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Immersion in time gives birth to consciousness, as well as conflict and torment. When human beings developed a sense of future, they also gained the ability to anticipate threats from nature or their fellow beings. They thereby created cultures that are bastions of survival, as well as places of poetry, art and religion where they could band together and reflect upon their common plight. The practice of psychoanalysis is in many ways a temporal process, a process of remembering, for owning and elaborating a past that gives us substance, thereby providing a basis for reflective consciousness. Stimulated by Freud's early writings, Lacan, Laplanche and their successors in particular have focussed extensively on time and psychoanalysis, and their views are a central point of this discussion. A substantial case study is offered that provides concrete examples of these perspectives. A multi‐faceted view of temporality emerges, one that is more syncopated than linear or teleological. In conclusion, I will briefly discuss recent findings in the neuroscience of memory and ‘time travel’ that underpin contemporary psychoanalytic ideas in surprising ways. It is important to remember that acceptance of the contradictory nature of temporal experience can open space for increased freedom and playfulness.  相似文献   
This paper re‐visits Murray Jackson's 1961 paper in the Journal of Analytical Psychology, ‘Chair, couch and countertransference’, with the aim of exploring the role of the couch for Jungian analysts in clinical practice today. Within the Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP) and some other London‐based societies, there has been an evolution of practice from face‐to‐face sessions with the patient in the chair, as was Jung's preference, to a mode of practice where patients use the couch with the analyst sitting to the side rather than behind, as has been the tradition in psychoanalysis. Fordham was the founding member of the SAP and it was because of his liaison with psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts that this cultural shift came about. Using clinical examples, the author explores the couch/chair question in terms of her own practice and the internal setting as a structure in her mind. With reference to Bleger's (2013) paper ‘Psychoanalysis of the psychoanalytic setting’, the author discusses how the analytic setting, including use of the couch or the chair, can act as a silent container for the most primitive aspects of the patient's psyche which will only emerge in analysis when the setting changes or is breached.  相似文献   
This paper is a commentary on Rosemary Gordon's paper, ‘Masochism: the shadow side of the archetypal need to venerate and worship’, with a suggestion for an alternative interpretation of masochism as a part of a sado‐masochistic couple. Gordon postulates an archetypal need to venerate and worship that can be hidden in the shadow and distorted in such practices as sexual masochism. Her paper also offers several avenues of exploration for further studies in connection with the phenomenon of masochism, including sexual perversion (‘paraphilia’), chronic psychological victimhood, PTSD and traumatology, religious extremist behaviour such as self‐flagellation, transformation in the individuation process and numinous experience. An extension of her hypothesis to include religious problems of modernity is suggested.  相似文献   
For about thirty years now, an increasingly large number of robust and incontestable experimental findings have been arguing for the idea that, under certain conditions, interaction promotes the acquisition of cognitive skills, a phenomenon that cannot be clarified by multiplying the number of experiments. To progress, we must have tools designed for studying interaction as it actually affects the interlocutors. This means starting from the "surface" level of interactive dynamics and, step-by-step, constructing the stages of the interaction. This is the aim of interlocutory logic. We use it here to interpret the interlocutory behavior of a child conversing with another child as they solve an arithmetic problem, and to show that the dyadic cosolving process facilitates the acquisition of proportionality. The intersubjective processes that modify cognitions across situations are identified.  相似文献   
The paper will basically be an attempt to state what the author take to be: a) the main message of Walter Mischel's 1968 and 1973 critique of personality trait psychology; b) the connection between Walter Mischel's work and the work of Roy D'Andrade and Richard Shweder on the "systematic distortion hypothesis; and c) the good reasons for moving from a conception of the "person" as a vessel for response dispositions (whether globally or narrowly defined) [the "person-situation" model] to a conception of the person as a purposeful agent whose behavior can be explained by reference to means and ends (the "preference-constraint" model).  相似文献   
This study examined the specific implication of letter-name knowledge in reading acquisition on 5-year-old kindergarten children. Several studies underlined the importance of both phonological and orthographic skills (letters and grapho-phonological associations’ knowledge developed during reading acquisition). So, we focused on the link between those different early abilities and on their links with reading acquisition during school year. Thus, at the beginning and at the end of the year, we proposed to 40 children metaphonemic tasks (phoneme identification in initial and final position in the words), letter-sound and letter-name knowledge tasks (naming and identification) and a pseudo-words decoding task. In addition, to access letter-name knowledge, two types of measurements were proposed: an accuracy measure and a speed one. Mean number of correct responses and reaction times were collected by children and analysed too. Results show that letter-name knowledge could play a part in metaphonemic abilities development and in letter-sound associations’ discovery and acquisition, at the beginning of the year. Thanks to those skills improvement, letter-name knowledge could have an indirect impact on later children's decoding skills. Furthermore, the direct link, already observed at the beginning of the year, between letter-name knowledge and decoding skills still exists in April. At last, analyses on letter-name knowledge access time show that the more children name an important number of letters, the more they do it quickly. These results could mean that a certain level of letter-name knowledge have to be reach before children could use this knowledge automatically. All together, results confirm the importance of good letter-name knowledge in the first stages of reading acquisition. We also suggest taking into account some clues of letter-name knowledge's automatic use to better understand reading acquisition processes.  相似文献   
The present study examined the knowledge of uppercase letters in 160 children aged from three to six. Three tasks were administrated: letter saying, letter naming, letter recognition. Children's responses were analyzed according to several variables: school level, gender, task, letter type, letter frequency, etc. Letter knowledge improved from three to six years, but with huge differences among children, namely the superiority of girls over boys. Letter by letter analyses showed that scores were highly consistent between tasks and school levels. They also revealed that letter knowledge was affected by letter type, letter frequency, alphabetic rank and the presence of letters in the child's first name. The findings are discussed for their contribution to the understanding of letter learning.  相似文献   

