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医学伦理学概念之探究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
医学伦理学的概念看起来很简单,一般情况下人们便习以为常地接受了作为应用规范伦理学的一个分支的科学地位,而忽视了医学对医学伦理学所起的作用。本文认为:医学伦理学的具体内容是医学科技与伦理道德两因素相互作用的产物,对其相互作用的形式和产物的具体分析和总结便可构成这门学科的理论体系。  相似文献   
Assessment and treatment of covert self-injurious behavior are complicated because it is difficult to quantify and apply differential consequences to covert responses. In this study, both tangible and social reinforcers were identified using reinforcer assessment methods. These reinforcers were then provided contingent upon the absence of tissue damage identified during physical examinations, resulting in near 100% success in physical assessment checks that was maintained over 10 months.  相似文献   
In this paper, it is proposed that a) psychosocial medicine is best taught in a setting that provides technical and emotional support, while seizing for teaching only those moments when the learner is most receptive; and b) that the setting should avoid the development of a separate psychosocial skills curriculum, but should take the student where he or she is and integrate the psychosocial skills into his or her everyday biomedical practice. The paper gives specific case examples in which family based psychosocial issues were preeminent in the clinical problem-solving medical residents faced.  相似文献   
李琴 《管子学刊》2008,(3):16-19
在人类消费文化发展史上,有两本书的消费观点格外引人注目。分别是成书于我国先秦时期的《管子》和西方18世纪荷兰经济学家曼得维尔的《蜜蜂的预言》。撇开时间和空间的诸多差异,两书的消费思想竟有惊人的相似之处:它们都在一片尚俭声中主张适度消费,发挥消费对社会生产的积极作用;反对过度节俭,认为奢靡能增加社会财富、提供就业机会;两书虽是它们所处时代论述消费问题的开天辟地之作,却并未受重视,反而对后人产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
陈红 《伦理学研究》2006,(5):98-102
威尔逊通过社会生物学的研究,指出动物的社会行为有其生物学的基础。他认为人类的利他主义伦理也同样有着生物学基础,从而提出了以生物行为科学解释伦理本质的伦理观。社会生物学伦理观,是一座联接伦理学与自然科学的桥梁。当今时代,进一步深入研究社会生物学伦理观,对于完善伦理学的科学基础,对于如何恰当地开展社会伦理教育都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
总结分析了201 2年1月~2013年5月国外4种医学专业杂志(BMJ、JAMA、LANCET和NEJM)医学人文相关文章的发表情况,并与国内4种知名医学专业杂志(《中华医学杂志》、《中国实用内科杂志》、《中华内科杂志》和《中华外科杂志》)发表的医学人文类文章的情况进行对比分析,结果发现,国外医学专业杂志医学人文类文章比重较大,而且涉及的领域较广,包括医疗卫生政策管理、医学社会学、对患者及医生的人文关怀、医疗风险告知和医疗差错告知的文章.而国内与国外杂志相比存在较大差距.  相似文献   
从信息加工视角探究个体对医疗信息的风险感知过程, 通过医疗信息来源、医疗信息内容与呈现形式和信息加工主体三个方面归纳其影响因素, 并基于经验-分析式加工理论和字面-要义加工理论探讨医疗信息风险感知的认知机制。今后研究可更注重医疗信息风险感知的通用研究与特殊主题研究的平衡、风险感知测量工具的规范性与特异性的结合, 并立足于中国医疗体系建立具有循证依据的预防措施和配套政策。  相似文献   
LaFleur WR 《Zygon》2002,37(3):623-642
This essay argues that Japan's resistance to the practice of transplanting organs from persons deemed "brain dead" may not be the result, as some claim, of that society's religions being not yet sufficiently expressive of love and altruism. The violence to the body necessary for the excision of transplantable organs seems to have been made acceptable to American Christians at a unique historical "window of opportunity" for acceptance of that new form of medical technology. Traditional reserve about corpse mutilation had weakened and, especially as presented by the theologian Joseph Fletcher, organ donation was touted as both expressive of agape and a way of "updating" Christianity via the ethics of Utilitarianism. Many Japanese, largely Buddhist and Confucian in their orientation, view these changed valorizations as neither necessary nor patently more ethical than those of their own traditions.  相似文献   
"以病人为中心"医疗服务模式的理念与发展   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
纵观20世纪医疗服务的发展历程,医疗服务的发展经历了“以疾病为中心”的传统医疗服务模式到“以病人为中心”的新的医疗服务模式的转变;目前,以“以病人为中心”的医疗服务模式已经成为我国现代医院改革与发展的主题。因此,在阐述医疗服务模式变革与发展的基础上,系统论述了“以病人为中心”的医疗服务模式的内涵与特点,新的理念、新的认识,也带来了新的希望,新的医疗服务模式将不断地改善与提高人们的健康状况与生活质量。  相似文献   
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