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Altered very low-frequency electroencephalographic (VLF-EEG) activity is an endophenotype of ADHD in children and adolescents. We investigated VLF-EEG case-control differences in adult samples and the effects of methylphenidate (MPH). A longitudinal case-control study was conducted examining the effects of MPH on VLF-EEG (.02–0.2 Hz) during a cued continuous performance task. 41 untreated adults with ADHD and 47 controls were assessed, and 21 cases followed up after MPH treatment, with a similar follow-up for 38 controls (mean follow-up = 9.4 months). Cases had enhanced frontal and parietal VLF-EEG and increased omission errors. In the whole sample, increased parietal VLF-EEG correlated with increased omission errors. After controlling for subthreshold comorbid symptoms, VLF-EEG case-control differences and treatment effects remained. Post-treatment, a time by group interaction emerged; VLF-EEG and omission errors reduced to the same level as controls, with decreased inattentive symptoms in cases. Reduced VLF-EEG following MPH treatment provides preliminary evidence that changes in VLF-EEG may relate to MPH treatment effects on ADHD symptoms; and that VLF-EEG may be an intermediate phenotype of ADHD. Further studies of the treatment effect of MPH in larger controlled studies are required to formally evaluate any causal link between MPH, VLF-EEG and ADHD symptoms.  相似文献   
医疗救助作为保障贫困人群健康权的最后一道防线,在世界各国均备受关注.各国因国情的不同,医疗救助模式也大有不同.为进一步完善我国医疗救助制度,从救助对象的选择、救助项目、筹资及运作方式几个方面对中美两国医疗救助进行了比较分析.发现中美两国的医疗救助在救助对象的选择、救助项目、筹资及运作方式方面有所不同,而这些不同给我国医疗救助制度、模式乃至理念带来很多可借鉴之处,推动我国进一步完善医疗救助制度.  相似文献   
Are longer trips more strenuous or unpleasant than shorter ones? This paper examines this question using data from the American Time Use Survey’s well-being module, which queried individuals about the extent to which they felt happiness, pain, sadness, stress, and fatigue during three randomly selected daily activities. Over 22,000 instances of individuals traveling are observed, including their trip duration, mode, purpose, and demographic and geographic information. Each emotion, plus a constructed, composite mood variable, is regressed on trip duration. Overall, the relationship between trip duration and traveler mood is not strong, which is unsurprising given prior findings on the limited impact of activities on mood. However, there is a statistically significant and negative association between trip duration and mood, primarily because of rising stress, fatigue and sadness on long trips. This is particularly true for drivers, while negative emotions do not rise with increasing trip duration for auto passengers. This suggests strain rises as the result of operating the vehicle for long periods, not traveling in an auto per se. Long bicycle trips are more painful than shorter ones, probably due to the physical demands of the mode, and long train trips are associated with less sadness. For commutes, long trips significantly degrade the mood of both drivers and bus riders, in the latter case probably due in part to vehicle crowding and standing. The findings imply that reducing the duration of trips, for example through land use policies that reduce trip distances, or congestion reduction, would have emotional benefits. Policies to promote ridesharing instead of solo driving for long trips may increase traveler mood in the aggregate. Improving bus service or substituting rail for bus for long commute trips may also improve traveler mood.  相似文献   
Previous studies reported a space–time congruency effect on response time, supporting the notion that people's thinking about time is grounded in their spatial sensorimotor experience. According to a strong view of metaphoric mapping, the congruency effect should be larger for responses that differ in their spatial features than for responses that lack such differences. In contrast, a weaker version of this account posits that the grounding of time is based on higher-level spatial concepts. In this case, response mode should not modulate the size of the space–time congruency effect. In order to assess these predictions, participants in this study responded to temporal stimuli either manually or vocally. Response mode did not modulate the space–time congruency effect which supports the weaker view of metaphoric mapping suggesting that this effect emerges at a higher cognitive level.  相似文献   


经过近二十年的积累,我国医事法学的人才培养在很多方面取得了长足的进展。全国有50余所高校开设了该专业方向,实现了从专科生到研究生的宽跨度培养。培养既懂医又懂法,且能在相关机构从事与医疗卫生活动相关的立法、司法与执法工作的复合型人才成为各院校共同的培养目标。包括医学基础课、法学基础课和专业特色课在内的理论课与包括医学实习和法学实践在内的实践课构成了医事法学的课程体系。从事医事法学研究的文献逐年增多。一支专业的师资队伍正在形成。  相似文献   
The Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT) is widely used in research contexts to measure the extent to which participants (children or adults) report specific or general memories in response to cue words. Recalling fewer specific and more general memories (overgeneral memory) has been shown to be linked to depression in adults, but findings for youth, in particular, are mixed. Different versions of the AMT may be one contributing factor, yet this issue has received little research attention. The current study investigated the influence of reporting mode (written vs. spoken) on the specificity, length, and content of memories provided by 8- to 10-year-old children (N?=?48). No significant differences were found in the number of specific responses given in the written and spoken modes. On the other hand, the spoken mode elicited longer and more detailed memories, although most content differences were eliminated when memory length was controlled. These findings suggest that different reporting modes can influence the nature of the memories reported, but the absolute differences are relatively small.  相似文献   
This study reexamined the organization of Young’s 18 early maladaptive schemas and their hypothesized associations with experiences of need-thwarting parental experiences in childhood and the “vulnerable child” mode of emotional distress in adulthood. A large Danish sample (N = 1054) of 658 clinical- and 391 nonclinical adults completed measures of early maladaptive schemas, parenting styles, and the vulnerable child mode. We identified four higher-order schema domains as most appropriate in terms of interpretability and empirical indices (“Disconnection & Rejection”, “Impaired Autonomy & Performance”, “Excessive Responsibility & Standards”, and “Impaired Limits”). All four schema domains were differentially associated with conceptually relevant need-thwarting parental experiences. Apart from “Impaired Limits”, the schema domains meaningfully accounted for the association between need-thwarting parental experiences in childhood and emotional states of feeling like a “vulnerable child” in adulthood. We conclude that four domains of early maladaptive schemas are empirically and conceptually consistent with Young’s schema therapy model of personality pathology and longstanding emotional disorders. Findings warrant replication using different populations and if possible a prospective multi-method design. A scoring key for computing the four schema domains is provided.  相似文献   
李稚  朱春红 《心理科学进展》2021,29(9):1561-1575
随着互联网飞跃发展, 弹幕视频应运而生。这种新型的用户与视频交互方式具有新特性, 如用户情感表达实时动态性、情感分布多峰性。同时, 新特性也给实际研究工作带来挑战, 如用户画像刻画难度增大, 视频推荐和广告推送所需精度提高。现有研究尚未对弹幕视频的新特性进行深入分析, 也没有充分挖掘其本身所蕴含的学术研究价值。本文利用深度学习、自然语言处理技术、系统动力学方法, 结合心理学、市场营销学等多学科交叉前沿知识, 从数据驱动角度对弹幕视频数据进行分析和建模, 深度挖掘视频大数据潜在的商业价值。重点研究弹幕与视频双模态融合的情感识别方法; 构建带有用户情感特征的动态用户画像, 并建立基于用户画像的网络视频粘性营销机制; 分析用户情感与视频广告插播方式的相关性, 提出视频广告动态插播策略。丰富现有研究的同时, 为网络视频企业准确定位与分析用户需求, 创建高品质的智能营销平台供理论与决策支持。  相似文献   
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