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Abstract: The objective of this study was to identify the reminders that facilitate prospective memory. A total of 64 participants were either provided with three types of reminders for a prospective memory task (to circle a question number when prescribed target words appear) during the retention interval, or not reminded of the task. In addition, an articulatory suppression task was imposed halfway through the test phase to examine whether verbal rehearsal is related to the effects of the reminders. The reminders that referred to the intended activity (to circle the number) did not improve prospective memory. However, both of the reminders that notified that there was something to do and the reminders that referred to the target events (the prescribed words) improved prospective memory. Imposing the suppression task abolished the benefit of the former, but not that of the latter. This result suggests that only the effect of the reminders that referred to the existence of intention is mediated by verbal rehearsal. These data imply that there are some differences in the functions of these reminders.  相似文献   
On the basis of a domain‐specific theory of self‐esteem, it was hypothesized that functionally distinct domains of self‐esteem would predict aggression differentially. Participants completed self‐report measures of self‐perceived superiority, mate value, social inclusion, and global self‐esteem, as well as of aggression. Self‐assessed mate value emerged as a reliable, positive predictor, and social inclusion as a reliable inverse predictor, of self‐reported hostility and aggression. In a subsequent laboratory experiment, in which participants had an opportunity to aggress against the source of positive or negative feedback about a personal essay that they had written, mate value again predicted increased aggression, whereas global self‐esteem predicted decreased aggression. These main effects were moderated by the feedback manipulation, such that their respective simple effects were only present among participants that received negative feedback. Aggr. Behav. 00:1–11, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Using consensual qualitative research methodology and being mindful of both challenges and successes, the authors explored diverse students’ experiences with higher education. The authors used semistructured interviews with 7 students with racial/ethnic minority backgrounds to investigate the circumstances under which these students decided to attend college and experienced success. Multiple factors that were reported to contribute to students’ college attendance and success emerged, including individual factors, psychological factors, social factors, and cultural/environmental factors. Utilizando una metodología de investigación cualitativa consensuada y teniendo en cuenta tanto los desafíos como los éxitos, los autores exploraron las experiencias de estudiantes diversos en la educación superior. Los autores usaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con 7 estudiantes de minorías raciales/étnicas para investigar las circunstancias en las que estos estudiantes decidieron cursar estudios universitarios y tuvieron éxito. Surgieron múltiples factores reportados que contribuyeron a la asistencia y al éxito de los estudiantes en la universidad, incluyendo factores individuales, factores psicológicos, factores sociales y factores culturales/del entorno.  相似文献   
李雪  郑涌 《心理科学进展》2019,27(10):1743-1757
外貌吸引力对亲密关系的建立和发展发挥着不可忽视的作用。由于高外貌吸引力个体被认为具有更多的社会理想特质和更优良的基因, 因此被视为具有更高的配偶价值, 从而有效地促进亲密关系的建立。然而在亲密关系发展中, 由于不匹配的外貌吸引力引起低外貌吸引力伴侣采取一系列的伴侣保留、嫉妒、侮辱和性强迫行为, 从而加速亲密关系的破裂。也有研究指出高外貌吸引力男性可能不具有良好的基因, 而女性也不会在繁殖高峰期偏爱高外貌吸引力男性。“美的就是好的”的看法正在受到质疑, 研究结果也已引发了诸多争议和分歧, 相关的直接证据亦有待进一步夯实。  相似文献   
Experimental evidence has linked increased arousal to enhanced memory retention. There is also evidence that procedures reducing arousal, i.e., mental relaxation, might improve memory, but conflicting results have been reported. To clarify this issue, we studied the effects of a single session of relaxation training on incidental visual long-term memory. Thirty-two relaxation-naive subjects viewed 280 slides without being told that there would be subsequent memory testing. Afterwards, subjects listened to a 12 min relaxation tape; 16 subjects relaxed by following the instructions (relaxation group), and the other 16 subjects pressed a button whenever a body part was mentioned (control group). While listening to the relaxation tape, high frequency heart rate variability (HRV) was greater and low frequency HRV was lower in the relaxation group, implying effective relaxation and increasing parasympathetic activation. The relaxation group had superior memory retention 4 weeks later (p = .004), indicating enhancement of long-term memory performance. This effect could not be explained by retroactive interference experienced in the control group because short-term memory performance immediately after the tape was slightly better in the control group. Retention of materials acquired after the relaxation session remained unaffected, suggesting relaxation has retrograde effects on memory consolidation. Our data demonstrate a favorable influence of relaxation on at least this aspect of learning. Our data also extend previous knowledge on the beneficial effects of ascending parasympathetic stimulation on memory retention in that enhanced long-term memory consolidation may also occur in the presence of central and descending parasympathetic activation triggered by willful psychomotor activity.  相似文献   
