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应激干预对不同行为类型大学生心率血压手指温度的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
探讨应激干预对心率、血压、手指温度的影响及不同行为类型的差异。被试为河北师范大学本科生72人(A、B型各36人),应激干预为音乐放松、腹式呼吸和静坐休息,实验包括基线期-干预期-应激期-恢复期四个阶段,在观看紧张性影片前进行应激前干预,记录被试的心率、血压、手指温度。结果发现,就缓解应激所产生的交感神经活动增强来说,音乐放松效果较好,腹式呼吸也明显优于自然休息;行为类型(A、B)和应激干预大多表现出来交互作用;个体生理反应的性别差异与生理指标有关,基线值的性别差异较大时,男女生的生理数据不宜混合在一起,基线值相差不大时,可以用相对值(如变化值或变化率)进行统计处理。说明行为类型(A、B)对于应激而言是一种微调变量,在自然休息状态或者低应激水平下作用更明显,应激水平较高时,行为类型的调节作用会显著降低;不同应激干预适用不同行为类型个体  相似文献   
We recapitulate (Section 1) some basic details of the system of implicative BCSK logic, which has two primitive binary implicational connectives, and which can be viewed as a certain fragment of the modal logic S5. From this modal perspective we review (Section 2) some results according to which the pure sublogic in either of these connectives (i.e., each considered without the other) is an exact replica of the material implication fragment of classical propositional logic. In Sections 3 and 5 we show that for the pure logic of one of these implicational connectives two – in general distinct – consequence relations (global and local) definable in the Kripke semantics for modal logic turn out to coincide, though this is not so for the pure logic of the other connective, and that there is an intimate relation between formulas constructed by means of the former connective and the local consequence relation. (Corollary 5.8. This, as we show in an Appendix, is connected to the fact that the ‘propositional operations’ associated with both of our implicational connectives are close to being what R. Quackenbush has called pattern functions.) Between these discussions Section 4 examines some of the replacement-of-equivalents properties of the two connectives, relative to these consequence relations, and Section 6 closes with some observations about the metaphor of identical twins as applied to such pairs of connectives.  相似文献   
Aerobic exercise has broad cognitive benefits. One target of interest is enhanced memory. The present study explored pattern separation as a specific memory process that could be sensitive to acute and regular exercise and clinically significant for disorders (e.g., depression) characterized by cognitive-affective deficits and hippocampal impairment. In a within-subjects design, participants (N = 69) attended two visits during which they repeated a behavioral pattern separation task at rest and after an activity (cycling, stretching). Regular exercise habits, demographics, mood and anxiety symptoms, and recognition memory capacity were also measured. More regular exercise predicted better resting pattern separation, t(62) = 2.13, b = 1.74, p = .037. Age moderated this effect, t(61) = 2.35, b = .25, p = .02; exercise most strongly predicted performance among middle-age participants. There was no main effect of activity condition on post-activity performance, t(61) = .67, p = .51. However, with significant heterogeneity in reported mood symptoms and regular exercise habits, there was a three-way interaction between condition, regular exercise, and depression, t(55) = 2.08, b = .22, p = .04. Relative to stretching, cycling appears to have enhanced the benefit of regular exercise for pattern separation performance; however, this was evident among participants with mild to no symptoms of depression, but absent among participants with moderate to severe symptoms. Results have implications for how exercise might protect against declines in pattern separation. Future research should explore exercise’s potential as a prevention tool or early intervention for pattern separation and related clinical outcomes.  相似文献   