El autor comienza explicando los factores que motivaron su interés por la psicolingüística evolutiva a principios de los sesenta. Tras exponer brevemente cuál es la significación del estudio del lenguje en la comprensión global del sujeto humano y justificar su atención a la adquisición de lenguas altamente inflexionales como el ruso o el turco, Slobin nos habla extensamente del Berkeley Crosslinguistic Acquisition Project (“Proyecto translingüístico sobre adquisición de Berkeley”), del cual fue uno de los máximos inspiradores. El autor aborda, además, cuestiones relativas a su teoría de la Gramática Básica Infantil, la síntesis de sus Principios Operativos para la adquisición del lenguaje o la posibilidad de aproximar las concepciones de Piaget y Chomsky. La última parte se reserva para las tendencias teóricas y de investigación que considera prometedoras en este campo, finalizando con algunas reflexiones en torno a la situación multilingüe de España y el estudio de la adquisición del lenguaje. Los comentarios de Miguel Pérez Pereira acerca de este importante investigador de la psicolingüística evolutiva introducen la entrevista.  相似文献   

El concepto de Desarrollo Sostenible ha sido manejado en el discurso político, económico y social de forma recurrente y en numerosas ocasiones de manera retórica, llegando a estar alejado en muchos momentos de la definición que se establece en el Informe Brundtland en 1987. El posible abuso de este término ha vaciado de contenido su significado, llegando a ser un recurso literario en el discurso sobre el medio ambiente lejos de su significado original.

Con el fin de aproximarse al discurso que sustenta a este concepto, se hizo un primer estudio de análisis de contenido de las páginas del Informe Brundtland en donde se define el Desarrollo Sostenible. En un segundo estudio se analiza cuáles son las dimensiones que subyacen a este concepto en una muestra d 213 estudiantes. Para ello se les preguntó que definieran por escrito qué entendían por Desarrollo Sostenible. Las respuestas fueron analizadas atendiendo a dos variables criterio: el año en que se daba la definición—1998, 1999 y 2000—y la ideología política que se atribuían los participantes. Los resultados muestran cómo dos de los atributos centrales del concepto: la pobreza y el desarrollo tecnológico y social están prácticamente ausentes en ambos análisis.  相似文献   
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