incite nurses to abandon their profession. In this frame, job satisfaction appears as a major explanatory factor, depending on the status granted to nurses’ “own role”. Besides, several studies show the importance of values concerning job satisfaction. Then, and in reference to the concept of professional representations, we consider that nurses’ job satisfaction depends on the importance of the own role in the representation of their function, all the more that Autonomy values are essential for them. A study, realized with regis tered and student nurses, confirm this approach, so underlining the crucial role of these values for the job satisfaction of nurses.  相似文献   
Three studies were designed to prove that while instrumentality and communality are mainly dimensions related to role identities, and thus determined by occupational status, masculinity and femininity are social identities linked to gender. Some ideas are put forward as to the reasons that have led historically to the overlapping of role and gender identities. The studies showed that people differentiate communality/instrumentality and masculinity/femininity, perceiving the former as linked to professional status and the latter to gender membership. Finally, current representations of masculinity and femininity are explored.  相似文献   
Recently, Sean Cordell has raised a problem for Aristotelians who seriously consider social roles: When the demands of the role conflict with the demands of morality, which norms ought one follow? However, this problem, which I call the role dilemma, is not specific to Aristotelians. Classical Confucians face a similar problem. How do Confucians resolve conflicts between the demands of humaneness (ren 仁) and the demands of social roles and the social norms (li 礼) that govern these roles? Confucians who favor humaneness, maintaining that other demands are defeasible, offer an externalism about roles. This response is similar to the Aristotelian argument that the demands of human excellence trump other demands. Consequently, Confucian externalism collapses into a virtue ethic. Confucians who favor the demands of li offer an internalism about roles. However, internalism is undesirable because it implies relativism and condones oppressive social institutions. The Confucian role ethicist must offer a tenable solution that steers clear of the pitfalls of both externalism and internalism. Although I do not advance a solution here, I believe a tenable alternative exists. The goals of this paper, instead, are to demonstrate that classical Confucians face the role dilemma and to initiate a discussion about the theoretical apparatus required of Confucian role ethics in order to distinguish it from other ethical theories. I conclude with some programmatic remarks about additional questions and problems that ought to be addressed.  相似文献   
观点采择对人们加工情绪具有明显的影响。已有研究发现人们对负性情绪信息存在加工偏向, 且观点采择对外显情绪的加工具有调节作用。但观点采择如何影响内隐情绪的加工尚不清楚。为了考察观点采择对内隐情绪加工的影响, 当前研究要求被试分别通过自我视角和他人视角完成情绪图片(中性图片和负性图片)的形状辨别任务, 同时记录其脑电活动。成分分析的结果显示, 与他人视角条件相比, 自我视角条件下加工负性信息引发了更大的额部及中央的N200 (180~220 ms)和顶区的LPC (267~567 ms)波幅。相位锁定的时频分析结果显示, 刺激呈现后0 ms 至300 ms时间窗口内, 在自我视角条件下, 负性信息的加工引发了显著增大的theta (4~8 Hz)节律的能量活动。成分分析和时频分析的结果均表明, 自我视角条件对负性信息加工具有启动效应, 他人视角条件则抑制了对负性信息的加工, 说明观点采择对内隐情绪加工具有调节作用, 反映了人不仅能够区分环境中潜在的危险信息, 而且能通过观点采择区分自我与他人。  相似文献   
目前关于自我-他人决策差异的研究在采用的任务、得到的发现及理论解释上均存在诸多矛盾或不一致的地方, 且缺乏对此种现象深层心理机制的探讨。虽然一些研究者试图用心理距离假设来解释相关结果, 但由于对心理距离的实验操纵过于简单, 难以形成解释力较强的理论模型。近年来我们的一系列研究发现:得失情境下自我-他人决策差异存在不对称性; 直接操纵心理距离比操纵决策者角色和社会距离对诱发自我-他人决策差异更有效; 决策者个体的自尊水平影响自我-他人决策差异。未来的研究需要进一步探讨自我-他人心理距离的本质、决策者角色转换引起的心理距离变化及自我-他人决策差异的脑机制等问题。  相似文献   
身份凸显性:启动自我的开关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当意识到自己特定的身份时, 个人往往在这个身份的框架内来感知周围的世界。身份凸显性指特定身份在社会情境中启动的可能性。相关研究者分别从人格, 自我归类和社会建构的角度来认识身份凸显性, 它与自我概念整合存在紧密关系。身份凸显性的影响因素主要包括:身份承诺水平, 情绪, 群体规模和地位, 以及情境中相关线索的优势水平。另外, 阐述了几个抑制或干扰身份凸显性的策略:去类别化、再类别化和次类别化。未来研究需关注不同水平身份如何相互作用, 自我概念整合, 从社会构建的角度探索抑制或干扰身份凸显性的策略, 以及跨文化研究。  相似文献   
Judith Katenbrink 《Sex roles》2006,54(7-8):485-493
This study presents a German-language version of the sex-role egalitarianism scale (SRES-B) L. A. King, & D. W. King, 1993]. The SRES measures a person’s attitude toward egalitarianism between women and men. It has been normed on different populations, but there was no German version of the scale. The purpose of the present study was to translate and assess the psychometric properties of the SRES-B on a German population (n=379). As expected, sex, age, and educational level affected the scores of individuals on the scale. The results of factor analyses of the domain scores and correlations of subscales demonstrate a unidimensionality of the construct. The quality of the psychometric properties of items and scale was satisfactory. Implications and future directions for research are discussed.The research was conducted as part of the author’s master thesis, while at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany.  相似文献   
Historically, accounts of object representation and perceived similarity have focused on intrinsic features. Although more recent accounts have explored how objects, scenes, and situations containing common relational structures come to be perceived as similar, less is known about how the perceived similarity of parts or objects embedded within these relational systems is affected. The current studies test the hypothesis that objects situated in common relational systems come to be perceived as more similar. Similarity increases most for objects playing the same role within a relation (e.g., predator), but also increases for objects playing different roles within the same relation (e.g., the predator or prey role in the hunts relation) regardless of whether the objects participate in the same instance of the relation. This pattern of results can be captured by extending existing models that extract meaning from text corpora so that they are sensitive to the verb-specific thematic roles that objects fill. Alternative explanations based on analogical and inferential processes are also considered, as well as the implications of the current findings to research in language processing, decision making, and category learning.  相似文献   
The present study examined how the effects of three audiotapes containing different types of social comparison information on the mood of cancer patients depended on the level of neuroticism. On the procedural tape, a man and woman discussed the process of radiation therapy, on the emotion tape, they focussed on emotional reactions to their illness and treatment, while on the coping tape they focussed on the way they had been coping. A validation study among 115 students showed that the tapes were perceived as they were intended. The main study was conducted among 226 patients who were about to undergo radiation therapy. Compared to patients in the control group, as patients were higher in neuroticism, they reported less negative mood after listening to the procedural and the coping tape. Furthermore, as patients were higher in neuroticism, they reported less negative mood after listening to the coping tape than to the emotion tape. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Social identity is a concept that has been invented and reinvented across the social and behavioral science disciplines to provide a critical link between the psychology of the individual and the structure and function of social groups. This paper reviews the various definitions of social identity as it is used in different theoretical frameworks, drawing distinctions among person-based identities, relational (role-based) identities, group-based identities, and collective identities. The implications of these different conceptualizations of social identity for political psychology are discussed, with a call for integrative theory that draws on all four definitions interactively.  相似文献   
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