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There are approximately one million cases oftype 1 diabetes in the US, and the incidenceis increasing worldwide. Given that two-thirdsof cases present in childhood, it is criticalthat prediction and prevention research involvechildren. In this article, I examine whethercurrent research methodologies conform to theethical guidelines enumerated by the NationalCommission for the Protection of Human Subjectsof Biomedical and Behavioral Research, andadopted into the federal regulations thatprotect research subjects. I then offer twopolicy recommendations to help researchersdesign studies that conform to these ethicalrequirements.  相似文献   
This essay explores the role of informal logicand its application in the context of currentdebates regarding evidence-based medicine. This aim is achieved through a discussion ofthe goals and objectives of evidence-basedmedicine and a review of the criticisms raisedagainst evidence-based medicine. Thecontributions to informal logic by StephenToulmin and Douglas Walton are explicated andtheir relevance for evidence-based medicine isdiscussed in relation to a common clinicalscenario: hypertension management. This essayconcludes with a discussion on the relationshipbetween clinical reasoning, rationality, andevidence. It is argued that informal logic hasthe virtue of bringing explicitness to the roleof evidence in clinical reasoning, and bringssensitivity to understanding the role ofdialogical context in the need for evidence inclinical decision making.  相似文献   
儒家人物关系论与现代生态伦理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
儒家的人物关系论是建立在对自然界必然性的认识基础上的。基于“天人合一”、“万物一体”的哲学基础,儒家提出了“仁民爱物”、“民胞物与”的人物关系原则。这对于建构现代生态伦理学、保护环境有重要的理论和实践价值。  相似文献   
Medicine, as Byron Good argues, reconstitutes thehuman body of our daily experience as a medical body,unfamiliar outside medicine. This reconstitution can be seen intwo ways: (i) as a salutary reminder of the extent to which thereality even of the human body is constructed; and (ii) as anarena for what Stephen Toulmin distinguishes as theintersection of natural science and history, in which many ofphilosophy's traditional (and traditionally abstract) questionsare given concrete and urgent form.This paper begins by examining a number of dualities between themedical body and the body familiar in daily experience. Toulmin's epistemological analysis of clinical medicine ascombining both universal and existential knowledge is thenconsidered. Their expression, in terms of attention,respectively, to natural science and to personal history, isexplored through the epistemological contrasts between themedical body and the familiar body, noting the traditionalphilosophical questions which they in turn illustrate.  相似文献   
While psychologists have been active faculty members in medical schools for over 85 years, they lacked organization on the national level until 1981. This history traces the background of psychology's involvement in medical schools, landmark events that affected the discipline, and progress since formal organization has occurred. Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost  相似文献   
This study discusses the results of a survey of 1,800 articles published in American medical journals from 1985--1996. The study finds 9% of these articles reported research that uses only male subjects to examine medical conditions that affect both sexes; the ratio of research on female to male conditions among these articles was greater than 5:1; but 76.5% of the articles reported research that includes both male and female subjects. The study also discusses evidence that sex biases against women (and men) are decreasing. This study also offers some possible psychological, institutional, medical, and economic explanations of the sex biases in medical research published in American journals, and discusses some policy implications of sex biases in medical research. The study concludes by urging others to conduct more empirical research on sex biases in medical research.  相似文献   
高等医学教育结构合理化是衡量医学教育发展水平的重要指标, 是研究和制定医学教育发展战略的科学依据。优化高等医学教育结构对促进社会经济发展、提高教育经济效益具有重要作用。对中美高等医学教育结构进行比较, 旨在发现, 两国医学教育结构存在的差异。通过比较发现, 我国高等医学教育存在布局不合理、专业设置紊乱、专业层次结构偏低等问题。需要加强国家宏观规划和监督, 发展西部医学教育, 调整医学教育布局, 优化专业层次结构, 提升医学人才综合素质的培养。  相似文献   


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