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One key component of optimal military decision making is that the decision maker demonstrates reinforcement learning. The modification of psychological tasks gives insight into understanding how to effectively train military decision makers and how experienced decision makers arrive at optimal or near optimal decisions. We developed a task modeled after the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) to measure military decision making performance. This new task focuses on high stakes and uncertain environments particular to military decision making conditions. Thirty-four U.S. military officers from all branches of service completed the tasks yielding decision data for validation. The new task retains essential characteristics of the foundational task and gives insight into reinforcement learning of military decision makers. Results indicate that the additional metric of regret defines higher performance at a trial-by-trial level, and clustering by multiple metrics defines high performance groups.  相似文献   
Suicide among U.S. Army soldiers remains a significant concern for both population health and personnel readiness, with firearms constituting the majority of soldier suicides. Means restriction, or removing an at-risk soldier’s access to lethal means, is a well-established procedure for reducing suicides. Nonetheless, various cultural, legal, and practical concerns may encumber firearms restriction implementation in the U.S. Army. This article reviews policy relevant to firearms restriction, including federal laws, Department of Defense directives, and U.S. Army regulations. Recommendations are provided for providers and commanders that balance the rights of soldiers with the need to ensure safety. In particular, installation restriction, field settings, enlisting supportive others, unit engagement, and off-installation storage are discussed. These approaches span the public health intervention model, providing numerous potential avenues to a balanced approach for firearms restriction in preventing suicide.  相似文献   
The aim of the current research was to investigate the transition experiences of British military veterans upon exiting the military and rejoining civilian society, asking the specific research question: What effect does the transition from military to civilian life have on the individual's identity? Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was employed and seven semistructured interviews were carried out with ex‐military personnel. Analysis of the data revealed three superordinate themes: (1) Several Selves: Identity; (2) Soldier and Society: Separation, and (3) Transition Time: Personal Perspective. Current findings suggest that transition from the military back to civilian life is often problematic, with identity complications, feelings of loss, and disconnection both from the military and from society in general. Individuals with a more salient military identity had more difficult transition experiences. Findings are discussed with reference to theories of identity formation, maintenance, and salience and recommendations for future research are made.  相似文献   
对军医大学八年制学员的医学人文教育现状进行调查分析,发现预科通识教育、基础及临床医学教育、二级学科培养的各阶段绝大部分八年制学员都认为医学人文素养对自身成长非常重要,且随年级升高而愈加重视,但医学人文素养实际教学效果与课程目标还颇有差距。随后,指出军医大学八年制医学人文素质教育存在人文课程创新设计不足、人文修养重视不够、人文类社会实践欠缺等问题。进而结合军医大学八年制学员特点,讨论完善医学人文课程体系、立足未来军事卫勤保障需求、扩展培养方式等提升医学人文素养的途径。  相似文献   
《周易》田猎习武的军训观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《周易》的军事思想是丰富的,它多侧面地涉及了对古代军事斗争现象的理解和概括,其中也包括了军事斗争中的重要组成部分——田猎习武。在《周易》所取田猎之象中,真切地体现着《周易》的战争观念、军训观念。其中反对躁于用武的田猎观;田猎所体现的古朴的人道精神;田猎之义是为诛除丑类;以田猎形式来娴习征战技艺;田猎之获,演习着战争胜利的意义等等,质而言之,这就是它的战争观念。本文即专题探讨《周易》对古代田猎习武现象的认识及其所具有的观念。  相似文献   
During the U.S. military's first 145 years, waterborne and other infectious diseases caused more casualties than battlefield injuries, underscoring the importance of clean drinking water to military success. Ensuring drinking water safety poses special challenges to the U.S. Army Special Operations Forces, because treatment equipment used in the conventional Army is too heavy and operationally complex to deploy to remote outposts. Due to the lack of purpose‐built water purifiers, Special Forces often rely on commercial‐off‐the‐shelf systems, but guidelines on selecting optimal systems for specific deployment contexts are lacking. To fill this gap, this research examines whether multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) can provide an operational framework for selecting water purifiers for Special Forces. Our objectives are to apply MCDA to help an officer preparing for village stability operations in Afghanistan select a water purifier and to assess whether other Army stakeholders agree with the officer's choice. In addition, because previous research has suggested that alternative MCDA methods can yield different rankings of decision alternatives, we test whether the MCDA method used is as important as who conducts the ranking. Toward these objectives, we use 4 MCDA approaches for eliciting preferences among 4 water purifiers from the deploying officer and 6 other Army stakeholders. The results show that regardless of method, the officer and 5 of the 6 stakeholders identified the same preferred alternative, although rankings for the less preferred water purifiers varied by method (intermethod rank‐order correlation = .57). In responses to survey questions, stakeholders indicated that they would support using the results to support decisions about water purifier acquisition (average support = 5.3 on a 0–6 Likert scale with 6 indicating strongest support).  相似文献   
The recent emergence of atheist movements despite marginalization and distrust by a majority of Americans has been explained as a successful deployment of identity politics, but scholars have less often considered the importance of how identity and power intersect with political opportunity occurring within organizational and religious fields. Analyzing the case of the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) Cadet Freethinkers Group, we demonstrate that although it encountered opportunity in the organizational shock of the 2004 USAFA proselytism controversy, this opportunity was not a blank check, but instead afforded some possibilities for action and not others. Freethinkers’ actions to secure official recognition were limited by (1) their low placement in the chain of command and (2) a collective identity inclusive of secular humanism and atheism, which did not produce enough unity to take collective actions risking punishment, and created ambiguity vis‐à‐vis religion that allowed USAFA administrators to accept or deny their institutional membership claims through appeal, respectively, to functional or substantive definitions of religion.  相似文献   
We investigated the ethical decision-making processes and intentions of 151 military personnel responding to 1 of 2 ethical scenarios drawn from the deployment experiences of military commanders. For each scenario, option choice and perspective affected decision-making processes. Differences were also found between the 2 scenarios. Results add to the emerging literature concerning operational ethical conflicts and highlight the complexity and challenge that often accompanies operational ethics.  相似文献   
In the context of service member posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, intimate partners may experience pressure to take over parenting roles and run interference between the service member and the children; that is, to engage in partner accommodation focal to parenting. The current study quantitatively assessed potential pressures to engage in parenting accommodation (PPEPA) in a sample of 207 female partners married to male service members with at least one child in the home and the convergence of PPEPA with service member PTSD symptoms, general partner accommodation, couple functioning, parenting, and child functioning. Partners' reports of PPEPA were associated with higher levels of service member PTSD symptoms and partners' general accommodation of PTSD symptoms. When controlling for service member PTSD symptoms and general partner accommodation, partner reports of PPEPA still accounted for unique variance in lower parenting alliance (as reported by both service member and partner), lower levels of service members' reports of closeness with children in the home, higher levels of harsh parenting by both the service member and partner, and greater child behavioral difficulties. Findings support PPEPA as related to partners' accommodative responses to PTSD but demonstrating unique associations with parenting alliance, parenting, and child outcomes. Parenting interventions in the context of PTSD may benefit from conjoint or family approaches that attend to the intersection of PTSD and broader family functioning, including pressures to engage in accommodation focal to the parenting domain.  相似文献   
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