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McNorgan C  Reid J  McRae K 《Cognition》2011,(2):211-233
Research suggests that concepts are distributed across brain regions specialized for processing information from different sensorimotor modalities. Multimodal semantic models fall into one of two broad classes differentiated by the assumed hierarchy of convergence zones over which information is integrated. In shallow models, communication within- and between-modality is accomplished using either direct connectivity, or a central semantic hub. In deep models, modalities are connected via cascading integration sites with successively wider receptive fields. Four experiments provide the first direct behavioral tests of these models using speeded tasks involving feature inference and concept activation. Shallow models predict no within-modal versus cross-modal difference in either task, whereas deep models predict a within-modal advantage for feature inference, but a cross-modal advantage for concept activation. Experiments 1 and 2 used relatedness judgments to tap participants’ knowledge of relations for within- and cross-modal feature pairs. Experiments 3 and 4 used a dual-feature verification task. The pattern of decision latencies across Experiments 1–4 is consistent with a deep integration hierarchy.  相似文献   
蔡艳  丁树良  涂冬波 《心理科学》2011,34(2):272-277
本研究尝试将认知诊断技术应用于中学生英语阅读问题解决(ERPS),以实现对中学生英语阅读问题解决的认知诊断,探讨中学生英语阅读问题解决的认知发展特点及其所存在的问题,为中学生的相关认知发展和知识获取服务。研究发现:(1)基于文本表征和反应决策两个加工过程中的七个认知属性是影响中学生ERPS的主要认知成分(R2=0.792);(2)中学生对于文本表征加工过程所涉及的属性的掌握情况优于反应决策加工过程所涉及的属性,学生所面临的主要困主要难于在反应决策加工阶段;(3)对不同属性掌握情况上存在显著的学校类型差异。(4)学生认知掌握状态的类型主要集中在15种(占73%),最多的三种为(1111011)、(1111110)和(1111101)(占34%)。总体来说,学生的属性掌握还是比较好的。相对地,对推理、信息匹配和正确选项的加工水平三个属性掌握较差,应引起重视。  相似文献   
通过问卷调查探索不同人群对留守儿童问题行为的认知差异。对五个年级的265名学生及其班级任课教师、监护人及社会一般人群进行问卷团体施测。结果显示:不同人群对留守儿童问题行为认知差异极其显著,其中教师与家长评价最低,一般人群评价次之,学生自评最好;不同群体均认为留守儿童男性问题行为严重于女性;对留守男性儿童,教师评价最低,对留守女性儿童,儿童自评最好;年级主效应极其显著,即随年级增高,问题行为评价越严重。  相似文献   
Jung's work is fundamentally an experience, not an idea. From this perspective, I attempt to bridge conference, consulting room and living psyche by considering the influence of the 'Red Book' on clinical practice through the subtle and imaginal. Jung's journey as a man broadens out to have relevance for women. His story is individual but its archetypal foundation finds parallel expression in analytic practice today.  相似文献   
Aims: This study surveys the childhood experiences of treatment‐seeking young adult offspring of problem drinkers (AOPDs) and their psychological state at treatment baseline. Methods: Clients (N=502) entering a Danish nationwide treatment facility for young AOPDS completed the survey. Clients completed the Adult Children of Alcoholics Trauma Inventory, The Family Tree Questionnaire, the CORE–OM 34, Major Depression Inventory, and the Work and Social Adjustment Scale at treatment start. Results: A total of 48% of the clients' mothers and 75% of the clients' fathers were problem drinkers. Both parents were problem drinkers in 25% of cases, and 27% had at least one problem drinking stepparent. Mothers had on average drunk during 11.4 years of the clients' childhood (0–18 years). Fathers had on average drunk during 13.4 years; 46% knew or believed that at least one of their parents suffered from a psychiatric illness; 44% reported physical violence; 63% reported psychological abuse; and 38% had not spoken to anyone about their family's problem. A further 20% had only spoken to a parent or sibling. Conclusions/implications: The study highlights the high degree of variation in AOPD clients' childhood experiences and in their levels of distress, corresponding with studies of non clinical samples. The study offers a bleak image of the extent of parental drinking and of other negative factors in these clients' childhood homes, coupled with the finding that clients have often not spoken to others about their parents' drinking. Mentioning parental drinking to a counsellor is thus a potentially highly significant counselling event, demanding counsellor sensitivity and attention.  相似文献   
Career counselling aims to help clients become more effective agents in solving problems in their vocational aspects of life. To achieve this goal, theorists and practitioners are called upon to form useful helping approaches that can help clients in a more efficient and effective manner. This article proposes an alternative model toward this end by considering and adopting principles and techniques from the solution-focused therapy in career counselling practice. After a very brief introduction of the basic features of the solution-focused counselling, the paper reviews some key theoretical principles of the solution-focused therapy, and connects these principles to career counselling context. It then illustrates several solution-focused counselling techniques that are particularly applicable to career counselling intervention.  相似文献   
