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In response to concerns about the standards of training for non-medically qualified homeopathic practitioners, between 1999 and 2009 a number of UK universities taught Bachelor of Science (BSc) degrees in homeopathy. All the courses were subsequently closed following media coverage of a vigorous campaign from scientists against the degree courses. A boundary-work analysis of 65 articles published in the UK print media reveals the use of metaphors from a number of different fields as rhetorical strategies to malign homeopathy education. As well as the commonly used contrasts of profit versus academic integrity, rationality versus faith and logic versus magic, media reports associated homeopathy with new universities and Mickey Mouse degrees, both of which had been denigrated in the press previously. In the press coverage, much attention was also drawn to the fact that the method of repeatedly diluting homeopathic medicines defies both logic and common sense, and the plausibility argument became a decisive blow in the debate over the legitimacy of teaching homeopathy as a science degree. It seems that the boundary work sought to protect the authority of both science and medicine by expelling homeopathy from higher education. These findings contrast with previous studies that suggest that orthodox medicine has occasionally expanded to incorporate desirable aspects of complementary and alternative therapies. Scientists carry out boundary work not just to demarcate the boundaries of science and directly defend their own interests, but also to protect the authority of other allied professions.  相似文献   
语言转换是双语研究领域的焦点问题之一,抑制控制模型、语言特异性选择模型、任务设置惯性模型和序列难度效应模型从不同的角度解释了语言转换的认知机制。认知神经科学的一些研究发现,语言转换与任务转换具有类似的神经机制,说明语言转换代价与任务转换代价的本质可能是相同的。抑制控制和语言熟练程度如何影响语言的转换,语言转换代价与任务转换代价的本质是否相同,一般领域的抑制机制是否可以迁移到语言转换领域等问题是未来需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
执行控制研究的重要范式——任务切换   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
任务切换是当前研究执行控制的重要范式。被试完成切换任务要慢于完成重复任务,并且往往有更高的错误率,这种差异称为切换损失。该文对此领域的研究进行了回顾,介绍了任务切换研究范式的发展,重点阐述了对切换损失来源的三种主要解释:任务重建、联结竞争和任务设置的惯性;指出任务切换与其他范式的结合是更深入地了解执行控制的可行途径。最后进行了简要的总结与展望。  相似文献   
This paper describes a developmental psychotherapy undertaken with a physically disabled latency boy, with a background of significant developmental deficits and multiple psychological trauma, diagnosed by CAMHS as being on the autistic spectrum. Using an assessment framework following Anna Freud’s conceptualisation of developmental lines, pathology as a deviation from the norm was formulated. Assessments using standard psychological tests were made at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of his therapy, in order to study the changes in his personality development. Standard assessment findings were also used to portray the fragmentation of the boy’s psyche in a concrete fashion, in order to facilitate his re-integration.  相似文献   
关于“医学检验”向“检验医学”转变的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“医学检验”伴随着临床化学、临床血液学、临床微生物学、临床免疫学、临床分子诊断学等学科的发展,进一步走向深化与细化。然而检验与临床之间隔阂愈演愈烈的现状,显示出还原论指导思想下的“医学检验”模式将难以适应现代医学的发展趋势,进而向着以系统论为哲学指导思想的“检验医学”模式的转变,其间正经历着一场由还原论到系统论、再实现还原论与系统论辩证统一的演化过程。  相似文献   
诺贝尔生理与医学奖是生命科学领域声誉最高的一个奖项,获得者的多少常被作为衡量一个国家科技实力的一项指标.至今,亚洲的科学家仅有1人获得了该项荣誉,但是已经有多名科学家获得了提名,通过描述从1901年到1951年之间诺贝尔生理与医学奖的提名情况来评价亚洲的医学地位.  相似文献   
构建医患会话的合作原则   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对门诊医患会话的现场调查,发现经典的合作原则并不完全适用于门诊医患会话。这是因为医患会话中医生和患者之间存在着信息和权势两方面的不对称。为了适应新型的医患关系,在经典合作原则的基础上构建了医患会话的合作原则,以期规范和指导现实的医患会话。  相似文献   
医疗活动本身存在着不确定性和相对确定性一对内在矛盾,由不确定性引发的医疗过失等是影响病人安全的主要因素。在目前以医院为管理主体的前提下,建立医院内部风险基金制度,提高医务人员的执业风险意识,减少医疗过失的发生,是保障病人安全的一种尝试。  相似文献   
结核病控制应加强机构间协作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结核病控制工作是一个需要公共卫生机构与医疗机构密切协作的艰巨任务。然而,长期以来两者之间工作目标的不一致,已经影响了结核病人的转诊和有效管理。从组织学的角度探讨两者之间的关系的现状、现有结核病控制制度的作用有限性和组织创新的必要性,并对建立两者之间良好的关系,促进结核病控制工作提出了建议。  相似文献   
对构筑和谐处理医疗纠纷事件模式的初步探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当今社会医患矛盾日益突出,尤其在发生医疗纠纷时,存在着患方冲击医院的现象,医院迫切需要和谐处理医疗纠纷事件的参考模式,与政府倡导的和谐社会理念接轨。对和谐处理医疗纠纷模式方面作一初步的探索,包括人性化的处理流程,院方相关处理、接待人员应具备的素质、心态及处理时的注意事项等,与同仁共同探讨。  相似文献   
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