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Value transmission is a fundamental task of schools. However, the question arises as to how far prevailing political and social conditions shape the functioning of a country or a region’s school system. In other words: what effect do they have on the choice of values to be transmitted at schools? Are there any fundamental social values that are shared by different cultures at different times? Are there values that exist independently of social and political systems? These questions have a special relevance in Eastern and Central European countries like Hungary where political and social changes in the twentieth century had a crucial effect on the set of values that were transmitted by the school system. The aim of this study is to describe how the value transmitting role of the Hungarian school system has changed as a consequence of political transformations in recent decades.  相似文献   
In this paper we analyse how the risks associated with research on transgenic plants are regulated in Sweden. The paper outlines the way in which pilot projects in the plant sciences are overseen in Sweden, and discusses the international and national background to the current regulatory system. The historical, and hitherto unexplored, reasons for the evolution of current administrative and legislative procedures in plant science are of particular interest. Specifically, we discuss similarities and differences in the regulation of medicine and plant science, and we examine the tendency towards dichotomizing risk — focusing on social/ethical risks in medicine and biological risks in plant science. The context of this article is the Synpraxia research project, an inter-disciplinary program combining expertise in sciences and the humanities.  相似文献   
Seok B 《Cognitive Science》2006,30(2):347-380
Since the publication of Fodor's (1983) The Modularity of Mind, there have been quite a few discussions of cognitive modularity among cognitive scientists. Generally, in those discussions, modularity means a property of specialized cognitive processes or a domain-specific body of information. In actuality, scholars understand modularity in many different ways. Different characterizations of modularity and modules were proposed and discussed, but they created misunderstanding and confusion. In this article, I classified and analyzed different approaches to modularity and argued for the unity of modularity. Modularity is a multidimensional property consisting of features from several dimensions specifying different aspects of cognition. Among those, there are core features of modularity, and these core features form a cross-dimensional unity. Despite the diverse and liberal characterizations, modularity contributes to cognitive science because of the unity of the core features.  相似文献   
为适应全球卫生事业的迅猛发展,面对医学教育落后于医学发展的现状,转化医学教育迫在眉睫。在第三代“以系统为基础”的教育改革中,培养医学生的哲学思维无疑是其重要环节之一。思维方式必须在医学生步入临床时就要开始正确培养,一旦开始阶段就养成不正确的思维方式、不但会导致医疗过程中的失误,而且再想改变将会有很大难度。本文通过对医学哲学重要性的探讨,剖析医学生哲学思维的不足,阐述了医学生,临床实习过程中应掌握的几种哲学思维方式。旨在提高医学生的哲学理念,促进以岗位胜任能力为导向的医学教育转型发展。  相似文献   
医学教育是贯穿医疗职业生涯全过程的行为,是伴随医学进步和发展的重要工程.医学教育的质量直接影响医疗的质量和医学人才的素质,尤其是外科学领域,是以有创性的手段、方法治疗疾病.医生的职业素养、医疗水平均取决于医学教育的结果.医疗质量不能简单地用医生的学历衡量,学历教育是载体,其中应充实培养能力的教育项目、内容,以适应未来就职、就业的社会需求.医疗质量、医疗水平对医院而言是生命线,是生产力.同时,医生的教育及教育的质量是医疗质量的基础与保障.随着医学的飞速发展,医疗技术的日新月异,医学模式的改变,构建新的医疗环境下的医学教育体系,显得更为重要.  相似文献   
传统的以患者为基础的消化内镜医师培养模式已不能适应消化内镜的快速发展和病患对内镜操作技术的高要求,通过多媒体和虚拟现实技术建立的计算机辅助的内镜模拟训练系统相对于传统的消化内镜医师培训方式是一个巨大进步,它能帮助初学者较快掌握消化内镜诊疗操作的基本技能,使各级消化内镜培训中心的规范化教学成为可能.但是,模拟内镜训练必须结合实际病例的操作才能巩固从模拟内镜得到的内镜操作技能.本文总结了目前消化内镜医师培训的现状,重点对消化内镜模拟训练系统在内镜医师培训中的作用和存在的问题进行探讨,并提出了自己的观点.  相似文献   
本研究通过调查分析终末期肾病患者对当前单病种付费方式的满意度及影响因素,为医疗保险支付方式改革提供政策依据.研究采用典型抽样方法,对某市四家三级甲等医院257名透析治疗参保患者进行现场自填式问卷调查,调查结果显示,调查人员对终末期肾病单病种付费方式总体满意度为97.3%,对特约医疗机构的满意度高于对医疗保险政策的满意度.患者满意度的主要影响因素有治疗方式、文化程度和家庭收入.医疗保险部门应关注单病种付费政策的结算范围,增加医疗困难救助,加强对医护人员医疗保险政策的宣传,提高患者满意度.  相似文献   
家庭成员间活体器官及组织捐赠是被绝大多数国家所允许的.虽然利益化减少了很多,但是目前发现其也存在许多的伦理问题.就家庭成员间活体器官及组织捐赠的伦理基础,以及就捐赠风险、种族差异、失衡之爱、操纵、拒绝、退出、潜在利益、特殊疾病等涉及的相关伦理问题进行综述,并就存在的相关问题的解决方法进行探讨.  相似文献   
以北京大学第五版27种法学核心期刊2002年~2011年刊发的医事法论文为研究对象,分别统计分析其数量、作者、研究内容、基金项目、被引用等信息,据此指出我国近10年医事法研究中存在基础薄弱、缺乏深度、人才不足、资助不力等问题,并提出加快人才培养、搭建研究平台、开展实证研究、加大资助力度、促进医患沟通等建议.  相似文献   
为了解医患双方对重大医疗纠纷的基本认识,对上海市徐汇区35家医疗机构医患双方进行问卷调查.就医患双方对重大医疗纠纷的产生原因、救济途径、行政干预作用等方面的认知情况展开分析,从而得出为了有效解决重大医疗纠纷,需发挥行政干预作用、健全纠纷解决机制以及正确引导舆论导向的结论.  相似文献   
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