Research suggests that people's aversion towards pattern deviancy—distortions of repeated forms or models—contributes to social phenomena, such as prejudice. Yet, the factors motivating pattern deviancy aversion remain unclear. Potentially, anxious attachment, as it entails hypervigilant detection of and reactivity to social inconsistency and unreliability, heightens pattern deviancy aversion. In Studies 1 (= 137) and 2 (= 102), anxious but not avoidant attachment predicted aversion towards broken patterns of geometric shapes. In Studies 3 (= 310) and 4 (= 470), experimentally inducing anxious versus avoidant and secure attachment (Study 3), and versus a neutral prime (Study 4), heightened pattern deviancy aversion. Controlling for participants’ aversion towards unbroken patterns, novel objects, and negative stimuli did not change these results. Our findings demonstrate that anxious attachment is one antecedent of pattern deviancy aversion, and suggest that pattern deviancy aversion may underlie links between anxious attachment and certain social phenomena.  相似文献   
乳腺癌是女性最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,现代治疗模式已经广泛应用于临床。近年来,随着循证医学和基因相关技术及生物信息技术的不断发展,乳腺癌治疗方法得到不断改进,但远没有达到系统化、个体化、最优化的治疗目的。因此,现有的治疗模式值得我们去深思,并从哲学意义上探索更为完善的治疗模式。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT— Recent advancements in imaging methods and analysis approaches have provided important insights about the neural bases of object recognition. We address the potential limitations of standard functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and discuss methodological advancements, including fMRI-adaptation, pattern analyses, and high-resolution fMRI, that may be more appropriate for studying object and face representations. fMRI-adaptation and high-resolution fMRI measure responses of neural subpopulations within standard fMRI voxels, and pattern analyses examine the information in the distributed activations across voxels, which may differ from the mean response across these voxels. These methods have provided evidence for a multitude of representations across the human ventral stream that provide empirical constraints for cognitive theories of recognition.  相似文献   
在新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的诊疗中,乃至儿科疾病的防治中,应注重调节好矛盾的两方面,理论与实践的结合.医患双方处理好知情同意,避免诊疗中的过度医疗,对于建立积极主动的、和谐信任的医患互动模式非常重要.这也体现了双方对新生命的最大的珍惜和尊重.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT— We propose that people protect the belief in a controlled, nonrandom world by imbuing their social, physical, and metaphysical environments with order and structure when their sense of personal control is threatened. We demonstrate that when personal control is threatened, people can preserve a sense of order by (a) perceiving patterns in noise or adhering to superstitions and conspiracies, (b) defending the legitimacy of the sociopolitical institutions that offer control, or (c) believing in an interventionist God. We also present evidence that these processes of compensatory control help people cope with the anxiety and discomfort that lacking personal control fuels, that it is lack of personal control specifically and not general threat or negativity that drives these processes, and that these various forms of compensatory control are ultimately substitutable for one another. Our model of compensatory control offers insight into a wide variety of phenomena, from prejudice to the idiosyncratic rituals of professional athletes to societal rituals around weddings, graduations, and funerals.  相似文献   
K .K.Tatsuoka和她同事开发的规则空间模型(RSM)是一种在国内外有较大影响的认知诊断模型,但是Tatsuoka的RSM中 矩阵理论存在缺陷和错误,这些失误使得RSM中用布尔描述函数(BDF)计算被试理想项目反应模式(IRP)的方法缺乏理论依据。这里揭示了Tatsuoka的 矩阵理论的缺陷和错误并引进既不使用BDF又便于应用的计算IRP的方法;接着还介绍一种由可达阵计算简化 阵的方法,该方法显示了可达阵在构造认知诊断测验的重要性。这些结果对丰富 矩阵理论及正确使用RSM进行认知诊断有一定的意义  相似文献   
采用Rosellberg自尊量表、EMBU、大学生价值观问卷、自编"大学生人际关系主观因素问卷"及"人际关系质量量表"为工具,对1,137名本科生进行调查,以探讨大学生自尊、价值观、父母教养方式及人际关系的主观因素与大学生人际关系质量的关系.结果表明,父母教养方式、价值观与自尊对人际关系质量的直接效应很低,它们对人际关系质量的影响要以人际关系的主观因素为中介.因此,要构建大学生和谐人际关系,应特别重视影响其人际关系质量的主观因素教育.  相似文献   
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