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《周易》在中国哲学中具有重要的地位,对中国传统文化产生了深远的影响。不管是儒家思想还是道家思想,皆与《周易》有千丝万缕的联系。而《易传》对《周易》古经的系统化解读,则从根本上将本为卜筮之书的《周易》提升为哲学与人生智慧之书。《易传》哲学的核心则是其所阐释的天人合一的生命哲学。受《易传》的影响,中国传统文化也以关注个体生命形下存在与形上存在的合一,乃至整个宇宙生命的有机运行为核心。《周易》将整个宇宙视为一个有机的生命体,在阴阳交互作用中这一生命体一直处于“生生不息”的状态中。这一宇宙生成论将分别表征天地的乾坤两卦作为创生世界万物的基元,而人则是天地人三才中的重要一员。《易传》的这一思想突出了人的主体性地位。而人若要充分发挥其主体性地位,则需要以“诚”为媒介,通过“进德修业”、“继善成性”来实现人与天的德性的合一,同时又要“与时偕行”,实现人与天的自然的合一。前者被后世的儒家所继承与发扬,而后者则为后世道教、中医学等所借鉴。《周易》所宣扬的天人合一的思想与西方占主导地位的主客二分的思想迥异,而与在西方被边缘化的历程哲学有内在的相通之处。基于西方主客二分观念的科学思想虽极大地促进了生产力的发展,但由此而导致的人的身心的分裂及环境污染等问题亦不容忽视。《周易》中的天人合一思想与历程哲学在弥补西方科学思想的不足方面可以发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   
Culture and change blindness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research on perception and cognition suggests that whereas East Asians view the world holistically, attending to the entire field and relations among objects, Westerners view the world analytically, focusing on the attributes of salient objects. These propositions were examined in the change-blindness paradigm. Research in that paradigm finds American participants to be more sensitive to changes in focal objects than to changes in the periphery or context. We anticipated that this would be less true for East Asians and that they would be more sensitive to context changes than would Americans. We presented participants with still photos and with animated vignettes having changes in focal object information and contextual information. Compared to Americans, East Asians were more sensitive to contextual changes than to focal object changes. These results suggest that there can be cultural variation in what may seem to be basic perceptual processes.  相似文献   
This work compares conscious thought and unconscious thought in relation to quality of choice. Earlier work [Dijksterhuis, A. (2004). Think different: The merits of unconscious thought in preference development and decision making. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 586-598] has shown that people make better choices after engaging in unconscious thought (i.e., unconscious activity during a period of distraction) rather than in conscious thought. However, the evidence was obtained for choices between hypothetical alternatives with quality of choice operationalized normatively. As quality of decision is essentially subjective, in the current experiment participants chose between real objects with quality operationalized as post-choice satisfaction. In a paradigm based on work by Wilson and colleagues [Wilson, T. D., Lisle, D., Schooler, J. W., Hodges, S. D., Klaaren, K. J., & LaFleur, S. J. (1993). Introspecting about reasons can reduce post-choice satisfaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 331-339], participants were briefly presented with five art posters, and chose one either (a) immediately, (b) after thorough conscious thinking about each poster, or (c) after a period of distraction. Participants took their favorite poster home and were phoned 3-5 weeks later. As hypothesized, unconscious thinkers were more satisfied with their choice than participants in the other two conditions.  相似文献   
Papafragou A  Li P  Choi Y  Han CH 《Cognition》2007,103(2):253-299
What is the relation between language and thought? Specifically, how do linguistic and conceptual representations make contact during language learning? This paper addresses these questions by investigating the acquisition of evidentiality (the linguistic encoding of information source) and its relation to children's evidential reasoning. Previous studies have hypothesized that the acquisition of evidentiality is complicated by the subtleness and abstractness of the underlying concepts; other studies have suggested that learning a language which systematically (e.g. grammatically) marks evidential categories might serve as a pacesetter for early reasoning about sources of information. We conducted experimental studies with children learning Korean (a language with evidential morphology) and English (a language without grammaticalized evidentiality) in order to test these hypotheses. Our experiments compared 3- and 4-year-old Korean children's knowledge of the semantics and discourse functions of evidential morphemes to their (non-linguistic) ability to recognize and report different types of evidential sources. They also compared Korean children's source monitoring abilities to the source monitoring abilities of English-speaking children of the same age. We found that Korean-speaking children have considerable success in producing evidential morphology but their comprehension of such morphology is very fragile. Nevertheless, young Korean speakers are able to reason successfully about sources of information in non-linguistic tasks; furthermore, their performance in these tasks is similar to that of English-speaking peers. These results support the conclusion that the acquisition of evidential expressions poses considerable problems for learners; however, these problems are not (necessarily) conceptual in nature. Our data also suggest that, contrary to relativistic expectations, children's ability to reason about sources of information proceeds along similar lines in diverse language-learning populations and is not tied to the acquisition of the linguistic markers of evidentiality in the exposure language. We discuss implications of our findings for the relationship between linguistic and conceptual representations during development.  相似文献   

In the second (and expanded) version of Origin of the Species, Darwin introduces the term “advanced progressive development” in an attempt to describe the development of the more complex species from the simpler ones. More than 100 years have passed since Darwin tried to qualify and conceptualize the directional question of evolution, and very little progress has been made regarding the subject. The appearance of the species, from the simple to the more complex, is today an empirical fact, one which is no longer dependent upon any theory, including that of Darwin. This work examines the subject of advanced development in evolution by attempting to answer a few basic questions: What parameters may be used to evaluate complexity? Can any rules or order be identified as to the development of the species? Is the mechanism of “natural selection” sufficient to explain the direction or ‘purpose’ of evolution? Can the human race be included within the “rules” of Darwin's evolutionary theory?