Transgender people provide a unique opportunity to examine the effect of biological sex versus gender identity on mating preferences. This study aimed at identifying the mate characteristics that are most and least valued by transgender people and at examining to what extent their biological sex or their gender identity determined their mate preferences. A convenience sample of 134 male‐to‐female (MTF) and 94 female‐to‐male (FTM) individuals from Argentina rated Buss's list of 18 mate attributes. Compared to FTM, MTF individuals placed significantly more emphasis on attractiveness and socioeconomic status, whereas FTM, more than MTF individuals, valued partners with a dependable character. Although biological sex differences were present in both groups, providing support to the evolutionary theory, MTF individuals valued the same characteristics as both biological male and female individuals do.  相似文献   
Overall on-road driving skill is a cumulated acquisition of driving skills learned during training period and furthered tempered with post-licensing driving exposure on the roads. Training serves to develop a person’s basic driving skills to operate safely on the roads at first, while subsequent on-road driving hones the driving skills further. Inactivity from on-road driving can result in deterioration of driving skills. Particularly for the case of inactivity immediately following licensure, which is not uncommon in Singapore, the learned skills can degrade rapidly. This research aims to examine the effect of driving inactivity on the learned driving skill, i.e. lateral positioning control, specifically for young-inexperienced drivers. A series of experiments were conducted on a driving simulator for different subject groups involving active driver, novice driver (freshly-licensed driver), inactive driver (never ever drive upon licensure), and no licence subjects. The participants drove through a stretch of expressway under free-flow conditions, and lane positioning control was monitored. It is found that without on-road driving exposure, driving skills like maintenance of lane positioning control in terms of lane wandering and lane encroachment may deteriorate after some periods of inactivity, i.e. 3 months. The deterioration varies at different rate, with faster deterioration for more complex tasks. The skills level can regress close to un-trained level for complex driving tasks. The findings also suggest that on-road driving exposure is needed to not only retain but also to improve the lane positioning control skills.  相似文献   
男性监控配偶、配偶不贞与精子竞争的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Valerie   G.   Starratt  Todd   K.   Shackelford  Aaron   T.   Goetz  William   F.   McKibbin 《心理学报》2007,39(3):523-527
精子竞争是指同一女性产道中两个或两个以上男人的精子相互竞争卵子的过程。女性得到社会承认的性伙伴可能因精子竞争失败而损失惨重,因为女性私通可能引起男性投资于不携带自己基因的后代。过去研究表明进化而来的男性配偶监控策略可以防止女性不贞,减少精子竞争失败的危险。当前研究发现男性与配偶进行性行为后离别时间越久,男性就越采取出其不意地打电话、独占配偶时间、威胁对配偶感兴趣的男性等手段来监控配偶  相似文献   
Sex differences in the extent of mate search were investigated using two sequential choice processes. In Study 1, attribute search, prior to choosing a mate or rejecting two competing mates, for either a short‐ or long‐term relationship, was explored. Men (women) seeking short‐term relationships were the least (most) likely to reject both suitors. Men acquired a greater number of attributes prior to rejecting mates. The length of the relationship solely affected men's search behaviors. Study 2 utilized a nested sequential model namely participants decided how many suitors to sample prior to choosing a short‐term mate, and how many attributes to acquire on each sampled suitor. Women sampled a greater number of suitors prior to choosing a mate. Biological sex was found to be a greater moderator of mate search than were three personality traits linked to search. Across both studies less information was acquired prior to rejecting versus choosing a mate. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A total of 82 Chinese 11- and 12-year-olds with and without dyslexia were tested on four paired associate learning (PAL) tasks, phonological awareness, morphological awareness, rapid naming, and verbal short-term memory in three different experiments. Experiment 1 demonstrated that children with dyslexia were significantly poorer in visual-verbal PAL than nondyslexic children but that these groups did not differ in visual-visual PAL performance. In Experiment 2, children with dyslexia had more difficulties in transferring rules to new stimuli in a rule-based visual-verbal PAL task as compared with children without dyslexia. Long-term retention of PAL was not impaired in dyslexic children across either experiment. In Experiment 3, rates of visual-verbal PAL deficits among children with dyslexia were all at or above 39%, the highest among all cognitive deficits tested. Moreover, rule-based visual-verbal PAL, in addition to morphological awareness and rapid naming ability, uniquely distinguished children with and without dyslexia even with other metalinguistic skills statistically controlled. Results underscore the importance of visual-verbal PAL for understanding reading impairment in Chinese children.  相似文献   
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