Results from nine experiments were analyzed to evaluate the relationship between relative problem completion rates (RPCR) and judgments of time involving mathematics assignments. For each experiment, control assignments contained only target mathematics computation or word problems. Matched experimental assignments contained similar target problems with additional, briefer problems interspersed after every third target problem. After working on each assignment for the same amount of time, students selected the assignment that they judged would require the least or most amount of time to complete. Regression analysis revealed a significant linear relationship between RPCR (i.e., PCR on experimental assignments/PCR on control assignments) and time perceptions (r=.97). As RPCR increased, the percentage of students judging the experimental assignments as being less time consuming increased proportionally. Discussion focuses on application of time perception theories to educational settings.  相似文献   
The use of an adult as a resource for help and instruction in a problem solving situation was examined in 9, 14, and 18‐month‐old infants. Infants were placed in various situations ranging from a simple means‐end task where a toy was placed beyond infants' prehensile space on a mat, to instances where an attractive toy was placed inside closed transparent boxes that were more or less difficult for the child to open. The experimenter gave hints and modelled the solution each time the infant made a request (pointing, reaching, or showing a box to the experimenter), or if the infant was unable to solve the problem. Infants' success on the problems, sensitivity to the experimenter's modelling, and communicative gestures (requests, co‐occurrence of looking behaviour and requests) were analysed. Results show that older infants had better success in solving problems although they exhibited difficulties in solving the simple means‐end task compared to the younger infants. Moreover, 14‐ and 18‐month‐olds were sensitive to the experimenter's modelling and used her demonstration cues to solve problems. By contrast, 9‐month‐olds did not show such sensitivity. Finally, 9‐month‐old infants displayed significantly fewer communicative gestures toward the adult compared to the other age groups, although in general, all infants tended to increase their frequency of requests as a function of problem difficulty. These observations support the idea that during the first half of the second year infants develop a new collaborative stance toward others. The stance is interpreted as foundational to teaching and instruction, two mechanisms of social learning that are sometime considered as specifically human. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present study examined two approaches to teaching social behaviors to 3 developmentally disabled youths in work contexts. In one approach, a problem-solving procedure was learned and transferred to different materials. Conversational probes monitored interactions between disabled employees and their co-workers and customers. A multiple baseline design demonstrated that the training produced generalization and maintenance of the targeted social behaviors to the work settings. A second approach based on a role-playing intervention produced no substantial generalization in the work setting. A social validation questionnaire administered to co-workers supported the efficacy of the problem-solving training procedure. The efficacy of social problem-solving training was discussed in terms of sufficient exemplars, common stimuli, and self-mediations.  相似文献   
Incentive theory: IV. Magnitude of reward   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Incentive theory is successfully applied to data from experiments in which the amount of food reward is varied. This is accomplished by assuming that incentive value is a negatively accelerated function of reward duration. The interaction of the magnitude of a reward with its delay is confirmed, and the causes and implications of this interaction are discussed.  相似文献   
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