The purpose of this essay is to develop and represent a new conceptual framework. Through this, it will be possible to offer a principle answer to all four questions.  相似文献   
以87名大学生为被试,采用2(损耗,非损耗)×2(强说服信息,弱说服信息)的实验设计,让被试完成损耗或非损耗任务后,阅读与其已有观念相反的或强或弱的说服信息,再测查其态度及认知反应,考察自我损耗对说服后态度的影响,并进一步考察认知反应在自我损耗与说服后态度关系中的作用。结果发现:(1)损耗组比非损耗组更容易顺从说服信息;(2)自我损耗及说服信息质量对说服后态度的交互作用边缘显著:在非损耗的情况下,个体阅读强、弱不同质量信息产生的态度有显著差异,在损耗情况下,个体阅读强、弱不同质量信息产生的态度差异不显著;阅读强说服信息,损耗组和非损耗组的态度差异不显著,阅读弱说服信息,损耗组的态度显著高于非损耗组;(3)自我损耗不影响个体的总体想法数量,但影响其思维偏好,自我损耗后个体更容易产生与说服信息一致的想法,中介分析表明自我损耗对说服后态度的影响是以思维偏好为中介的。  相似文献   
对梁漱溟心理学思想的研究中始终存在以下问题:西方心理学框架的束缚,思想与生活实践的分离,思想演变历程的忽视。要解决这些问题,需要新的研究视野。工夫论具有“知行合一”的特质,其中思想与行动融合无间,而且具备动态展现的条件; 梁漱溟有丰富工夫实践,且与他的心理学思想有不可分离的联系。这些使工夫论作为研究视野契合于梁漱溟的心理学思想成为可能,并使之有别于既有的心理学史和本土心理学研究。  相似文献   
Although the role of ethics in modern Jewish thought has been widely explored, major works by foundational philosophers remain largely absent from such discussions. This essay contributes to the recovery of these voices, focusing on the Hebrew writings of Moses Mendelssohn (1729–1786) and Nachman Krochmal (1785–1840). I argue that these texts reveal the existence of a shared ethical project animating these founding philosophical voices of Jewish modernity, and that reconstructing their claims contributes to broader conversations about the relationship between ethics and law. Mendelssohn and Krochmal present Jewish law as addressing needs emerging from the history of moral philosophy—from the modern histories of Platonic and Aristotelian ethics. Moreover, my reading highlights these thinkers’ ongoing relevance, suggesting that their work illuminates the role of law in ethical cultivation.  相似文献   
就"细胞凋亡"这个热点名称进行探讨,从凋亡的起因及定义、由凋亡定义引起的哲学思考及就定义所做的建议进行分别论述.凋亡最初提出的是一种形态学特点,描述与坏死相对应的细胞解体的主动过程,之后大多数文章把凋亡定义为程序性的细胞死亡,并逐步演绎把死亡之前的细胞内生化变化称为凋亡.由此引起凋亡判断标准的混乱,并产生相关的药理学问题.细胞凋亡的实际情况与人类冠以的定义产生矛盾,其根本原因是真正实体与人为定义概念的哲学思维的混淆.提出应用直接描述真正实体的名称较凋亡更为可取.  相似文献   
Ordinary semantic compositionality (meaning of whole determined from meanings of parts plus composition) can serve to explain how a hearer manages to assign an appropriate meaning to a new sentence. But it does not serve to explain how the speaker manages to find an appropriate sentence for expressing a new thought. For this we would need a principle of inverse compositionality, by which the expression of a complex content is determined by the expressions of it parts and the mode of composition. But this presupposes that contents have constituent structure, and this cannot be taken for granted. However, it can be proved that if a certain principle of substitutivity is valid for a particular language, then the meanings expressed by its sentences can justifiably be treated as structured. In its simplest form, this principle says that if in a complex expression a constituent is replaced by another constituent with a different meaning, the new complexhas a meaning different from the original. This principle is again inversely related to the normal compositional principle of substitutivity. The combination of ordinary and inverse compositionality is here called strong compositionality. The proof is carried out in the algebraic framework developed by Wilfrid Hodges and Dag Westerståhl.  相似文献   
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